Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 857: Turn around

   The three masters hesitated to count their interest, and immediately turned around and bowed to the sword on one knee: "Keep seeing Master Chingcha!"

   King Liang will only give the King Power Dragon Sword to one kind of people-the mission!

   Means, the messenger appointed by Liang Liang himself!

   Hold the king power dragon sword, the mission can be cut first, then let you have the power, unless it is a super family like the Yu family, above the cold.

   Otherwise, you can kill it on the spot!

  The three masters are cold sweating, things are in trouble!

   If you are only a mediator, you can not be afraid, but the identity of the mission is too heavy and too heavy!

  The mediation officer dares to kill, but he is sent so badly, it may be a disaster for the Ping clan!

  He finally realized that things were extremely bad and bowed his head and said: "Caomin didn't know that he was in front of him, Wan Wanghaihan."

   Xia Qingchen looked down on him, still indifferent: "Last time, he will cut off his atonement."

   The main teeth of the three families were clenched and bitterly struggling.

  Severe oneself?

  Regardless of the pain, the impact on its cultivation alone is incalculable.

   In the future, even if the palm can be reconnected, there are sequelae, which is difficult to exert freely.

   "Please ask the adults to fall from the light, Caomin willing to compensate Yinhui Lake." The three masters pleaded.

   Xia Qingchen held the handle of Wang Quan's dragon sword, and a lightly leaping dragon yelled out of the sword, giving a special sense of coldness.

   A trace of murderousness, slowly flowing out of the sword.

   Xia Qingchen stroking the cold jade sword, said lightly: "I don't like to bargain with people!"

  How many people died in Huang Quan and how many people died, what did Yinhui Lake pay?

   Blood debt must be paid with blood!

   He touched the necks of the three masters with his sword: "Either the head of the person will fall on the ground, or he will cut himself off! You choose!"

   When Yinhui Lake chose to invade Tianyueling, it was destined to make a choice today!

  The cold blade made the hearts of the three masters beat wildly.

  The mission to kill him was justified and righteous, and there was no reason to go to the cool king.

   Dead and a palm, how to choose?

  The three heads struggled for a long time, biting their teeth and binge in their mouths!

  The lunar power in its body gathered in a large amount at the wrist, and then suddenly erupted outside the body.

   In this way, it will cause a strong impact and completely break the wrist.

   A **** palm fell to the ground.

   He resisted the severe pain and gritted his teeth.


   King Power Dragon Sword withdrew and returned to the Jin Box. Xia Qingchen sat on the railing again and said, "Call the Tianyueling territory, and all Yinhui Lake personnel."

   The eyes of the three main masters turned slightly and said, "Yes! Caomin called immediately! However, because of the long distance, it will take at least one month to reach Heroes' Tower."

  Compared to ordinary people, it takes one month to arrive at the Hero Tower from Lingnan.

   But Yinhui Lake invaded all the powerful ones, and it didn't take so long.

   The three heads of the family still did not give up, and planned to take a handful of Yinhui Lake before leaving.

  I want to delay some time as much as possible, and take as much wealth, heaven and earth as possible and the most important women back to Yinhui Lake.

   "I only give them three days." Xia Qingchen said indifferently: "Within three days, anyone who has not arrived will be regarded as a traitor to the country that disobeys his fate!"

  Once a traitor of the country, it is at least a death penalty, a little more serious!

   "Master, how can they arrive in three days?" The three masters were surprised.

   The group of people furthest away, even those who have no way to eat or drink, takes ten days.

   "Want to talk to me about the conditions again?" Xia Qingchen stared at him coldly.

  The three masters are extremely aggressive, Xia Qingchen is clearly doing something wrong!

   But what about it?

   Holding King Power Dragon Sword, how high is Xia Qingchen's position in Liang Wang's mind?

  He just wanted to sue, there was no way to complain!

   "Caomin dare not." The three heads of the house quickly said: "Caomin will inform everyone to come back."

   Xia Qingchen said: "In three days, to see everyone, remember, it is all!"

   The three masters were annoyed. How could everyone be there?

  Fortunately, the most ordinary soldiers cannot come over.

   Xia Qingchen's purpose is to kill them!

   "Yes!" The three masters grabbed their severed palms and jumped down the hero's floor with a lot of anger.

   Five moon powerhouses immediately gathered around and found the left palm of the three masters broke off immediately!

   "Ah! Three masters, your palms!" exclaimed an old moon moon.

   They hurriedly took out all kinds of medicines and wanted to heal the three masters.

  He said in a deep voice: "Don't care about my hands first, immediately notify all of us in Tianyueling, you must rush to the Hero Tower within three days!"

  From the look and the injured palm, the five moon elders were terrified.

   There is no need for the three masters to say that they all know that they are in big trouble.

   "Go on immediately! The resources they looted, all give up, all people rushed over!" The three masters reiterated.


   A lunar strongman hesitated and said: "The three heads of the family, the four old pavilions, are on their way back to Yinhui Lake to clear the gangsters. Do they have to summon them back?"

   "Biography! Not very serious afterwards." The three masters said lowly.

  If he hadn’t seen him in three days, he would be designated as a treason by Xia Qingchen. The consequences were serious and unimaginable.

  Comparatively speaking, the bandits raging in Yinhui Lake can only be released first.


   There was a daunting upheaval in Tianyueling.

  The members of Yinhui Lake that ravaged all parts of Tianyueling suddenly stopped their aggression, and the tide receded.

   In some Principalities, the day is still idle, playing with the members of the woman's Yinhui Lake, suddenly left in the middle of the night, and never came back.

  Everything that was stolen was discarded in the stronghold.

  Some forces that are stubbornly resisting the corner are fighting with Yinhui Lake in a desperate struggle, and the Yinhui Lake side withdraws their troops without warning.

   The sudden and decisive retreat of Yinhui Lake caused the Tianyueling side to fall into a huge confusion.

  Xiahou Shenmen Island.

  Cloud Buddha called you urgently.

   "Yinhui Lake's movement, have you all heard about it?" Yun Fo was delighted, but there was no doubt.

   Both the Baihua Patriarch and the Gongliang Patriarch showed joy: "It seems that the arrival of Xia Qingchen has caused Yinhui Lake to cast a mouse."

  The five Holy Lords also nodded one after another, only if so possible.

   However, Yun Fo shook his head: "With my understanding of the mash, they will not fear the mediator at all, nor will they withdraw their troops so decisively."

   "I guess there will be more powerful people." Yun Fo hesitated.

   Baihua ancestors and Gongliang ancestors tasted unusually.

   Indeed, with their understanding, even if Yinhui Lake withdraws its troops, it will bring back all the resources and women it has searched back to Yinhui Lake.

   Throughout their recent developments, they did.

  How can you give up all the resources you have searched for?

  Baihua Patriarch pondered: "I think it should be Xia Qingchen's sake."

  After many incidents, Baihua Patriarch really didn't dare to look down on Xia Qingchen.

(End of this chapter)

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