Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 832: Formerly recommended

The Bimo mine is the root of the cold environment. If it is impossible to identify the Bimo mine, why not talk about mining the Bimo mine?

Who is responsible for digging a bunch of fakes?

The reason why the Liangwang is so anxious is that the newly discovered Yimo mine has a major problem.

Zhongyunjing even withdrew its troops completely, announcing that the Bimo mine excavated here is fake and has no value.

The Liangjing Army was still there, sending a suspected Yimo mine that was recently excavated to the Liangwang Mansion for identification and waiting for the decision of the Liang King Mansion.

Zhongyun Realm has always been scheming, and the publicity of the mine is false. It is hard to guarantee that Liangjing was not tricked into withdrawing its troops and then occupying the entire new mine.

Therefore, the cold side must personally confirm whether the Yimo mine is true or not.

It is hateful that at the critical moment an unfaithful traitor appeared in the Yimo mine appraisal group.

As one of the appraisal members, Master Peach, withdrew from the appraisal group on his own initiative!

At this time, Liangwang Mansion could not identify the authenticity of Yimo Mine and was in a passive state.

There is no withdrawal of troops in the new mine, nor will it be withdrawn.

The woman in the emerald green robe bowed and said: "Cool King, it is better to agree to the request of the Yu family and exchange for Master Pantao to come back."

Master Pantao withdrew for no reason, but not without reason.

He has long been a member of the Yu family and has been lurking in the Yimo mine appraisal group.

At this critical moment, the Yu family ordered him to suddenly withdraw from the appraisal mission, causing the entire cold environment to be in great trouble.

The request made by the Yu family is simple.

First, appoint the person recommended by the Yu family as the new vice-master of the military palace.

Huang Yungu, the former vice-president, was finally removed, and now he is replaced by the Yu family. Then the commander and others have been in vain for all their efforts.

Sooner or later, the military palace will be secretly controlled by the Yu family!

Second, the former Northwest Army's Qian Xiaoqi Chen Xiangdong was appointed as the new Zizi Tiantuan Wan Xiaoqi.

The Zizi Tiantuan has been operated by Yu Guitian for many years, and has already become the Yu's force. Naturally, it must be controlled by his own people, and Chen Xiangdong has already turned to Yu Guitian, and he is his own.

Third, Xia Qingchen was executed and buried for the return of Han Yutian of the Yu family!

It was heard that Liang Wang's cold eyes crossed the curtain and stared at the old woman in green robe: "Are you a lobbyist for the Yu family?"

Since Master Peach can be bought by the Yu Family, why can't this old woman?

"Cool King, the minister only made the most reasonable suggestions. Compared to an entire mine with unlimited potential, it would be more cost-effective to give the Yu family a few official positions." The old lady in the green robe is indeed from the Yu family, but of course she Won't admit it.

"Oh, cost-effective?" Jin Jiao suddenly ejected a terrible force.

The old woman in the emerald green robe was caught off guard. She was slammed and fell on the ground, her mouth full of blood.

The cold voice of the cold king came out coldly from the golden sedan: "If I promise, will this king lose only a few official positions?"

He is not reluctant to hold office, is a deputy palace master in a military palace, who should be regarded as not?

Rather, if he agreed, it would be equivalent to bowing his head to Yu!

"The most hated thing in this life of King Wang, the first is deception, the second is threat!" Liang Wang sneered coldly.

The emerald green lady got up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth casually, and had a strange smile on her face: "The cool king must lose a whole mine for face, and Weichen has nothing to say!"

What is important in Yimo Mine is about the continuation of Liangwang's long history.

How can the Cool King give up?

Sure enough, the long silence in Jin Jiao followed.

Liangjiu Liang only said: "You want to be the vice lord of the palace and want Wan Xiaoqi to speak, but what does it mean to kill Xia Qingchen?"

If the Liang Wang publicly executed Xia Qingchen, it would be tantamount to denying Yu Guitian's crime of treason, and it would be equivalent to beating the Liang Wang's own face.

Because just yesterday, Liang Wang publicly let Xia Qingchen occupy a seat in the inner hall, which is regarded as supporting Xia Qingchen's actions.

Now let him execute Xia Qingchen, isn't he slapping himself?

The woman in the emerald green robe chuckled: "If the people who killed the Yu family survived in the world, it would be a matter of course! Not only was he going to die, the Cool King must also decree and annihilate his nine races, just like Yang Zhongguo."

Flatten the Nine?

Liang Wang's eyes were sharp and cold, with a strong murderous intention.

Xia Qingchen kills the enemy and builds merits first, and the traitor who annihilates Yu Guitian is next. If the cool king executes him, what do people think of him?

At that time, who else would be loyal to the cold environment?

"The choice is in Liang Wang's hands, and the old lady just makes a suggestion." The woman in the emerald green robe knelt on the ground and waited with a smile for Liang Wang to answer.

In fact, the answer is clear.

How to choose between Xia Qingchen and a mine, Liang Wang will certainly choose the latter.

There was again a long silence in the Jin Jiao, and it was only a long time before the cool voice of the cold king suppressing his anger: "Take this king Yuxi."

Only when the will is promulgated is the jade seal needed.

Cool King, chose to compromise.

Once ordered, Xia Qingchen and his clan will be destroyed.

However, at this moment, a soft voice came from the entrance of the underground palace: "Father King, daughter remembers that before Ouyang went to the mine, he once recommended a capable person who identified the Yimo mine to the father king."

A shadow of simple clothes, walked along the long ladder.

The visitor is not someone else, it is the Lord of the Great Land of the Cool Land and the Lord of the Rainy Rain.

At the moment, she was completely cold and naked.

Liang Wang was slightly surprised: "Smoke rain, the cold outbreak in your body should last for three days. Why did it converge so clean in only two days?"

The coldness of Yanyu County Lord broke out three days a month, no exception.

This is actually only two days past, and it is still very converging, which is really strange.

The main face of Yanyu County is ruddy, with a long-lost comfort and joy in his eyebrows, and he smiles lightly: "Daughter meets an expert and will finally get something!"

"Superior?" Liang Wang was surprised. His eldest daughter had been wondering about strange things in the world of Guangluo for many years. He knew it.

Unexpectedly, she was actually found a strange person who can suppress the cold.

He was also very happy for his daughter: "This king is comforting! Before he dies, there is something in his heart that can be solid."

Lord Yanyu's physique is his heart disease all year round, and he didn't expect the relief from unexpected encounters.

"Oh, the daughter came to bring good news to the father in addition to his father's sorrow." The Lord Yanyu looked at the woman in the emerald green robe that secretly smiled, and said: "That recommendation, father Can you have an impression?"

Liang Wang heard the words and shook his head: "Which one is Yanyu talking about?"

He has every reason to do it. Where can I remember ordinary letters of recommendation?

Lord Yanyu recalled: "Two months ago, Ouyang Allied Lord wrote a recommendation letter to his father Wang, recommending a rookie who appraised the Yimo mine. In her letter, she greatly appreciated the identification ability of the person, and requested Liangwang Mansion to focus on inspection ."

Listening to this, Liang Wang was slightly impressed: "It seems... this is the case, but, at that time, you also rejected it."

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