Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 827: Not long eyes

Qiu Wanjinpi smiled and said, "Hehe, Tianhuo is mine. Whoever wants to sell it is sold to anyone. Is this against the cold environment law?"

The law did not violate, but it violated the rules of convention.

Since the auction is held, it will be carried out according to the rules of the auction, and in the end it will become a personal preference.

Does he have any respect for those who come to participate in the auction?

Lin Haonan took out 20 billion cold coins with pride and gave it to Qiu Wanjin, saying: "Qiu is the master, don't pay attention to those who are anxious and corrupt! I have seen more people who have no ability to complain."

"The old man has done business in his life. Who hasn't seen it? A little bit of slander, it's hard to move the heart of the old man." Qiu Wanjin twisted his horoscope and smiled and received 20 billion cold coins: "Tianhuo body, you can come with me Go get it."

Lin Haonan was excited, and 20 billion yuan bought mid-range top-grade fire, fearing that even the old fellows of the Lin family had not expected it.

Taken back this time, it is inevitable to be rewarded by the family.

"Okay, let's go now." Lin Haonan couldn't wait.

Qiu Wanjin hesitated and said: "But Master Wu is still on the way, or wait?"

Lin Haonan patted his head: "Look at me and almost forgot Master Wu, then we will be patient and so on."

Qiu Wanjin lowered his heart and looked at the representatives of the powers who were not very good-looking. Qiu Wanjin apologized without sincerity: "Sorry everyone, Tianhuo has finished the auction. Please come back."

Although they were dissatisfied with what Qiu Wanjin did, even without this, Tianhuo did not fall into their hands, so there was not much loss actually.

Therefore, they all stood up and left.

But as soon as they came downstairs, they quickly walked downstairs to a middle-aged man.

He gasped slightly, his black armor was too late to take off, and he could be seen in a hurry.

"Why are you all gone, has Skyfire sold out?" the caller asked.

"Wu Wanxiaoqi?" The representative of the Liu family recognized him, Shi Li said: "It is a pity that it has been sold out."

The visitor was Wu Xiong, with a trace of regret: "I'm late!"

He was summoned by the commander-in-chief to discuss something about southern Xinjiang, so he was late.

Unexpectedly, just half an hour late, the auction ended.

"Haha, it's not too late! Master Wu is willing to appreciate his face, and this auction is open to Master Wu at any time." Qiu Wanjin greeted warmly, separated everyone, and greeted him.

Wu Xiong looked at Qiu Wanjin with an unfamiliar look: "Your Excellency?"

Qiu Wanjin gave Lin Haonan a wink, and the latter immediately introduced: "Master Wu, this is the famous big businessman Qiu Wanjin in southern Xinjiang, has always admired you."

Knowing that it was him, Wu Xiong looked back lightly: "It turned out to be Qiu Dang, who has heard the name for a long time."

Wu Xiong's family is not small in southern Xinjiang, especially in charge of some things, but Qiu Wanjin wanted to stifle.

So he didn't need to sell Qiu Wanjin's face.

"Master Wu has won the prize, please come to the seat." Qiu Wanjin bowed halfway, very polite, and even a little mean to bow down.

Wu Xiong sat down with a gold sword and took a cup of tea served by Qiu Wanjin himself, without raising his eyes: "You sold Tianhuo? Are they all sold out now?"

Qiu Wanjin rubbed his palms and smiled: "Since Master Wu wants it, even if I go to Tanghuohuo, I will get it for Master Wu! At most one month, I will bring back a good skyfire from South Xinjiang Honor your lord."

Wen Yan said, Wu Xiong didn't care: "Forget it, this time a spiritualist asked me to buy it, since I don't have it."

He immediately got up and left. Lin Haonan saw it, bit his teeth, and sent the skyfire he bid on: "Master Wu, if you don't want to give up, please take this skyfire."

Wu Xiong can recommend him to be the existence of Wan Xiaoqi, how can he feel distressed?

"No need." Wu Xiong waved his hand, he was only entrusted by others, and he didn't need to deliberately force this sky fire.

Speaking, he got up and left.

Qiu Wanjin sighed with a sigh, Lin Haonan was not under the weight of Wu Xiong in his imagination.

This time I made a special trip to Liangzhou.

At the moment of disappointment, Wu Xiong suddenly glimpsed behind that group of power representatives, there was actually a familiar person.

"Lingong Palace Master?" Wu Xiong surprised.

Many of the lower-level nirvana of the moat are forged by the Ling Palace. As the new palace owner of the Ling Palace, he has no reason not to know.

Li Zicheng also saw him, standing on the spot and tapping his chin lightly, without meaning to step forward.

Wu Xiong just noticed that Li Zicheng seemed to be guarding someone.

If you look closely, there is still one person sitting in the chair behind the crowd, as quiet as a lonely boat on the sea, and the noisy surrounding him will not affect him.

Seeing his profile through the slits of the crowd, Wu Xiong immediately recognized it and was surprised: "Master Xia? Why are you?"

He, who was about to leave, immediately turned around and quickly stepped forward.

The crowd separated automatically, revealing Xia Qingchen's back sitting against the window.

He leaned back in the chair and looked back gently before recognizing it properly. Wasn't this Wu Xiong just Wan Xiaoqi serving tea for them in the commander's camp?

"It's you." Xia Qingchen casually said, sitting in the chair, he didn't mean to get up.

He didn't dare to say in the military palace, but in the moat, no one under the general deserved his attention.

Lin Haonan took a look at Xia Qingchen's posture, and immediately burst into flames.

Isn't Xia's name too good?

Wu Xiong is the most respected Wan Xiaoqi in the moat, and it is very likely that he will succeed Zhao Fei Mo in the future and become the general of the Northwest Army.

What is Xia Qingchen, dare to be so big?

He strode forward, snapping at Xia Qingchen's back forehead without saying anything, squawking with his teeth: "Blind your dog's eyes, Master Wu didn't kneel in front of him?"


Without a slap, Wu Xiong slapped his face fiercely in the face, pulled him back in place, and then fell to the ground instability.

Lin Haonan was a little dazed, looking blankly at Wu Xiong who shot him.

Under a glance, Lin Haonan's heart trembled.

Wu Xiong, who was usually appreciative of her and Yan Yuese, screamed fiercely at the moment: "Who gave your dog courage to Master Xia?"

With that said, Wu Xiong quickly took a fist to Xia Qingchen and sincerely apologized: "My subordinates are not sensible and open-mouthed. I also ask Master Xia not to worry about this kind of thing that does not have long eyes."

This scene made Lin Haonan stunned, and Qiu Wanjin was caught off guard.

Wu Xiongtang, a famous family in southern Xinjiang, Wan Xiaoqi, a moat corps, how can he respect such a young Qian Xiaoqi?

No, that is not respect, but awe!

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