Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 839: Dying

He took it up slowly and pinched the chain when the chain was rolling.

"Idiot!" The old man was contemptuous.

The nibble such as a chain can't be resisted only by grasping, but once grasped, the chain will wrap around your wrist.

This young mid-star genius, at first glance, is a greenhouse flower without actual combat.

However, the old man was preparing to exert force, and suddenly the chain quickly became hot, and then quickly became red.

The old man quickly released his hand, and his palm had been burned with a deep scorch mark.


Then, the chain was completely melted into liquid!

"Third order nirvana?" the old man surprised.

How can ordinary people master the third-order ninja?

"It seems that you are not too small!" The star power of the three stars in the old man's body slowly released, forming a gas wall vaguely around him.

"Okay, let the old man come to appreciate how much you are capable!" He leaned a little and galloped.

The two are about to confront each other officially!

Yun Shu mentioned his throat in one heart, such a powerful mid-star powerhouse, I wonder if this Xia Qingchen's friend can handle it.

The fate of the Principality of Shenxiu is reversed.

Tianyin Princess waved her hand and screened the ministers of culture and martial arts on both sides.

The two strong stars in the contest are difficult to produce results in a short time, and may cause considerable damage.

Many military officials concentrated their attention and stared at the war shadows on both sides.

I don't know if the confrontation between the two will last for a few strokes. It seems that the old man will be better?

"Pear blossoms fall!" The old man galloped three feet away, suddenly exhibiting his best **** martial arts skills.

The star power stirred by the **** is like dazzling pear blossoms, dazzling.

This **** is a combination of false and real.

There are numerous enemies defeated by this trick!

The kid in front of him will definitely not fail because he will die!


Fingering runs through the distance between the two and goes straight to Ouyang Zhen's throat.

As if Ouyang Zhen didn't respond, she stood still and didn't move until the point was about to come, and kicked her lightly, saying lightly: "Whole body!"

His seemingly ordinary foot, but full of the power of the four stars, is far superior to the old man.

And the old man's chest was wide open now, full of flaws.

Ouyang Zhen's toes hit the opponent's chest quickly and accurately.

In an instant, there was a crisp sound, and the ribs of the old man's chest were broken. The remaining energy of the toes also kicked the old man's body upright.

Under the great force, the old man's eyes protruded sharply, as if to squirt out of his eyes.

His mouth is wide open, and a painful cry is about to be made.

But before opening his mouth, Ouyang Zhen stepped forward, strangled his throat with his palm, lifted it from the ground, and lifted his feet off the ground.

The old man struggled desperately with his limbs and wanted to resist, but he was like a hen in Ouyang Zhen's hands and could only be slaughtered.

Ouyang Zhen's face contained a trace of disappointment: "With such a skill, dare to come to Xia Qingchen's site to make trouble? I really do not know what to do!"

With that said, without giving the old man any chance to beg for mercy, his palm was twisted and his neck was broken on the spot.

Throwing away the old man's body, Ouyang Zhen shook his fist to the shocked Yunshu prince: "It has already been killed as you said."

It took a long time for Prince Yunshu to swallow hard.

Tianyin Princess, Manchu Cultural and Martial Arts are extremely shocked.

That's a strong star among the stars, and it's definitely a mythical martial arts figure in the Principality of Shenxiu.

He, he was so easily killed by this young man?

Where did Xia Qingchen find such a powerful man to protect the Principality of the Gods?

"Your Excellency, are you Xia Qingchen's uncle?" Princess Tianyin asked innocently.

This person's age can be regarded as Xia Qingchen's uncle.

Only in this way can it be explained, and its strength is so terrible.

"Uncle Shi?" Ouyang Zhen frowned and looked at Princess Tianyin: "Why do you ask?"

Tianyin Princess said: "Predecessors have great strength, it must be that Uncle Xia Qingchen is first-class?"

It is said that Ouyang Zhen's eyebrows are deeper: "Xia Qingchen's strength is about ten times as high as mine. I can't afford to be his uncle."


ten times? ?

He is still so powerful, Xia Qingchen is ten times that, how powerful should it be?

Suddenly, all the people of the Principality of Shenxiu appeared deep and hope!

Xia Qingchen has been so powerful that it is so terrifying!

"Weird, why haven't you caught it back yet?" Ouyang Zhen was too lazy to discuss martial arts with a group of ordinary folks, looked back outside the temple and muttered.

At this moment, a group of black shadows smashed in from the outside.

Ouyang Zhen avoided it lightly and looked down at the things that fell to the ground, his pupils shrank violently.

Those are actually the heads of the eight little star powerhouses he sent out! !

Without exception, they were all cut off by the extremely sharp blade.

But what he felt terrible was that the process was silent and he didn't even hear a scream.


Suddenly, he noticed that the cold wind was coming, and immediately subconsciously cast his body and retreated.

However, the opponent's body style is faster than expected.

He only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then fixed in blue, his neck was squeezed violently by the rough giant palm.

What greeted me was a middle-aged red-haired middle-aged man with grievance and blood. !

"Hehehe, the man who killed me, boy, you are so brave!" He pressed Ouyang Zhen to the ground with his palm.

Despite Ouyang Zhen's encouragement of the star power, he couldn't compete with him.

At this time, the silver-faced young Master Li Hui walked in from outside.

Looking at the old dead follower, the anger was thin: "You **** things! This young master is fortunate that your princess is giving you face!"

"Who knows, you don't know what to do!" Young Master Yinhui was terrified: "Well, then I will let you change the Principality of God Show today!"

"The monarch gave me a slave, the princess gave me a slave girl, and when I played enough, I sent it to the Red Mansion for men in the world to play!" Young Master Yinhui vented his air.

He directed to the red-haired old man: "Peel me his muscles, I will kill him with a knife!"

The red-haired middle-aged man grinned: "Okay, young master, the minions obeyed!"

The pattern turned sharply in an instant.

It turned out that Master Yinhui not only brought a servant, but also brought another more powerful covert protection.

Tianyin Princess bit her red lips and said, "Slow down! I promise you what you want! Please let my brother and them go."

"Okay, come here!" Young Master Yinhui ticked his finger.

Tianyin Princess came over in humiliation, and was ready to withstand the insult.

But, Master Yinhui suddenly slapped her face on her face suddenly, and turned it to the ground, her face full of air: "Giving shameless face to the cheap goods! I just wanted you, you squeeze, now give me While standing, you will slowly play to death!"

Then gave the red-haired middle-aged a wink and let him do it.

The scene instantly fell into a state of extreme despair, and the entire prince of Xiu Xiu stayed like a lamb, lying on the cutting board with mournful wail.

"Hehehe..." At this time, Ouyang Zhen was lying on the ground, but he laughed: "A group of things looking for death, you don't even know what you are doing, nor do you know where you are in trouble!"

Young Master Huihui is not afraid of earth, "Who's site? This is Laozi's site! It's just that King Laozi is here, kneel for me!"

Its loud voice echoed in the dead Luang Temple.

But, in a plain, no sound of fireworks echoed gently.

"is it?"

(Something, two minutes left before 8 o'clock tomorrow morning)

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