Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 838: Ignorant and fearless

It was a lion burning with flames, and it was rare to reach the small star position.

When he jumped down, he rushed straight towards Princess Tianyin.

That driving was awe-inspiring to take away Tianyin Princess.

The old man smiled hoarsely: "Little devil level pet? It's still a fire property. The old man took it back to drink wine!"

His old figure traversed at a high speed of six hundred feet in one step, his hands resembled eagle hooks, and captured the neck of the fire lion.

A hint of cunning flashed in the eyes of the fire lion, and his running posture turned without warning, and turned to Young Master Yinhui!

It turned out that its original purpose was not to save people, but to tear away this young master.

The latter was caught off guard and evaded quickly.

The fire lion was ready to go, sprayed with his mouth open, and a fireball sprayed out of his throat. ,

Young Master Yinhui casually avoided the swoop of the fire lion, but could not avoid the large-scale attack of the fireball, and his coat was quickly ignited.

Master Yinhui was startled and hurriedly pulled off his coat. Even so, his arm was still burnt with a scar.

"You're looking for death!" Young Master Yinhui said angrily: "Catch it and peel it!"

The old man came galloping, his face full of anger: "Little beast, you are looking for death!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Fire Lion immediately fled and fled, and while escaping, he said: "You wait, I will go to the boss!"

Its boss is Qiu Qiu.

In its mind, the boss alone is the best person in the world, as long as it is out of the horse, there are no enemies that are not flat.

"Oh, want to escape?" The old man took out a pair of chains from his sleeves, with a sharp and careful hook at the end: "Give me back!"

He flicked his hands out, and the chain was like a viper, quickly wrapping around the right hind leg of the fire lion.

With the old man pulling hard, the hook hanging above was immediately pulled into the fire lion's leg.


The fire lion immediately made a cry, and was dragged to the ground.

The old man stepped forward and stepped on the neck of the fire lion, making it unable to struggle.

"Animal!" Young Master Yinhui stepped forward and kicked fiercely on the head of the fire lion, stepping out a muffled sound, making the fire lion even more painful.

"Dare to hurt me?" Young Master Yinhui's feet rolled back and forth on the fire lion's head.

He wore cowhide boots, with non-slip chains attached to the soles of his feet. When he lightly grinded it, he wiped off a pinch of hair on the head of the fire lion. He even rubbed his skin and made blood flow.

The fire lion kept wailing, and its limbs twitched weakly on the ground, only tolerating the scalp being crushed little by little.

That scene was extremely cruel and desolate.

"You're enough, don't you feel ashamed to bully a demon pet together?" The unconscious Prince Yunshu woke up wandering, but what caught his eye was the tortured picture of the fire lion.

If Master Yinhui had not heard of it, he sneered, "Come on, pull me the skin and lay it on the ground to be my bed with this princess!"

Kill monsters of the royal family and bully the princess of the royal family.

In Yinhui's eyes, the Principality of Shenxiu is a group of beasts that can be bullied!

Crown Prince Yunshu clenched his fists and finally realized that it was simply unrealistic to whisper in exchange for Yinhu's forgiveness.

Just as the Northland had to be able to measure up to that point, no amount of tolerance would be sufficient.

Crown Prince Yunshu stood up and ran to the throne of the Golden Luan Hall, patting it firmly on the armrest of the dragon chair.


Suddenly, the surrounding ground of the Luang Temple burst into fireworks one after another, reaching Jiuxiao.

At every corner of the palace, the breath of nine strong men immediately emerged, and all of them were star power men without exception.

One of them has reached the mid-star level!

Wow wow wow--

After the nine strong men appeared, they gathered at the Golden Luan Hall.

The pupil is shriveling, and his pupil shrinks slightly.

It’s unrealistic for a little Principality of Shenxiu to have so many hidden star powerhouses!

Moreover, the leader is still quite scarce in the star position.

The star powerhouse was very young in his early thirties. He looked at the temple in disarray and said, "Xia Qingchen's favor can finally be repaid."

Master Yinhui raised his eyebrows: "Who are you?"

Such a young star position is unique in the little principality of the Little Show.

The young man said slowly: "Me? A guilty person who betrayed his benefactor."

He is exactly Ouyang Zhen!

In the past, the chief disciple of Nebula Holy Land established the disciple alliance, and he also had rivals and friends with Xia Qingchen.

Recalling that six months ago, in Xiahou Shenmen, he was persecuted by Xiahoujie and had to scorn Xia Qingchen, but then he was rescued by Xia Qingchen, Ouyang Zhen felt like a needle.

This matter is a knot he cannot resolve.

He wanted to do something for Xia Qingchen to make up for his faults, but neither Xia Qingchen nor his relatives needed his protection.

The only thing that can be protected is its hometown, the Principality of Shenxiu.

Therefore, he led the eight star powerhouses to the Principality of Shenxiu to guard Xia Qingchen's hometown for three years.

I thought the calm principality of the **** show would not have a useful day. I never expected that this day would come so soon.

"It's definitely not a famous person." Master Yinhui pointed to his nose: "I, Master Yinhui, get out!"

The ten principalities nearby are vaguely governed, and the prestige is outstanding. As long as this person is not stupid, he should understand that he is not an opponent and it is better to leave early.

However, Ouyang Zhen didn't even look at it, and only said indifferently to Yunshu: "I hope I can solve them."

Yun Shu embraced his great expectations.

These people came to the Principality of Shenxiu half a year ago and claimed to be arranged by Xia Qingchen.

He said nothing about it, just to use it at a critical moment.

Now is the time to use them.

After hearing this, Yun Shu looked at her humiliating sister, at the wailing fire lion, at the dead general on the ground, and finally at the great river and mountain outside the temple.

His eyes firmed up and said, "Kill!"

There were four shocks in the hall, and a sound of uproar sounded.

Killing Master Yinhui, that is a flagrant enemy to Yinhui, with Yinhui's power, they hit stones with eggs.

Yun Shu looked far away and said, "The destiny of man has never come from charity, but from struggle!"

He looked at Young Master Yinhui and said coldly: "Kill the old man, this young Master Yinhui captures, I want to take him hostage."

After hearing this, Ouyang Zhen nodded gently: "Okay."

He fixed his eyes on the old man and said, "You have captured Master Yinhui, and this person will be given to me."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Master Yinhui immediately spread his legs and stared at Yunshu fiercely, coldly said: "Okay, he has a bone! Then wait!"

When Master Yinhui escapes, waiting for the Principality of Shenxiu will be the disaster of extinction.

With a little toes, he immediately rushed out of the Golden Luan Hall, and the eight little star powerhouses caught up.

"You guys are arrogant!" His entourage was gray-haired, his tone fluctuating.

He lifted his foot across and stepped up with it six hundred feet.

But just after leaving, Ouyang Zhen held his hand in front of him, and the speed of his body was not inferior to that of the old man: "Since I dare to come to Xia Qingchen's hometown to make time, I think, you are ready to go to death. "

The old man didn't take Ouyang Zhen into his eyes at all, and sneered: "Mao Tou Xiao, thought it would be lawless to cultivate to the mid-star position? In the end, it was the flowers cultivated in the greenhouse. I don't know the dangers of the outside world!"

With that, when the old man shook his hand, the chain ninja of Fang Cai was once again protruding like a black snake, winding to Ouyang Zhen.

Ouyang Zhen shook his head: "You don't even know who you are in the field."

The old man in front of him is nothing in his eyes, let alone in the eyes of the owner of this site, Xia Qingchen?

As soon as his palm was lifted, a pair of glove ninja appeared in the palm.

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