Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 850: Blessed

   "If you can't hold on, you must hold on! Senior Xia's personal order, do you want to violate it? Do you want to mix up with Nebula Sect in the future?"

   "Also! Since it was requested by Senior Xia, then I will take out my collection of life extension cream, cheap this old thing, just desperately, I also have to let him die for a hundred days and die again!"

   "I will also take out the healing remedy at the bottom of the pressure box, this time I am out!"

   Lord Chen heard the whole body trembling and shouted, looking up at the sky, and the tears of remorse flowed downward.

  Which he is wrong, why should he think of betraying the Nebula Sect?

  Following the retreat of the Nebula Sect, will there be nothing?

  Unfortunately, regret the medicine, even the King of God does not have......

   Listen to Xuelou.

   Xia Qingchen sat on the stone bench, and Master Yun waited for someone to bow down to meet and listen to the training.

  What they saw, Xia Qingchen was so terrible.

   Raised his hand to throw himself into the foot, and took the head of Chen Xiang who enshrined the great star powerhouse. With a sword, he wiped out dozens of Yinhui Lake powerhouses who were quite powerful in their eyes.

   That kind of power has already transcended their cognitive category.

   "The Nebula Sect has been through this catastrophe, and you are able to unite to this day. I am very pleased." Xia Qingchen swiped from the space ninja and took out some of the loot he usually obtained.

   He put it on the ground and immediately piled it into a small mountain bag.

   These are not useful for Xia Qingchen, but they are rare treasures for the big cloud master.

   "Mysterious middle class martial arts, "Bawangquan"?"

   "Third-order ninja, Haotian ruler?"

   "Smoke cage cold sand to improve cultivation?"

   "The well-known humiliating picture?"


  Xingyunzong and others immediately blasted the pan and boiled it.

   Those things are in their eyes, and each is a rare and rare treasure. With them, it is enough to make the Nebula Sect grow several times!

   "Ying'er, you come." Xia Qingchen waved, Huang Yinger immediately came to Xia Qingchen and knelt down: "What did the master tell you?"

   Xia Qingchen took out a copy of the mind method and gave it to her, saying: "This is the Ruyi Heart Sutra, and long-term cultivation is very beneficial to your cultivation."

   "Ruyi Heart Sutra" is a mysterious martial arts skill of high quality, second only to the "Seven Star Demon Scripture" practiced by Xia Qingchen.

   This method has been practiced for a long time, and the practice will become deeper and deeper than the same level.

  More than this, this mentality will also follow the cultivation of the practitioner to improve, and promote the rank, so that you can continue to practice.

   "Thank you Master." Ying'er said joyfully, holding it as a baby in his palm.

   She didn't know that Xia Qingchen gave her this mentality, which means that Xia Qingchen will be for a long time and will not even come back.

   Xia Qingchen got up, looked around at the familiar faces, and suddenly found a face missing, saying, "Why don't you see Bai Jing?"

   If there is anyone in the Nebula Sect who remembers him deeply, it is Bai Jing.

   In the Principality of Shenxiu, Xia Qingchen was treated unfairly by Budo Tiangong, which led to the fall of Sun Mountain, and Bai Jing suddenly appeared, bringing him back to the Xingyun Sect.

  This love and gratitude, Xia Qingchen began to remember.

   As soon as the words fell, the delighted faces of Nebula Sect and others immediately poured down like a pot of cold water and quickly cooled like ice.

   Xia Qingchen's eyes crossed a gloom: "Did you die?"

  Xingyun Sect experienced holocaust, there can be no casualties.

  Huang Yinger bit his lip and said, "Sister Bai Jing, was taken away."

   Take away?

   Xia Qingchen remembered Yinhui's search for the best women in the principalities.

   Bai Jingnai is an excellent warrior. If he is taken away, how can he say it in the end?

   "When?" Xia Qingchen's eyes widened.

   "Three days ago, a blockade was suddenly broken, and Bai Jing, who was guarding it, was accidentally caught."

   Only three days? That's too late!

   "You know, where did they capture Bai Jing?" Xia Qingchen asked.

   Dayun main road: "It should be caught the enemy's nest, Hero Tower!"

  Heroes Tower is a key transportation point in Yunmeng Swamp. Xia Qingchen used to be a **** in the name of the moon in the Tianyue Hall of Heroes Tower.

   Now this place has been occupied by Yinhui Lake!

   "Heroic Hall, isn't it?" Xia Qingchen nodded and said, "Okay, everyone, take care, I'll take a step first."

   Things are urgent and there is not much delay.

   Xia Qingchen immediately walked towards the sword and went straight to the hero building.

   At that time, Xiahou Shenmen across the sky.

   That central island is no longer just the Xiahou Shenmen Mansion, but the camp center of the entire Tianyueling.

The three priests of Xiahou Shenmen, the cloud Buddha of Jingyuan Temple, the ancestors of Gongliang and Baihua families, and the holy lords of several holy places are all gathered here.

  Tianyueling's famous and surnamed strongmen all came together.

   Now it is time for Tianyueling's life and death, the forces of all parties in Tianyueling are forced to unite and unify with the outside world.

   It's just that the situation in Tianyueling is worrying.

  Half of Tianyueling is occupied by Yinhui Lake, only the north of Mengze is still occupied by them.

   The two sides are facing each other with the Hero Tower as the boundary.

   "What's the situation?" It was not yet dawn, and many strong men in Tianyueling held regular meetings to discuss the recent situation.

   It was Yunfo who presided over the conference.

   Now the ancestors of the two Shenmen follow Gu Qianhen one after another, and Yunfo is the most senior elder in Tianyueling.

   Cloud Buddha's calm and calm face was also full of anxiety: "I'm not optimistic. From the perspective of the preparation of both parties, our strong are still too few."

  Yinhui Lake was far better than Tianyueling, and now suddenly has trouble, hit Tianyueling by surprise, many masters fell.

   is now occupied half of the country, and morale is low.

   The big decisive battle agreed upon by the two parties is not optimistic.

   The atmosphere in the hall is dull. Ordinary people and families can choose to evacuate from Tianyueling, but their family has been operating here for hundreds of thousands of years.

   "However, I received a piece of good news." Yun Fo's face showed a trace of relief.

   Baihua Patriarch sighed: "What good news can we have in Tianyueling today?"

  Cloud Buddha said: "The military palace has been aware of the war between the two domains, and has dispatched a mediator to come to mediate the war between the two sides."

   But the people present did not show a relaxed look as he expected, but the eyebrows were more worried.

   Baihua ancestors said: "As far as I know, Yinhui Lake has been talented in these years. Those younger generations have developed well in the military palace. The people who came to mediate this time should be the people of Yinhui Lake?"

   If so, it might as well not come.

   Otherwise, Yinhui Lake's mediation will definitely help Yinhui Lake.

   At that time, Tianyueling’s loss would only be more severe.

   However, Yun Fo smiled mysteriously: "It's not, on the contrary, he's the person in Tianyueling."


   Everyone was immediately excited.

   "Tianyueling? Could it be Xia Qingchen?" Nebula Lord said immediately.

   Baihua Patriarch Bai glanced at him, and said with a smile: "Sovereign Nebula, your holy land only has a talent for Xia Qingchen. So, is he too mythical?"

   "What is the status of the mediator dispatched by the military palace? Do you think Xia Qingchen can get such honor in the military palace for half a year?"

  The old face of the Lord Nebula confessed that he really took it for granted.

  What a huge place in the military palace, Xia Qingchen came up with a place like Tianyueling.

  The ancestor of Baihua guessed: "I think, who is the Tianyueling person in the past?"

   Cloud Buddha showed a mysterious smile, and his eyebrows were full of joy.


(End of this chapter)

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