Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 853: No scruples

But who knows, Jianya Holy Land actively communicates with them and is willing to help them, and the condition is that if they occupy Tianyueling, they must hand over the entire Lingnan to Jianya Holy Land.

It was only after the two sides hit it off that there was a major damage to that material, which then opened up the situation for Yinhui Lake, occupying half of the Tianyueling area, and searching for wealth and resources.

Lord Sword Cliff looked calm, and he couldn't mention interest.

The development of the matter exceeded his expectations.

Unexpectedly, the military palace actually sent a mediator to intervene, and the mediator was actually Xia Qingchen from Tianyueling!

As a mediator, this child is bound to order Yinhui Lake to withdraw its troops.

He wanted to get Lingnan's plan, completely bankrupt.

"Hey! Lord Sword Cliff, don't be disappointed. We have already scrapped more than half of Tianyueling's resources. Only the women who took them away can succeed."

"At that time, you will return to Yinhui Lake with us, and the three masters will at least seal you a site no less than the Sanctuary of Jianya."

Hearing the words, Lord Jianya's face stretched a little bit obviously.

The reason why he took the risk and played for Yinhui Lake was because he had received news from the Yu family that Xia Qingchen was in the wind of the military palace and his wings were getting richer.

As the nemesis of the nebula holy land, the future situation of the sword cliff holy land can be imagined.

Therefore, Lord Sword Cliff had to find another way out.

"Oh, please ask a few more words in front of the three masters." Lord Jiangya smiled and smiled, as long as he went to Yinhui Lake to gain a foothold in the future, he would not be afraid of Xia Qingchen.

Xia Qingchen's hands and feet are long, can he reach Yinhui Lake?

"Good to say, easy to tell!"

The banquet was joyous. Suddenly, a servant hurriedly reported to the senior executive's ear. The latter's face changed drastically: "Is this the truth?"

"It's true!"

The senior executive immediately clenched his fist and said: "Sword Lord Saint Cliff, in an emergency, please forgive me for being lost."

"But Tianyueling has something to do?" Sacred Sword Cliff said: "Can I help?"

He was too busy in Hero City, and it was difficult for him to contribute to Yinhui Lake.

The senior management hesitated and said in a deep voice: "It is inside our Yinhui Lake that a very powerful bandit has appeared, looting everywhere, and three large areas have been looted."

Sword Lord Cliff looked trembling.

Yinhui Lake is divided into nine regions, and each region originally had a moon-level strongman sitting in the town.

But because of the war between the two sides, almost most of the power was transferred.

Unexpectedly, a bandit appeared in this section of the bone, and took advantage of the fire.

"Isn't the situation serious?" Sacred Sword Cliff said.

Even if the lunar powerhouse leaves, there are still many big-star powerhouses present, so there should be no problem.

Who knows, the senior executive clenched his fists and said: "The three regions have all been looted and lost at least one trillion silver coins, and the other party killed all the way to the mash mansion!"

"Now, San Dangjia has urgently dispatched the strong men of the moon back to sit down!"

Lord Sword Cliff was surprised: "What robbers are so powerful?"

The big stars in the region are not strong enough to be vegetarians? Actually couldn't stop a bandit in the area.

"I don't know." The senior executive said solemnly: "The news came that they were invincible, and they were proficient in extremely powerful secret arts, and the strong men of the moon realm would have to flee from the wind!


The Lord of the Cliffs took a breath and immediately dismissed the meaning of helping each other, trembling: "Then I will send the people of the Holy Land of the Cliffs to help you strengthen the defense of the Hero Tower."

"Well, especially the place where the 10,000 female captives are being held, please pay attention to Lord Sword Cliff."

The latter nodded: "Don't worry, I will sit in the Hero Tower!"

As the two sides dispersed, the Lord of Cliff Cliff immediately summoned the elders and disciples in the Holy Land to rush to the Hero Tower.

Along the way, Yinhui Lake soldiers who were panicking were everywhere.

When he arrived at the Hero Tower, he immediately ordered them to be guarded around, and he himself came to the underground chamber below the Hero Tower.

This place was originally the underground cellar of the Hero Building, which is huge and can hold tens of thousands of people.

However, at this time the cellar contained captive women of Tianyueling, and they were asked to sit on the ground without getting up.

A group of soldiers holding leather whips are patrolling back and forth.

Seeing the arrival of Saint Cliff Lord, the group of women looked up.

The vast majority do not know this Lord Sword Cliff, with a few exceptions.

"Jianya Saint Lord? Are you dead?" A woman from the Baihua family who had fought in the Battle of Huangfengbao immediately recognized it and exclaimed.

The one who responded to her was a fierce whip, which made her soft body tremble and whimpered not to speak again.

But she did not dare, naturally someone dare.

"Do you still need to say? Of course, you betrayed Tianyueling!" said a coldly white woman indifferently.

Unlike other women, she has a lot of shackles and can't even move her hands and feet freely.

Lord Jianya looked at her and couldn't help laughing: "It turns out to be you!"

He was slightly impressed by this woman, but was the first group of women to be arrested, from the Xingyun Sect, and it seemed to be Bai Jing.

When they first arrived, the three heads of love took her beauty and let her dance.

As a result, she actually poured a glass of wine to the three masters and committed suicide on the spot, saying that she would never want to be a female daughter of Yinhui Lake.

Therefore, she has a unique treatment. Now, let alone suicide, it is difficult to take a step.

"Hehe, Bai Jing girl, you are too young. If you reach the age of an old man, the old man's status will become very broad." Jianya Shengdao said.

"Open? Ha ha!" Bai Jing scoffed.

The Lord Sword Cliff had nothing to do with it. He was very leisurely and said: "Tianyueling and Yinhui Lake are the territories of the Cool King, and they belong to the same king."

"My sword cliff holy land is not only the power of Tianyueling, but also the power of the entire cold environment, so which side I am serving is to serve the king of the cold, what is betrayal?"

He was not ashamed but proud of betrayal.

It seems reasonable, but it is full of platitudes and deceptions, Bai Jing disdain.

"As you say, if anyone in the cold realm destroys your sword cliff holy land, you can't hate or avenge? Because he and you are the people of the cold king, right?"

Lord Sword Cliff heard the words and shrugged indifferently: "Yes, as long as someone can destroy my Sword Cliff Holy Land, of course I will not hate, nor will I get revenge!"

Because, no one can destroy the sword cliff holy land, of course, he can not remember.

"Oh, shameless!" Bai Jing hated.

Sword Lord Cliff smiled slightly, and said leisurely and complacently: "The old man always talks and talks, even if the girl Bai Jing doesn't believe it."

"Really?" A voice came.

Sword Lord Cliff subconsciously said: "That's nature..."

Halfway through the speech, he sat up in horror, and quickly took a few steps forward, looking in horror at the place where he had sat!

But in the shadow of a corner not far from his position, a person standing with a negative hand came out of the darkness without any trouble.

The figure, whose voice was quiet and quiet, was extremely stressful: "You can think of it as such, I'm so relieved, I will have no scruples to destroy your sword cliff holy land."

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