Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 835: Different days

He immediately glanced at the four grey-haired appraisal team members and said indifferently: "Since Xia Qianxiaoqi can share your worries for you, the appraisal team will be disbanded temporarily."

Not only is the appraisal team inefficient, a stone needs to be appraised for more than a full day.

And the cost is extremely huge, the monthly cost of the appraisal group is more than 10 billion!

What's even more annoying is that every respect is superior, and no one is in sight.

So that the woman in the emerald green robe dared to speak publicly on behalf of the Yu family, and **** for tat against him.

I would like to ask, if Xia Qingchen is here, what do you want to do?

The four masters are bitter and can only admit their fate.

The woman in the emerald green robe bowed and said, "Since that is the case, I urge the King Liang to allow me to return to my hometown to rest."

The Cool King looked at him with deep indifference in his voice: "Precise! Of course quasi!"

He was anxious that the old woman hurried away.

If anyone is the most hateful, it is undoubtedly this woman.

"I not only allow you to leave, but also allow you to speak on my behalf and tell the Yu family that the cold realm is the cold realm of the king, and his Yu family rarely intervenes!"

It can be seen how the Yu family's threat to him made him disgusted.

"The old body must be brought." The woman in the emerald green robe retreated.

The most important thing now is to immediately inform the Yu Family about the situation of this place, and let the Yu Family notify Zhongyunjing to prepare quickly.

Be sure to rush to reoccupy the mine before the command of the Liang King.

"Slow down, who told you to go now?" The cool king seemed to see through it: "I waited for four people to stay in the underground palace for ten days before leaving."

Ten days?

After ten days the daylily is cold!

"Guardian, optimistic about the four masters, they are not allowed to leave the underground palace half a step, and they are not allowed to talk to them. If there is a handicap, you are only asking." Liang Wang said.

The woman in the emerald green robe was completely stubborn, and the cool king warned her that it was impossible to send a message.

Finally, the cool king looked at Xia Qingchen who was about to say goodbye, and said, "Xia Qianxiaoqi, you have made a great contribution. In addition to giving you Wan Xiaoqi, this king also gives you something special."

He beckoned and carried a golden wooden box half a foot wide and four feet long.

"You take this thing, you can use it whenever necessary." Liang Wang said.

The Lord Yanyu looked in his eyes, and there was sadness in his pretty eyes.

Xia Qingchen is better than expected, so that the father is so kind. It seems that it takes a lot of thought to let Xia Qingchen stay at the Qiren Pavilion for her peace of mind.

Xia Qingchen took the wooden box and left with her back.

He arrived at the barracks almost at his front foot, and the purpose of the rear foot cool king was given-Xia Qingchen promoted Wan Xiaoqi to the post.

Soon after, the commander-in-chief issued a notice of appointment and changed the newly appointed Wan Xiaoqi Xia Qingchen to the head of the Zizitian regiment!

"Go! Collect Zizi Tiantuan!" Xia Qingchen ordered the Yunlan Battle Group to go to the Zizi Tiantuan camp and accept the entire Tiantuan.

"Nine Thousands of Qian Xiaoqi, see you quickly!" Xia Qingchen said.

He himself is one of the Qian Xiaoqi of the Zizi Tiantuan, and now promoted to Wan Xiaoqi, there are nine remaining.

Among the nine, several are Han Guitian.

Among them, Chen Xiangdong can be called the descendant of Yu Guitian, and even the Yu family recommends Chen Xiangdong to take charge of the Zizi Tiantuan.

"Tianyueling's trip, you have to find something to do for Zizi Tiantuan." Xia Qingchen said lightly.

As the commander said, Zi Zi Tian Tuan needs a major cleaning.

If Xia Qingchen did not feel necessary before, but after experiencing the identification of Yimo mine, Xia Qingchen knew that this matter must not be earned.

The Yu family wanted to destroy the Xia Qingchen 9th family at any time. If the people of the Yu family in the Zizi Heaven Group made chaos and framed Xia Qingchen, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Please see Master Xia for the humble job!" The curtain opened, and he quickly walked into a middle-aged Qian Xiaoqi covered in bandages.

He is not someone else, it is Chen Xiangdong.

As the most hostile to Xia Qingchen, he arrived first.

It can be seen that he also noticed that Xia Qingchen wanted to get rid of him, so he would never give Xia Qingchen any reason to move him.

Xia Qingchen looked at him lightly for a moment, nodding slightly.

The other Qian Xiaoqi came one after another, and none of them dared to publicly rebellious. Their minds were similar to Chen Xiangdong, and they did not give Xia Qingchen any chance to make trouble.

The subsequent conversation was exceptionally smooth.

Including Xia Qingchen's nomination of Fang Cuihong as the new Yunlan clan Qian Xiaoqi, there was no objection and unanimously agreed.

The rest of the staff were mobilized and they were very cooperative.

The whole process was very smooth. Xia Qingchen was very difficult to find a little trouble for Chen Xiangdong and others.

"Well, everyone is so cooperative, Ben Wanxiao is very pleased." Xia Qingchen narrowed his eyes.

He doesn't think that these people will always cooperate.

They are now obedient, just looking for opportunities for the future, and only waiting for a good opportunity to cause great trouble to Xia Qingchen, and there is no chance of turning it over.

"I will wait for the army to prepare for the night and perform an off-campus mission tomorrow!" Xia Qingchen said.

The sudden task made them look at each other, but immediately took their orders.

After the meeting.

Chen Xiangdong walked side by side with the two Qian Xiaoqi. When he reached a dark path, a Qian Xiaoqi said: "Master Chen, does the Yu family have instructions? I watch Xia Qingchen, and I want to get rid of us."

Chen Xiangdong chuckled: "Relax, we will act against the opportunity for this off-campus mission and will give our Xia Master a blow that will never turn over."

He touched his chest, his heart surging.

Xia Qingchen nailed him to the flagpole with a shot. That shot had injured him Xingquan. After the famous doctor shocked him, don't want to repair it from now on.

This hatred, this hatred, even if there is no Yu family instigated, he must try his best to report it!

Another place.

Lin Haonan was lying down on the wooden bed of the camp tent, borrowing wine to calm down.

The soldiers passing by all cast their gazes on gloating and scourge, who made him a magnificent rider, devalued to become a little hundred rider?

"It turned out that hiding here and drinking really disappointed the old man." Leng Buding, a cold voice fell into his ears.

Lin Haonan was an agitated spirit, but saw an old man wearing a black robe and wearing a hat, standing in front of the bed.

Seeing him, Lin Haonan turned over and got out of bed excitedly, respectfully: "Mr. Jin, why are you here?"

In front of him, Mr. Jin was the master who taught Lin Haonan's method of attack.

According to this expert, he was framed by a villain, Xingquan was abolished, and only Dachen's cultivation practice remained.

However, he mastered many things, which came from Tianyueling's combination of high and deep attack, which he taught to Lin Haonan.

The most important thing is that this person is backed by a mysterious force and can easily enter and exit the military palace without difficulty.

With the left hand left, Mr. Jin took off his head.

The faint oily light illuminates its face.

If Xia Qingchen is here, he will surely recognize that this person was actually Jin Xuanshi, the deputy suzerain of the Nebula Sect! !

Not only did he not die, but he also ran to Liangzhou City, and his status was different.

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