Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 833: why you

There was a slight cramp in the main face of Yanyu County.

Indeed, when the recommendation letter came that day, she was there.

On the letterhead, the leader of Ouyang praised the rookie most, asserting that it may be a rare talent for identification.

At that time, she was rejected by the host of Yanyu County. She felt that the recommenders were too young to be a big weapon at all.

In addition, there were other things to be busy at that time, so I abandoned one and ignored it.

Now that the appraisal team has a major problem, the master of Yanyu County only remembers the original recommendation letter.

"This... this is one moment after another." The Master of Yanyu County said rightfully: "It is imperative to quickly find a replacement for Master Peach. This person can invite him to try it."

There was a glimmer of hope in Liang Wang's heart, and he immediately said, "Who is this person? Call him immediately."

The Lord of Yanyu County has a strong knowledge and excellent memory: "I remember, the Ouyang League leader said on the letterhead that the other party is the person in charge of the Ling Palace, and I ordered someone to go to the Ling Palace to know."

"Go immediately." Liang Wang said.

Now only dead horses can be used as living horse doctors. If not, let's talk about it.

In this regard, the woman in the verdant robe caught a bit of ridicule, and if the talents who identified the Yimo mine were so easy to find, the cold environment would not be so embarrassing.

What's more, even if the other party has this ability?

If she refuses to appraise, she still has no more than five people.

The Lord of Yanyu County quickly arrived at the Ling Palace and found the Lord of the Palace.

The master of the Ling Palace knew at first hearing that what they were looking for must be Xia Qingchen.

So, soon after, Xia Qingchen received the order from Yanyu County Lord.

"I only saw it last night, and I summoned it again today?" Xia Qingchen's eyebrows were frowned. He summoned so frequently, and he didn't know that Yanyu County Lord was thirsty for Qinglang.

"Fuck, let's lead the way!" Bai Bai's waiting is not always a problem. Go and ask the master of Yanyu County why the cold king's purpose is not delayed.


Xia Qingchen was not brought into the main residence of Yanyu County, but... Liangwang Mansion!

And it is an extremely defensive underground palace!

In the palace, the cool king and the master of Yanyu County are waiting patiently. A cold guard ran down and said, "Qiliang cool king, the master of the county, has been brought."


The Lord Yanyu stared at the entrance with curiosity. Who deserves such respect from Ouyang?

Based on her understanding of Ouyang Yan, this person is arrogant and arrogant, and looks down on peers.

Especially in the stone identification that she is most good at, she is disdainful of the same people.

But in the letterhead, it was said that this person might be a talent of the heavens and highly respected.

It's hard to imagine what a hidden master would be.

Da da--

The sound of footsteps at the entrance echoed clearly in the empty underground palace, attracting everyone's attention.

Only the woman in the emerald green robe is calm.

As she said before, it doesn’t matter who comes, because even if the comer can replace Master Peach, there are not enough five.


The iron door at the entrance opened, and in a purple dress, the handsome young man stepped inside.

The master of Yanyu County froze, saying, "Xia Qingchen?"

A dumb voice came from the Jin Jiao: "Xia Qian Xiaoqi, what are you doing here?"

What they summoned was the expert who recommended the Omo mine recommended by the Ouyang leader. What did Xia Qingchen go to such a secret place for no reason?

Xia Qingchen was also stunned. Why was the cool king also present?

After a pause, he calmly asked: "Isn't the Master of the Rainy Rain calling me to come here?"

The Master of Yanyu County was startled, then looked at Xia Qingchen with surprise, and said in an uncertain tone: "Is the appraiser of the Bimo mine recommended by Ouyang Allied Leader, will it be you?"


Impossible, the identification of Yimo mine requires extremely deep stone background.

Didn't you see that several members of the Bimo mine appraisal team are all hundreds of years old?

Xia Qingchen is only 20 years old, how can he distinguish clearly?

"If the Ouyang leader only recommended one person two months ago, that person is me, that is my bet with her." Xia Qingchen said.


It's really him!

The Cool King only felt inexplicable in his heart, and the hope that had just ignited was shattered again.

The identification of the Bimo mine is not a young man's competence anyway. He actually had expectations about it, so he was in a hurry!

The woman in the verdant robe couldn't help but snicker.

I thought that Ouyang Yan recommended what kind of expert, and the result is a young man who knows nothing.

Ouyang Yan is probably confused. Anyone dare to recommend it here.

Only the master of Yanyu County, with his chin in contemplation.

If the other young people came, her first thought was to coax people away.

But Xia Qingchen is different from ordinary young people.

With her ability to suppress the coldness of her and her mother-in-law easily, it looks different.

"Xia Qian Xiaoqi, there is nothing to do with you here, just retreat." Liang Wang said tiredly: "In addition, things here are kept secret and must not be passed on."

Xia Qingchen was confused, summoned him, and let him go as soon as he saw him.

Is this calling for play?

"Xia Gongzi is slow." Just as Xia Qingchen was unpleasantly preparing to turn away, Yanyu County spoke again and said to Liang King: "Father, since the people are here, will there be no loss to try?"

Waiting so long, don't care about waiting for a while.

Liang Wang's voice was exhausted and said: "You arrange it."

He did not hold any hope, and now the three demands made by the Yu family were already in his mind.

The most difficult thing is the third one, Zhu Xia Qingchen Nine.

How to choose?

The Lord of Yanyu County beckoned and ordered ten stones to be placed neatly on the case. He said: "Since you are the appraiser of the Bimo mine recommended by the Ouyang League leader, should you not be afraid of the test?"

Of the ten stones, only three are true Yimo mines, and the rest are all fake.

Xia Qingchen was a bit tired and crooked: "I came here in the middle of the night just to test this?"

Seriously, he felt quite boring.

Does Yimo mine still need special appraisal? Can you tell the authenticity at a glance?

The Master of Yanyu County continued: "I will appoint four masters to appraise the ten Biceng Mine with you, and your performance will be recorded as a basis for evaluating the test results."

During the cooperation of the five people in the meeting, Xia Qingchen said his words and deeds, and the four masters all saw it.

Whether he has real material, or was praised by Ouyang Yan, I believe the four masters will make a conclusion.

Xia Qingchen frowned slightly: "Need to cooperate with four people?"

Liangjing really lacks talents.

I thought Ouyang Yan needed several hours to identify the true and false of a piece of Yimo mine, which is quite mediocre.

Unexpectedly, the members of her group were even more embarrassed. They needed cooperation to determine whether the Yimo mine was true or not.

The woman in the emerald green robe smiled and smiled: "Listening to Xia Qianxiao's tone, it seems very reluctant to cooperate with our four masters, or that you can independently identify the Yimo mine?"

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