Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 849: Strongman

   Huang Ying'er's heart shook. Although the voice slightly changed, she heard it the first time.

   She turned her head and looked behind her, but she saw that the ban was isolated, and there was a shadow with a blurred figure.

   "Master!" Despite the obscurity, how could Huang Ying'er mistake the person who appeared thousands of times in that dream?

   Lord Chen was stunned, looking at the approaching figure in disbelief.

  He didn't believe it would be Xia Qingchen.

   At this moment, Xia Qingchen, shouldn't he already go to the distant martial arts holy land Liangzhou City?

   could not appear in the Nebula Sect, and it came so coincidental.

   Until that figure crossed the broken gap, Master Chen’s pupils shrank fiercely. How could he forget the series of teenagers who slain a series of seniors who asked Jingge to kick him from the throne of the Lord?

   Although more than a year apart, Xia Qingchen's silhouette is a bit more mature, but that is definitely Xia Qingchen!

   Huang Ying'er's eyes were filled with tears of excitement, and he stepped forward to respectfully say, "Huang Ying'er, welcome the master to return!"

   However, Xia Qingchen's slightly indifferent face responded to him: "I haven't seen you in a long time, you still haven't grown!"

   heard the words, Huang Ying'er shuddered in his heart, he lowered his head busy, guilty said: "I'm sorry, Ying'er is incompetent, it hurts Xingyun Zong up and down."

   Xia Qingchen shook his head and said, "I am not disappointed, but you can't help but provoke an old thing to commit suicide."

   All along, Huang Ying'er was so simple in mind that he was used by his fiance to deal with Xia Qingchen.

   It is still the same today, and he is forced to commit suicide in three words.

  Huang Ying'er's red lips clenched bitterly, tears tickled down his eyes, and his heart was as uncomfortable as it was bitten by thousands of ants.

   She didn't even dream of it. When I saw her, Xia Qingchen's first sentence would be quite disappointed with her.

"However, because of this, you can be my maidservant." Xia Qingchen stretched out his palm and touched her head, saying, "Your simplicity can only be left to yourself, don't show it to the enemy, you know?" "

   Huang Ying'er's heart immediately flew to the ninth heaven, and he nodded with great joy: "Yes, Yinger understood!"

   "Well, get up." Xia Qingchen said.

  'S eyes also began to fall on Lord Chen, and after looking at him for a while, Xia Qingchen remembered who he was, and said: "It seems that I was too soft-hearted at first."

   This Chen Patriarch in the Principality of Tiema ruthlessly helped the Principality's royal family to destroy the entire family of Zhang Xingxing, even if the former Chen Patriarch was taken care of by the Zhang family.

   Then asked Jing Jing, he opened one eye and closed one eye to many chaos, causing Xia Qingchen to thunder.

   Nowadays, people who openly harm the Nebula Sect.

   Xia Qingchen believes that there have been reformers in the world, but Lord Chen is definitely not among them.

   "It's just three things, do you have anything else to say?" Xia Qingchen didn't even kill. In his eyes, Lord Chen only had ants and couldn't excite him.

   Lord Chen's complexion turned back white and swallowed hard: "How did you get up?"

   It stands to reason that the mountainside at this moment should have been occupied by the people of Yinhui Lake.

  How did Xia Qingchen pass the Yinhui Lake to the nebula of Xingyun Sect, but did not attract them to notice?

   "He came up." Xia Qingchen said lightly.

   At this time, Yu Guang, the Lord of the Pavilion, only glimpsed a series of **** footprints behind Xia Qingchen.

  He was even more unbelievable and said, "Are all the Silver Lakes dead? Are you sitting up with your eyes open?"

   Moreover, Lord Chen felt strange that he emitted a smoke signal for a while, and that Chen worship hadn't come up yet. Isn't he most important to Longxin Rice Tree?

   Who knows, Xia Qingchen's response, like a thunderbolt on the sunny day, shocked Chen Pai's mind.

   "You are right, Yinhui Lake is indeed dead." Xia Qingchen said calmly.


  At this time, a group of bloodied people flooded from the mountainside one after another, it was the nephew of the Nebula Sect.

   They showed great awe and bowed to Xia Qingchen: "Return to Senior Xia, the members of the rebellious Yinhui Lake have all been executed, and the remaining captives are invited to be determined by the senior."

   said that it was the acting suzerain, the big cloud master!

   Disciple of the former Nebula Sect, but she wants to call her senior!

  Mr. Chen's pupils shrink even more, because the star star holds a head in his hand, that is the head of Chen's worship!

   "Ah!" Lord Chen Ge stepped back in horror.

   The original wailing, crying, etc. sounds were not the Nebula Sect, but the Yinhui Lake side!

   Xia Qingchen glanced at him and said, "Captives are good for you to use, but some people are capable of cultivation, although they are all disabled, but it is good to stay as a slave."

   "In addition, all the silver brilliances in the ten branches are maimed, and they cannot leave in the same place.

   These silver brilliances are cultivated for small star positions and more for medium positions.

   And they are all crippled, and if they are managed carefully, they will become good slaves.

   The main face of the big star is now excited, but this is an invaluable treasure!

   "Let's do it for the juniors!" He immediately led a group of disciples of the Nebula Sect and hurried to the top ten branches to receive those who were strong in silver.

   "Finally." Xia Qingchen pointed to Lord Chen: "This person is at last treason, you must deal with it."

   paused, Xia Qingchen said again: "In addition, he said he was not afraid of death."

   Master Yun's eyes were cold and cold, she wondered where the green smoke came from, and why Yinhui Lake suddenly killed them.

   turned out to be the thing with the back bones!

   "Aren’t you afraid of dying? Well, that’s good!" Master Yun said with a chill: "So that we can make you die better!"

   "Press it down and execute it!" Dayun said coldly.

   Lord Pavilion Chen took a breath, and Ling Xingzong’s execution of Ling Chi was different from the mortal Ling Chi.

  The latter simply cuts off the flesh of his body piece by piece with a knife, but the Nebula Sect uses monsters to tear them into pieces one by one! !

   "No, I don't want it!" Master Chen Ge picked up the sword on the ground and immediately wiped it on his neck, ready to break it.

   He would rather die like this, and never accept the lateness of Nebula Sect.

   Master Dayun flicked his finger and flew the sword with great energy. The two high-ranking sect gates rushed to kick it to the ground and quickly subdued.

   "Immediately brought down to execution, if you did not let him persevere for a hundred days, but you are asking!" Dayun Lord hated it.

   Lord Chen's face was pale and wept bitterly: "The lord is forgiven, the old man can't dare, no longer dare! Please forgive me..."

  'S mouth was immediately blocked by a **** cloth, and the person was dragged towards the foot of the mountain.

   He could only widen his eyes, his nostrils were panting, and his mouth was yelling and begging.

  Unfortunately, Master Yun was indifferent and watched them disappear into sight...

   waiting for him, it will be a brutal late night like a nightmare!

   That kind of lateness, once used it ten years ago, he also watched it with his own eyes.

   The process is extremely cruel!

   Those who were tortured did not persevere for a long time and died.

   In his ears, two high-level sighs came: "The big cloud master is difficult for some strong men, this old thing is so weak, I can't hold it for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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