Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 846: No choice

   "The son doesn't pass by the godfather." Xia Qingchen stared at him and stepped forward.

   Tian Yuling added grief and anger: "Xia Qingchen, you are under the command of the military palace, you came to be responsible for mediation, but you want to kill one of them. I will report this to the military palace."

  As far as he knows, the law of the military palace is strict, and if violated, he will be punished.

  If the report goes up, Xia Qingchen favored Tianyueling and slaughtered Yinhui Lake.

   He did not believe, Xia Qingchen was not afraid.

   "Who told you my name is Xia Qingchen, and who saw me killing you on the side of Yinhui Lake?"

   Tian Yuling's heart suddenly cools, Xia Qingchen is going to kill people?

   Without saying a word, he immediately took out the chimney in his sleeve and shot towards the sky.

   After a short time, a green smoke rushed into the sky, which was extremely eye-catching.

   The silver member of the woman who was collecting women in the Budo Tengu, realized that something was wrong, and pulled out nirvana and hurried over.

   "Xia Qingchen, will you try to kill me?" Tian Yuling saw a group of people coming in, and finally let go of his heart, and said fiercely: "Move me, your bad things will spread to the military palace immediately!"

  Tian Yuling can be very surprised that Xia Qingchen not only did not stop, but also stayed in place.

   The girl and demon next to him, look like they are eager to try, as if looking forward to this scene.

  When the members of Yinhui came about the same time, Xia Qingchen ran his chin to Qiu Qiu: "Close the door, let the dog go."

   Qiu Qiu grinned: "Good!"

   It rushed to the main entrance of the hall, closed the door, and then snorted with his teeth, "Hey, rabbits, in the dog's place, you are all tired!"

   Lian Xing also rubbed his fists, his eyes sparkling with excitement: "I haven't moved my hands and feet for a long time!"

   Xia Qingchen also pulled out the broken sword, closed his eyes, waved his finger, and the broken sword was like an afterimage, instantly penetrating several people!

   Qiu Qiu and Lian Xing also plunged into the crowd!

   Both men and dogs are at the pinnacle of the mid-star position, and their strength is above or close to the big star position. Naturally, they are like tigers into the flock, and they will instantly kill them and cry.

  When members of Yinhui found out that the situation was not good, it was too late.

Outside the hall, many flattered women on the square squeezed into a squirm, listening to the screams in the hall.

   The whole process continued with a cup of tea, and then a shadow of disease emerged from the hall and disappeared into the sky, and they found nothing.

  Waited for a while, they bravely entered the hall, and as a result, a scene was introduced to their eyes, which scared them of their looks.

   I saw that Tian Yuling was crucified on the throne of the master of the Budo Palace, and the remaining seventy or eighty silver members all broke their arms and wailed on the ground.

   Three days later.

   Nebula Sect.

  The river at the foot of the mountain is gurgling, and the nine peaks of the Tiantian Mountain are steep and precipitous.

   is just a trace of blood that shouldn't be there, destroying Ruxian's temperament.

   The ninth peak.

   The mountain tops covered with snow all year round are full of bright red blood, which is dazzling and shocking.

  The two people with different costumes are fighting against each other with the walls of a superb residence as the boundary.

   Inside the courtyard walls are the Nebula Sect, among them the Master Xun and Master Xing who are familiar with Xia Qingchen. They are the highest, and they are already covered in blood and exhausted.

  In addition, there are many disciples, and even the logistics personnel in the mountain gate, all of them are also fighting to kill the enemy.

   Including Xia Qingchen, who is familiar with Yang Qingchen.

   "Master Dayun, Master Daxing, the enemy is getting fiercer." Yang shopkeeper ripped off the arrow on his arm, his face covered with blood.

   According to rumors from the outside world, the Nebula Sect has been completely occupied, but it is not completely right.

   To be exact, just occupy most of the mountain gate.

  The two top leaders, Star Master and Cloud Master, led all the cores in the door to the Ninth Peak's Tingxuelou, and saw the enemy in a tug of war.

   Thanks to Xia Qingchen for planting Longxin rice here, protected by the Master Yun, he arranged the ancient Xingbei River Map of Xingkong Yundong to Tingxuelou and protected it.

   Because of this, they can rely on the powerful power of the ancient star Beihetu to block most of the enemy's attacks while listening to Xuelou and persist until now.

   can be forbidden to be strong and can't stand the enemies' attacks day and night. Many formations have been damaged. They have to fight with the enemy with their flesh and blood in the gap.

   Master Yun said, frowning: "It's really strange, it seems that they are very anxious to take us quickly."

   The tug-of-war between the two sides has been going on for two full months. The other side is always tepid and methodical.

   But today, the enemy's attacks suddenly increased, making them difficult to deal with for a while, and suffered a lot of injuries.

   "Is it that their reinforcements arrived?" The old star of the star stared at him, and he worried.

   Master Yun shook his head: "It should not be that many of them were wounded, indicating that the manpower has not increased, but the offensive has only increased."

   The three people exchanged a look and confirmed the same thing. The power of Yinhui Lake was very anxious for some reason, so they came in at any cost.


   While the three were talking, a new gap appeared, and a strong man from Yinhui Lake quickly broke in.

not good!

   The eyes of the three people changed, and it was too late to stop, but a stone suddenly appeared at this time, hitting the person's chest and smashing it upside down on the spot.

   The rest of the disciples stepped forward immediately and stabbed him to death.

  Looking at the main cloud of the main cloud, a woman in blue stood standing in front of the fence of Xuelou.

   "Ying'er, what are you doing, hurry into the building." Master Yun quickly said quickly.

  Unfortunate to endure such a shortage, Master Yun asked a disciple not to fight, which shows the importance of his identity.

   "The owner's former residence, how can I not protect it?" Bi Yi woman's face looked haggard.

   She was no one else, it was Huang Ying'er, the woman who served Xia Qingchen in Tingxuelou.

   She glanced at the vigorous Dragon Heart Rice Tree, her gaze jumped down firmly, and said, "I promised the master, the building is in the building, the building is dead!"

   "Now that Xuelou is in front of me, can I be alone?"

   As Xia Qingchen's old maidservant, Huang Ying'er's status naturally rises.

  Ordinary mortals may not know how lofty Xia Qingchen's status is in Tianyueling, but can Xingyun Zongyan not know?

  Before he left, he was already the first person of the Tianyueling young generation!

  Tianyueling Xiahou Shenmen, the two great families, Jingyuan Chan Temple, are all closely related to it.

   Today's Xia Qingchen can be said in Tianyueling, and its status is a little higher than that of the Holy Lord of the Nebula Holy Land.

   I would like to ask, can his maidservant status be low?

   "Ying'er, we can die, you can't! Otherwise we can't explain to Xia Qingchen." Master Yun dissuaded.

  At this time, the enemy saw a new gap, and the offensive was more rapid.

  Several enemies forcibly entered the new gap, and Huang Yinger's eyes were absolutely: "Is there any choice now? I would like to fight for the master!"

(End of this chapter)

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