Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 836: Notorious

"I'm here to inform you that you are worthless and worthless." Jin Xuanshi said hoarsely.

Lin Haonan clenched his fists and refused to say: "Mr. Jin, I have Lin Haonan as a leader. Now the downfall is only temporary. Once given me a chance, I will fly back to the sky."

Jin Xuanshi shook his head and said, "You have no chance! From Qian Xiaoqi to being reduced to Bai Xiaoqi, don't say, there is also a Xia Qingchen on your head, he will never have a day when he is in one day."

Today Xia Qingchen is in the moat army, especially in the northwest military area in the army.

Lin Haonan and his long-cherished wish, still want to develop in the Northwest Army?

It's a fool's dream.

Lin Haonan said: "Then you will pass me some powerful things, so in this case, I have hope to catch up with Xia Qingchen!"

"I'm not god, there are not so many things for you." Jin Xuanshi said lightly.

Lin Hao's teeth were bitten, and his eyes were fierce: "Come on! Don't think I don't know that you are backed by mysterious forces. Just take something out and it will be enough for me to enjoy half my life."

Jin Xuanshi chuckled: "Why should I give you?"

Lin Haonan sneered: "I can tell Xia Qingchen at any time that there is an old enemy of his past who has been lurking in Liangzhou. I believe that when Xia Qingchen knows, you will feel very difficult."

"Haha... Ruzi can be taught, Ruzi can also be taught!" Jin Xuanshi smiled with his head up: "Through the things I teach you, threaten the old man? Yes, really good!"

"But, do you think I came here to find you old?" Jin Xuanshi's laughter came to an abrupt end, his eyes hidden with murderousness that had been hidden for a long time.

Jin Xuanshi said: "I came here today to take your life! Because you have no value, but you know too much!"

"But here is the military camp?" Lin Haonan's eyelids jumped sharply, quickly backed away and distanced, staring coldly at Jin Xuanshi.

Jin Xuanshi said: "What about the military camp?"

The words fell, and Jin Xuanshi suddenly felt a tightness at the back of his neck, and a very old palm strangled his neck from the darkness.

In the darkness, there appeared a lame old man with pustules all over his face, and his skin was rotten like a toad, ugly.

He was in Tianyueling, and once had a resounding name—the ancestor of the Shura family, Xi Qixuan!

"Ah, who are you?" Lin Haonan was shocked and said hardly because his throat was pinched.

Li Qixuan's smiling smile was so lazy that he didn't bother to talk nonsense. With a firm palm twist, Lin Haonan's neck softened and he died on the spot.

"Golden thief, you are too weak now, and it will take a long time to kill a junior." Lin Qixuan said with a smile.

Jin Xuanshi disagreed: "Before Xia Qingchen, I don't want my hands to be stained with anyone's blood."

"Oh, Xia Qingchen must have died in my hand." said Qi Qixuan sensibly.

Regarding hatred, Xia Qingchen killed the Shura family, and he was left alone with his granddaughter.

Xia Qingchen does not perish, and Qi Qixuan is uneasy for life.

"Let's wait and see!" Jin Xuanshi said: "Tianyueling and Yinhui Lake have already broken out according to the plan we set. Now, it is time for us to go back and calculate the old account first!"

Jin Xuanshi was cultivated as a whole, and all of them were abandoned by the Holy Lord of Nebula Holy Land.

The Qiuluan family of Shura was destroyed by the Gongliang family and the Baihua family.

When this hatred is not reported, when will it stay?

In response, Luo Qixuan nodded his head, and then slowly backed away into the darkness behind him, disappearing without a trace.

The next day.

The news of Lin Haonan's death caused quite a stir in the Northwest Army.

Xia Qingchen has heard about it.

"Actually dead?" Xia Qingchen stared at Ruth Silk: "I wanted to ask who had passed the combined strike technique to him."

Unfortunately, there is no chance and no time.

In front of him, there stood a 10,000-strong army to be launched!

"Start!" Xia Qingchen rode on the back of the huge monster and ordered.


The whole army of the Zizitian regiment dispatched to the port to board a hundred warships and set off towards Tianyueling.

This journey takes at least one month, and Xia Qingchen seizes the time to close the gate.

"Fan Yin, protect the law for me." Xia Qingchen entered the training room of the cabin.

Outside the door, Fan Yin stood with his arms, silently guarding the side of the cabin.

In the Chamber of Secrets, Xia Qingchen sat cross-legged, and in January's precious practice time, he needed to cultivate not only his mind but also his own martial arts skills.

Whether it is attacking martial arts or physical martial arts, they have already practiced to the later stage.

In January, try to cultivate the two to the limit, and then you can start practicing brand new martial arts.

At that time, the distant Tianyueling.

Nanling, the Principality of Shenxiu.

In the splendid palace, the gloom was gloomy.

In the Luan Temple, a young monarch is condensing his eyebrows.

The ministers in front of them also kept silent.

The Jin Luan Temple, which decides the world's great events in the Principality of Shenxiu, was strangely quiet.

"Speak, how to deal with it?" said the young monarch.

Although he tried his best to keep calm, but his unshakable sadness betrayed his inner worries.

Many courtiers stood still, unable to speak.

Only one woman sighed softly: "Brother, the matter has come to this point, we have no choice, admit our fate and agree to their request."

The talking female eyebrow Yuying Wu is so extraordinary that she is so handsome that she doesn't allow her to wear eyebrows.

She was the former Tianyin Princess of the **** show.

The throne is the former Yunshu prince, now the prince of the **** duo!

With the blessing of Xia Qingchen, the Shenxiu Principality occupies most of the land area of ​​the Northern Kingdom and is in desperate need of talent. Therefore, Tianyin Princess, who should be married out of law, has the opportunity to stay and help the Yunshu prince to govern the government.

"Huangmei, even you have decided to compromise with that group of people?" Yunshu Guojun said in a deep voice.

A few months ago, the martial arts palace that was in charge of the Principality suddenly collapsed and was replaced by a force called Yinhui.

It is said that this force is still a branch of an extremely huge force.

This force issued a notice to all ten principalities, including the Principality of Shenxiu, and Yinhui took over them from then on.

The Yinhui Powerhouse is like a cloud, which is more than several times stronger than the original Budo Tiangong, and the Shenxiu Principality can only obey.

Yesterday, Yinhui issued an order, which shocked the nation of Shenxiu.

That is, the Principality of Shenxiu selected one hundred thousand women under the age of 25 who had excellent martial arts and sent them to Yinhui.

To perish a nation, just take away their women.

Because no woman has children, the nation will be destroyed.

As soon as the news came out, the entire Principality of Shenxiu was in an uproar and resisted fiercely.

Tianyin Princess's expression was calm, and her eyes were filled with humiliation: "What else can I do? I heard that not only our Budo Tiangong, but even the superior of Budo Tiangong, the powerful and powerful Nebula Sect was dominated."

"How can we resist a little principality?"

Crown Prince Yunshu grasped the ball on the throne tightly, and a heart seemed to be twisted by a cold blade, with pain: "But, are we going to look at the woman in the Principality of Shenxiu and be ruined by that group of animals?"

Yinhui’s reputation is unfavorable, and since the occupation of the martial arts palace, he has done nothing but bullying women.

I don't know how many women in good families have been abused by them.

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