Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 848: Disappoint me

   One of the old men, staying at the end, he kindly said: "Silly girl, I will stay with you."

   Huang Ying'er knew him. The master of Wenjingge, one of the ten major branches of the former Nebula Sect, returned to Zongmengan for some reason.

   is a whole year and a half. During this period, I always come outside to listen to Xuelou and help Huang Ying'er cut wood. He is a very kind grandpa.

   "Grandpa Chen, forget it, I am enough, I don't need to involve you." Huang Yinger refused with a smile.

   Lord Pavilion Chen smiled kindly and came to Huang Ying'er, reaching for the torch and saying, "I have a bone, let me use afterglow to do something for Zongmen."

   Huang Ying'er moved, red lips bite, said: "Grandpa Chen, no need."

   Master Chen Pae patted her shoulder and said, "Don't you really want to see Xia Qingchen again?"

   "I..." Huang Ying'er hesitated. Where did she not want to see you again?

   Chen Ge said: "If Xia Qingchen is here, I think he would like to see a living you rather than a tree without emotion."

  Huang Yinger's heart was shaken, yes, she really wanted to see Xia Qingchen again, and called him Master again.

   Lord Chen smiled and took the torch from Huang Ying'er.

   This time, Huang Ying'er was no longer attached, she couldn't bear to say: "But Grandpa Chen, you will die."

   Lord Chen replied, "What about the death of those who are about to land?"

   Huang Ying'er was silent for a moment, let go of his hand, full of guilt, and bowed deeply to Lord Chen: "I'm sorry!"


   Yes, as soon as the voice fell, she lowered her eyes and saw that there was an extra torch on the ground, and then a big foot stepped **** it to stamp out the torch.

   Huang Ying'er raised his head in a daze, and it was no longer the kind face of Lord Chen, but a face of revenge and a sickly smile.

   "Grandpa Chen, you..." Huang Ying'er looked at Master Chen's hands empty-handed and suddenly knew that he had been cheated.

   Sure enough!

   Lord Pavilion Chen stepped on the torch hard and grinned: "Want to let me sacrifice for Nebula Sect? Ha ha, dream!"

  Huang Yinger's mind is blank.

  If the torch is extinguished, there is no person who restrains the Silver Lake, they will kill the retreating Nebula Sect personnel once they find out!

   What made Huang Ying'er exclaim was that Lord Chen escaped a ninja with a signal from his sleeve.

   That was to inform the people of Yinhui Lake that the torch had been successfully captured.

  Huang Ying'er didn't dare to channel: "Grandpa Chen...you...are you from Yinhui Lake?"

   Lord Chen opened the nirvana without hesitation, and a green light set his old face to be extremely gloomy, just like the evil spirits released from hell.

   "The old man rarely plays for Yinhui Lake?" Chen Gezhu sneered: "I volunteered to help Yinhui Lake and wipe out the Nebula Sect!"

   Huang Yinger shook his head in disbelief: "No, you are not like this, Grandpa Chen, you are not such a person!"

   Lord Chen's maniac laughed wildly: "Silly girl, you're so cheating! I really thought that I have helped you sincerely for more than a year? I'm waiting for Xia Qingchen to come back and wait for revenge on him!!"

   At that time, I asked Jing Ge that because of the smoke, many inferior disciples came in by relationship and oppressed the excellent disciples without background.

   As the messenger, Xia Qingchen arrived at the Mirror Court, sweeping away the dirt, killing, and disposal.

   At that time, Lord Chen, who was the leader of the cabinet, was punished by Xia Qingchen, who returned to Xingyunzong.

The punishment of Zongmen was to let Master Chen Ge do the mischief for ten years to make up for his fault.

   From the dignified master to a handyman, how big is the difference?

During the period of Patriarch Chen’s life, he experienced the warmth and coldness of the world, and his heart for revenge increased with each passing day, but he never had a chance.

   Now, there is finally a chance to get revenge.

   Huang Ying'er begged: "Grandpa Chen, please come back to the shore, after all, the Nebula Sect is where you have stayed for a lifetime."

   Lord Chen Pai smirked: "For this reason, I want to destroy him even more! I have played for the Nebula Sect all my life, what is the end? This kind of ungrateful ancestry should be destroyed!"

   said, it is necessary to urge nirvana.

   Huang Yinger bit her red lips and immediately rushed to want to **** it.

   But Lord Chen is the former Lord, after all, can his strength be comparable to that of Huang Ying'er?

  He was as thin as a lightning bolt. When he grabbed it, he pinched Huang Ying'er's neck and grinned: "Xia Qingchen's maidservant, you will replace his eyes. Look at how the Nebula Sect is destroyed?"

  The ninja in his hand was launched, and in the desperate eyes of Huang Ying'er, a green light flew into the sky.

  Once the news is launched, Yinhui Lake will start to kill the big cloud master and others cleanly.

   There is the big star Chen Chen present, no one can escape!

   "No!" Huang Ying'er shed tears of anxiety and self-blame. It was her, and it was she who believed in others wrongly that led to the destruction of the Nebula Sect.

   And on the mountainside, the sound of fierce fighting and screaming came.

   has already started!

   Lord Chen Pai put her down, Huang Yinger knelt on the ground softly, her fists clenched tightly, her face covered with tears.

   "I'm sorry!" Huang Yinger covered her heart, her heart twitched tightly because of guilt, making her unable to breathe, listening to the increasingly fierce cry for help, wailing, crying, Huang Yinger only felt that the heart was stuck.

   Lord Chen's face showed a pleasing look, and he smiled comfortably: "Ah! What a beautiful voice! Thanks to you girl, I can get what I want! Hahaha..."

   heard the words, the extremely self-blaming Huang Yinger is even more ashamed.

   Everyone entrusted her life to her, but she lived up to everyone's hope and brought the Nebula Sect into a desperate situation.

   Master Chen patted her shoulder and abused her: "If I were you, I would be buried with Xingyun Zong. After all, you killed Xingyun Zong. You are the culprit of Xingyun Zong!"

   Huang Ying'er raised his eyes in animosity and stared at him: "Chen Daofei, I won't let you go by Huang Ying'er as a ghost!"

   Lord Chen Chen shrugged indifferently: "Anyway, I don't plan to live long anyway, welcome to take my life, hahahaha..."

  His long-cherished wish was finally achieved.

   Huang Ying'er resentfully grabbed a sword not far away, stab it toward Chen Pavilion Master, and said like crazy: "I killed you!"

   Master Chen's understatement grabbed the sword in his hand. He smiled and said with a smile: "You hear, there is no movement. Presumably they are already on Huangquan Road?"

   After hearing the words, Huang Ying'er was black in front of him, and there was never any despair and depression.

   "Ah!!" She screamed with tears in her face, and her ink danced with excitement.

   Lord Chen Pai laughed wantonly: "What are you waiting for, go down and apologize to them!"

   He shook his hand and threw the sword in front of Huang Ying'er.

  The latter experienced great grief, grabbed the sword, stared at the Patriarch Chen with a hateful look, and held a sword around his neck: "You have wished! I am waiting for you in hell!"

   After finishing his words, he will end his life with a sword.

   But at this moment, a strong wind shot without warning, and shot the sword in his hand.

   At the same time, a familiar sigh came slowly: "It really disappoints me!"

   (there are two more changes, at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning)

(End of this chapter)

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