Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 852: Selling ancestors

If there is no background, Xia Qingchen will take a century to reach Wan Xiaoqi level, right?

This time, everyone completely wiped out Xia Qingchen's shadow.

The mediator is definitely another master, probably a madman sword or his disciples.

Who knows, silently listening to the Cloud Buddha after their discussion, and smiled slightly: "This is an urgent message sent to me by the old man of the military palace, you circulate it."

Baihua Patriarch lit up and smiled and scolded: "Cloud Buddha really sells Guanzi."

Obviously there is letterhead, but it is deliberately hidden tucked away, making them a group of guesses.

"Come and come, let me see first, which hometown might come to our Tianyueling." Baihua Patriarch took the lead and smiled.

The content of the letter is very short, with only two lines of text, which can be scanned at a glance.

At first glance, the smile on Baihua Patriarch's face is like the Wannian Xuanbing version completely solidified.

"What's the matter, Baihua Patriarch?" Gongliang Patriarch on the side saw that his condition was wrong, he shouted several times in a row, and shook his palm in front of him.

But the Baihua Patriarch never responded, like a wood carving.

This scene plunged the audience into consternation and short-term panic. What happened to Baihua Patriarch?

The ancestor Gongliang was so surprised that he took the letterhead from Baihua ancestor.

After sweeping his eyes, he suddenly stood up and shouted, "Xia Qingchen!!!"

The letterhead was clearly written in black and white.

Everyone was frightened by the shock of Gongliang's ancestor. Since the attack, Gongliang's ancestor has always been in a state of illness.

Most of the day is sitting and lying down.

Now they stood up suddenly and shouted loudly, making them unable to be frightened.

"Ancestor, what is summer light dust?" Gongliang Yun came over with surprise, aiming at the contents of the letterhead.

As a result, just like his ancestor, he exclaimed on the spot: "The mediator appointed by the military palace is the head of the Zizitian regiment, Xia Qingchen?"

"What? Xia Qingchen is the mediator?" Everyone was shocked and gathered around, looking at the letterhead first.

Just watch, all fall into a huge shock!

"Cloud Buddha, is this source credible?" Gongliang Patriarch recovered and asked Yunfo.

The latter nodded and smiled: "A deceased person of more than thirty years, there is no need to deceive me."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience blasted again.

Luo Shuixian's eyes straightened, unable to accept this reality.

She couldn't help looking at her ancestor of Baihua, saying, "Ancestor, don't you mean that only Wan Xiaoqi is qualified as a mediator?"

Baihua Patriarch has relieved God from the huge noise, heard words, and remained silent for a long time.

Ancestor Gongliang responded for him, with a pronounced flutter in his tone: "Purple Word Sky Mission is the army of 10,000 people that Wan Xiaoqi can control! And the commander is Wan Xiaoqi Level!"


He really became Wan Xiaoqi!

Luo Shuixian's red lips bite slightly and said, "Will Gongliang Patriarch, what kind of cultivation needs to be achieved to become Wan Xiaoqi?"

Patriarch Gongliang took a deep breath and said, "Before twenty, you will arrive at the big star position!"

If you are over 20 years old, you will need to slowly grow your qualifications.

Luo Shuixian looked at the Gongliang ancestor in front of him, and his soft body trembled and almost fell.

Big star position...

How far is that?

In less than three years, she did not dare to imagine that level.

Half a year ago, when Xia Qingchen left Tianyueling, he was still in the mid-star position. Luo Shuixian asked himself if he had a chance to catch up.

But now, she feels hopeless all her life.

It's not just her. Most of the juniors in the audience have deep complex emotions.

Only the pomegranate immortal can cheer.

The ancestor of Gongliang glanced at the crowd, the silent ancestor of Baihua, sighed: "Xia Qingchen's potential is endless, hasn't this been seen yet?"

When he was in Tianyueling, he had tripled from a young age in just two years, and he became the king of contemporary arrogance in Tianyueling.

Now in Liangzhou, it is impossible to grow into Wan Xiaoqi in half a year in January?

Baihua Patriarch sighed deeply, looking at the clear blue sky outside the palace, and said: "The eyes of the old decay are getting worse and worse, people who can't understand, more and more..."

Cloud Buddha glanced at it without saying much.

He looked at the sky with gratification and said: "The Tianyueling catastrophe can come to an end. The only regret is the many sacrificed Tianyueling heroes."

Ancestor Gongliang said: "Yes, the biggest sacrifice is the sword cliff holy land! The whole army is wiped out, what a pity!"

Many people also look sad and regret their hearts.

Only Nebula Saint has no expression on his face and has reservations about this.

At the beginning of the war between the two sides, the strength gap between the two sides was not as wide as it is now, and they were in a stalemate.

It wasn't until the Battle of Huangfengbao, the land at the junction of the cold realm, that Tianyueling was defeated, which led to the retreat, and finally lost half of the country.

The most important turning point is related to the Sword Cliff Holy Land.

The Jianya Holy Land is in charge of logistics, escorting all kinds of healing medicines, secret medicines for supplementing strength, and various ninjas from the territory.

When the two sides engaged in fierce fighting, Tianyueling relied on anger and faintly gained the upper hand.

The Jianya Holy Land collected an extremely valuable material from the territory of Tianyueling.

However, when he entered the desert, he was intercepted by the army infiltrated by Yinhui Lake.

Not only were all the supplies robbed, but all the people in the Jianya Holy Land were brutally killed. The enemy burned their corpses and carts into coke.

After the inventory, no one survived and died in Jianya Holy Land.

It may not be so simple to understand the Nebula Lord Lord's understanding of Jianya Holy Land.

Lord Sword Cliff is a cautious person. It is impossible for him to fall unprepared and wiped out.

And those corpses are burnt into coke, how to confirm that they must be the people of the sword cliff holy land?

However, this is just speculation, and there is no evidence that the Lord Nebula cannot openly question it, so as not to disrespect the heroic end.

However, due to the lack of important materials, Tianyueling was unable to remedy, and the casualties were getting heavier.

In the end, he had to retreat continuously, so that he lost half of the country.

From the slight upper hand to the end of the present day, the loss of that material can be described as the culprit.

"When the war subsides, let's pay tribute to all the heroes." Yun Buddha folded his palms together and chanted Dharma.

The crowd nodded one after another.

As everyone knows, in the hero city deep in Mengze.

The sacred Lord Sword Cliff, who was supposed to be dying, was drinking red light and drinking with the powerhouses of Yinhui Lake.

"Sword Lord Cliff, I respect you twice on behalf of the three masters, and thanks to your help, I have such a grand situation at Yinhui Lake." A full-bodied accompany guest laughed.

At the beginning of the battle between Yinhui Lake and Tianyueling, the casualties were quite heavy, and there was a retreat.

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