Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 828: Regret not fall

Xia Qingchen slowly stood up, stretched his arms and stretched his lazy waist, saying: "Your Qianqiu riding is indeed not very good, it is average, and the heart is higher than the sky."

His subordinates were criticized by others. Instead of being angry, Wu Xiong sighed: "Master Xia learned a lesson from me. I have no way to discipline. After going back, I asked the commander to let Lin Haonan start from Bai Xiaoqi again. ."


Lin Haonan was shocked!

Not only did he not become Wan Xiaoqi, but he would be relegated to Bai Xiaoqi?

"Master Wu, I... I did something wrong, as for treating me like this?" Lin Haonan aggrieved.

He thought to himself whether Wu Xiong was crazy and actually bowed down to a Qian Xiaoqi.

Wu Xiong stared at him severely: "Do you know who is sitting in front of you?"

Who? Isn't it just the same Qian Xiaoqi?

No, not even him.

At least he killed ten enemies in southern Xinjiang, and his battle achievements are not small. Xia Qingchen is nothing more than a military parade to get a good performance.

"He is Wan Xiaoqi, given by the Prince of Liang, and he is of the same rank as me. Based on your disrespectful words and deeds, it is light to lower your rank!" Wu Xiong sneered.

Wan Xiaoqi?

There was an uproar in the scene, how old was Xia Qingchen, and he became Wan Xiaoqi.

And it is Wan Xiaoqi, a gift from the Venerable of the Cold Land!

This status is too extraordinary, right?

"Wan Xiaoqi? He? Why is he?" Lin Haonan looked excited, quite anxiously said: "I am the candidate of Wan Xiaoqi, and he can't compare with me in terms of merits!"

Wu Xiong looked at him and felt embarrassed. He said, "Shut up, stop embarrassing here! Do you know how great Master Xia's achievements are?"

Lin Haonan said: "Xia Qingchen said just now, it's just a little less than the achievements of hanging teeth, absolutely can't compare with me!"

Wu Xiong said with an air: "Do you think Master Xia is as good as you, and he has a big feat in his mouth? Lord Xia is in a mine, and he can destroy 50,000 enemies and injure 100,000 enemies by the Yunlan clan alone. Don’t take it out of the way.”

In all fairness, given the special circumstances of the moat, there are very few opportunities to fight against the enemy.

It is actually pretty good to annihilate ten enemies in southern Xinjiang.

But compared with Xia Qingchen's achievements in the mine, he is ashamed to mention it!

"Destroy 50,000 enemies and hurt 100,000 enemies?" Lin Haonan blinked, wondering if he was kidding.

Hundreds of thousands of troops are not necessarily able to achieve such a major record. How is it possible for a war group in Xia Qingchen District?

"Otherwise? Liang Wang eats and supports Wan Xiaoqi?" Wu Xiong asked.

Lin Haonan instantly fell into great shock. At this time, he heard Wu Xiong said: "In addition, Master Xia is also a hero of the hand-blade Yugui treason, how do you compare with him?"

What, Yuguida is dead?

Lin Haonan was deeply shocked again, looking at Xia Qingchen's calm back, suddenly feeling a deep sense of oppression.

He suddenly understood why Xia Qingchen didn't care about him.

Not careless, but he is too small to be worth the care of Xia Qingchen.

"In short, get back to me now, obey the sentiments, and continue to sell ugliness and shame in front of Master Xia." Wu Xiong scolded.

Lin Haonan narrowed his neck and immediately bowed downstairs.

Wu Xiong stared at his departure before sighing helplessly: "Master Xia, looking at you Haihan, I will teach him well."

"It's just a trifle." Xia Qingchen stood up and stretched her arms, it doesn't matter: "Since the auction is over, then I will say goodbye."

Seeing this, Qiu Wanjin quickly came over and smiled with a waist: "Oh, look at my eyes. It turned out that the famous Xia Dajun division arrived, but I didn't even see it."

He patted his forehead and blamed himself: "All blame Lin Haonan for its uselessness. I had wanted to inquire about the name of the adult, but he interrupted with self-righteousness!"

Not long ago, he also touted Lin Haonan to heaven, and hesitated to fabricate lies, saying that Lin Haonan's name shocked the barbarians in southern Xinjiang.

Xia Qingchen grinned a little, and did not bother to go downstairs.

Qiu Wanjin secretly regretted it, and Xia Qingchen was in front of him, he didn't recognize it.

Xia Qingchen's name was heard in southern Xinjiang, a legendary commander who created a miracle of war history.

Thousands of people in the command area separated the Zhongyun Realm to kill a piece of armor, which shocked the world.

Even the barbarians in southern Xinjiang care about this legendary commander.

Even southern Xinjiang has been rumored that Xia Qingchen is an excellent military division, even comparable to the talented emperor of southern Xinjiang.

If Xia Qingchen could befriended just now, he would like to introduce that Wu Xiong will definitely befriend him Qiu Wanjin.

It was Lin Haonan who was self-righteous and made him mistakenly believe that Xia Qingchen was really a mediocre Qian Xiaoqi.

"Sir, Xia, please stay with me. I will try to find a suitable Skyfire for you." Qiu Wanjin pulled his face down and retained it.

Unfortunately, Xia Qingchen didn't reply: "First, you don't have a real middle-class top-selling Skyfire! Secondly, even if you have, you can sell it to anyone who wants to sell it.

He can be sure that Qiu Wanjin didn't have a complete skyfire at all, at most it was just a trace of skyfire just now.

Because this transaction is too easy, too easy.

It's not like an auction involving mid-range top-quality fire.

Qiu Wanjin's body was stiff, he really didn't have a complete high-grade skyfire.

How could he get such a precious skyfire.

As for that trace, he only got it from Nanjiang after nine deaths.

"Master Xia, give me a chance, give me a chance..." Qiu Wanjin chased behind, but Wu Xiong stared back, only to watch Xia Qingchen go further and further, and finally disappeared into the night.


Wu Xiong came up and clenched his fists: "Master Xia, South Xinjiang has not been quite peaceful recently. The commander sent me to South Xinjiang to assist the South Xinjiang Army in carrying out its mission."

"I have some connections in southern Xinjiang. If Lord Xia has the opportunity to go to southern Xinjiang, there is a place for help, even if you want to find me."

The other party was so polite, Xia Qingchen could not refuse, said: "Thank you, if you have the opportunity to go to South Xinjiang, I will find you again."

"Okay, it's a word!" Wu Xiong smiled, and returned to the barracks side by side with Xia Qingchen.

Can be admitted into the military camp.

Two men and women in special clothing stand in front of Xia Qingchen Barracks.

Among them, the costume of the man is the sky and clouds, and the costume of the woman is the pattern of the fire turtle.

Seeing the costumes of the two, Wu Xiong's face changed drastically: "Nishiko, Grand Master?"

He hurried away, clenched his fists and said: "Master Xia, I have official duties, so I will stay soon."

Niseko and the Grand Master are both taboos that he cannot easily touch.

Xia Qingchen looked as usual and walked towards his own camp. A man and a woman stepped forward one after another and said, "I have seen Master Xia."

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