Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 847: Absolute plan

  The big cloud master had no choice but to stay with her and kill the enemy together.


   The people of the Nebula Sect are in danger, so are the people of the Silver Lake?

   ruled the silver splendor in the Nebula Sect, it was an envoy, he commanded hundreds of people to launch a fierce attack on the four gaps in the ban.

   himself was pacing back and forth, unable to breathe the urge: "Go up and up! Rest enough to continue up, don't stop!"

   The person who was able to rest for less than a cup of tea immediately got up again and launched an attack on Tingxuelou.

   "Chen enshrined, can't go on like this anymore, they rushed in and they just died."

  Chen worshiped the gray robe, shaking his face with anxiety: "Do you think I want?"

   The deputy's mouth is full of bitterness, and everything was going well. They can slowly destroy the ban and then wipe out the members of the Nebula Sect at a minimum cost.

   But a series of horrific events happened recently, which made them terrified.

The silver splendor of the ten branches of the Nebula Sect was wiped out by the whole army in just three days!

   The captain was all beheaded, and the members were all crippled and unable to escape.

  Even Yu You's worship was miserable in Budo Tiangong and became a dead soul.

   The most terrible thing is that no one knows who the shot is!

  According to speculation, it is very likely to be the top master sent by the two major families.

   And the master has already eliminated the ten branches, and the next target is probably the Nebula Sect.

   Therefore, Chen Fengchen was so anxious to take down the Xuexuelou and take away the resources of the sect gate transferred to it by the Nebula Sect and the invaluable dragon heart rice tree.


  While Chen was worshiping and worried, the ban was cracked and numerous cracks were cracked.

  Under their long-term attack, the ban finally couldn't bear it, and it was to be broken in large areas.

   Seeing this, Chen Fengfeng was frowned upon, and quickly said: "Continue!!"

  Once the blockade is damaged in large areas, the people inside will have no reliance on them, and they will face their blood and blood slaughter!

  As he said, Chen Fengfeng went into battle personally, and he spared no effort to break the ban.


   There was a crisp sound, and finally, the ban broke a large piece.

   "Kill in!" Chen Xunchen rushed in, and the scene in front of him made his eyes narrow.

   But seeing the unlucky Great Cloud Master and Great Star Master and others, they have retreated to the corner of Tingxuelou.

   Several of the disciples were holding torches in front of the Dragon Heart Rice Tree, and the relocated Zongmen resources were also accumulated around the Dragon Heart Rice Tree.

   These disciples were filled with lamp oil on many resources and Longxin rice trees, and they were ready to burn all these things with a fire at any time.

   "Let all of you back down." Dayun looked at Tiehan.

  Now that we have reached a dead end, of course we can't cheapen our enemies.

   They have worked hard, don't they just want to get resources and precious Longxin rice?


   Then burn them all, so that they get nothing.

  Chen Feng shouted sharply: "Dare you!"

   Master Yun was not afraid, waved his palm, and a disciple lit all the piles of monster and beast materials.

  In an instant, the material of the demon beast, which was stained with lamp oil, turned into a raging fire and all burned.

  Chen Fu was anxious and angry, raising his arm and saying, "All of you back down, don't come in without me ordering."

  Following the members of Yinhui Lake who had broken in, they retreated out of the ban.

   "Retreat again!" Master Yun said coldly.

  Chen Feng was deeply glared at Master Yun and said, "Retreat!"

   So, many members of Yinhui Lake, like the tide, have retreated to the middle of the mountain.

   "Now?" Chen enshrined the old squint.

   Dayun said: "It's very simple. Withdraw from the Xingyun Sect ten thousand miles, you can take everything you need."

   This is the final result after consultation with Huang Yinger.

   Compared to the objects of the Nebula Sect, people are undoubtedly more important. If Xia Qingchen is here, they will support their approach.

   Huang Ying'er nodded: "Good, leave, everything is yours."

   She has made a decision to coexist and die with Ting Xuelou. When the people of Yinhui Lake come back, it will be a ruin and her body waiting for them.

   As for the rest of the Nebula Sect, they will leave safely under the joint leadership of the Great Cloud Master and the Great Star Master.

  Chen Feng refused immediately: "Impossible! Who knows if you will honor your promise?"

   Master Yun calmly said: "You have no choice unless you want to let so many people sacrifice in vain."

  Yinhui Lake's goal is not to kill the Nebula Sect, but to seize their resources.

  If these resources and the Nebula Sect are all gone, they will be in a hurry.

  Chen Feng offered clenched his fists, struggling for a while, and said, "Okay, I promise you! But you give me to remember, don't destroy anything in it!"

   He backed away with extreme unwillingness.

   Disciple of Xingyun Sect was overjoyed, but I did not expect Yinhui Lake to promise so refreshing!

   Lord Dayun and Lord Daxing also relieved their minds, and the soldiers made dangerous moves. They did not expect to win, and they did not have any confidence in whether Chen Chen would compromise.

Seeing that the plan was feasible, Master Yun waved his hand: "All resources are carried away!"

   Many disciples immediately lifted up a box of resources, leaving only a dragon heart rice tree. This tree immediately died when it left the soil and could not be taken away.

   Lord Dayun and Daxing stared back at Huang Ying'er with a trace of unbearable expression. The latter looked like a monk outside the world.

Holding a torch, she stood in front of Longxin Mishu and smiled to them: "If you still have the opportunity to meet Brother Xia, please say it for me... Listen to Xuelou, there was a name The maid called Ying'er."

   A cloud of moistness crossed the eyes of Master Dayun.

  The most important part of this retreat plan is Dragon Heart Rice Tree.

  The most important thing about Yinhui Lake is the Dragon Heart Rice Tree, which is far more valuable than the Nebula Sect.

   And people who want to deter Yinhui Lake obediently let them go, there must be someone left to look at the Dragon Heart Rice Tree, and this person will eventually die.

   Huang Ying'er took the initiative to stay, as she said, the building is in, the building is dead.

  Dragon Heart Rice Tree is the only thing left by Xia Qingchen. If it is lost, she will not want to live any longer.

   The star owner said hoarsely: "silly girl, is it worth it?"

   Huang Ying'er smiled lightly: "Maybe not worth it, but I am willing."

  The back of Xia Qingchen appeared in her mind, and there was a satisfied smile in the corner of her mouth. The world was so big that only listening to Xuelou gave her warmth.

   is with him, without regret in my heart.

   "Take care!" Lord Daxing and Master Yun bowed to him, and many disciples expressed emotion in their hearts, paying tribute to this person who volunteered and listened to Xuelou.

   The men and women of Xingyun Sect formally evacuated.

  The people of Yinhui Lake backed away, and no one dared to stop.

   Listening to Xuelou, only Huang Ying'er and a few Nebula Sect personnel who had hurried to finish off to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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