Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 858: Worried

   Cloud Buddha shook his head gently, and his eyes were deep with light: "Xia Qingchen is only a mediator. Without such a great deterrent, there must be another expert!"

  Gongliang's ancestor deeply agreed: "Well, there is definitely an expert!"


   Suddenly, a clan of Xiahou Shenmen hurriedly reported: "Heroi Lou came to ask me that the Tianyueling party rushed over in an hour."

   Cloud Buddha raised an eyebrow: "Whose command?"

  The letter is said to be humane: "It is a mission given by the Prince Liang!"


   Cloud Buddha suddenly stood up, and his face was not surprised, and he was shocked: "Is the mission sent to Tianyueling?"

   Baihua Patriarch and Gongliang Patriarch were so shocked that they couldn't express their words and stood up together.

   The juniors in the hall were stunned. Even in the case of crisis, did not see the three seniors so sick?

   Luoshui Xiuxi frowned slightly, saying: "What is the official position?"

   The ancestor of Baihua stared at the letterhead for a long time, and then spit out eight characters one by one: "One person under ten thousand people!"

   Many juniors are at a loss, what is the official position?

  Buddha took a deep breath, it was difficult to suppress the inner waves, said: "Qincha, representing the cool king, is equivalent to the cool king!"

   After hearing the words, the juniors had scalp numbness!

   represents the cool king, does it not mean the respect of the cool environment?

   "His!!!" Many juniors snorted.

   They grew up so big that they have never heard of it. There is a terrible existence of detachment in the world.

   For them, this is much farther than the mediator, almost mythical.

   "Since it's a call to hand, what are we waiting for?" Gong Liang's ancestors faced a rare dignity and struggled to stand up.

   has a call, no hesitation!

  Cloud Buddha quickly said: "Yes! Call all the strong stars, go to meet the mission immediately!"

   learned that the mission was coming, and the strong heart of the Tianyueling side was raised again.

   Originally Xia Qingchen's arrival as a mediator would make Yinhui Lake retreat, but Yinhui Lake would wantonly plunder and destroy all resources before leaving.

   But the terrible status difference made things even more complicated.

   "You said, will the mission be for Yinhui Lake?" Gongliang Patriarch grew more and more worried.

   Cloud Buddha pondered: "It's hard to say."

   "Although at present, the mission has summoned all the infringers of Yinhui Lake, it is impossible to judge which party the specific mission will make a favorable ruling to."

   This mission was too sudden and too mysterious.

   So far there is no inside story about the mission.

  Baihua Patriarch thought: "I think we have to make the worst plan."

  She walked and said: "We Tianyueling is the party that was invaded, but the missionary went to the Yinhui Lake stronghold first, and his position seemed to be biased towards Yinhui Lake."

   Listening to this, they were worried and worried.

   Indeed, instead of asking about the disaster in Tianyueling first, the man who went to Yinyue Lake went directly to Yinhui Lake.

  'S position is indeed very worrying.

   "Hey! There are so many things to do, and finally I have a mediator in Tianyueling, and then I have a hand in hand." The crowd sighed.

   With a heavy heart, Tianyueling's strong side was the representative and rushed to the hero city.

   The hero city at this moment has been completely taken over by the women who have been rescued by Xia Qingchen, especially the forbidden defense of the city gate.

   Cloud Buddha and others arrived, but seeing the hero city gate closed, it had a bad hunch.

   "Who is coming?" A woman asked from the upper tower.

   Cloud Buddha puts his palms together in ten ways: "Representative of Tianyueling, come here."

  These women were ordinary women before they were arrested. Where did they have the opportunity to meet the top big men in Tianyueling?

   Therefore, nobody recognized it for a while.

   learned that they are the representatives of Tianyueling, just a expressionless expression: "By the order of the emperor, all those who enter the city will unload their weapons, and the offenders will not be allowed to enter."

   This order is to prevent the mutiny of the returning Yinhui Lake strongmen, so it is mandatory to remove the weapons.

   But these women are obviously not flexible enough to let themselves alone!

   After hearing this, Yunfo and others felt that something was wrong.

   I am afraid that the missionary has no good intentions towards them.

   "Cloud Buddha, what should we do, we listen to you!" Everyone's sense of crisis soared, and the eyes of Baihua Patriarch flashed.

  Gongliang Patriarch also felt quite bad, squinting and said: "It means a little bit of a big banquet!"

   Many big star powerhouses, looking at the dark and tightly closed city gate, also felt quite uneasy.

  Buddha pondered for a moment and said, "It is a blessing, not a curse, a curse cannot escape!"

  Does the sent-in adults call them in person, can they refuse to see them?

   That would only make Chinchat more an excuse for them.

   Baihua Patriarch crutches a little bit, and decided to say: "Well, if Naqiancha really favored Yinhui Lake, the old deceased died this life, and I hope you will take more care of my Baihua family afterwards!"

   An ancestor of Gongliang put his head on his head: "Let the old man come, this is the body of the serious injury, it is not a pity to die."

   The women guarding the door, a frown: "What are you talking about, are you going in?"

   Yunfo and others had to unload their ninjas one after another, so they were released into the city.

   After entering the city, the people of Yinhui Lake were all neatly arranged and their faces were very serious.

   This made the group feel oppressed, as if they could already see the scene where the members of Yinhui Lake had left all of them under the command of a mission.

   With a heavy heart, the group finally came to the hero building.

  The three heads of the house and the nine moonlight powerhouses at Yinhui Lake all waited quietly downstairs.

   There was a quiet area around him, even if he talked, it was all passed on in a gas language, lest Xia Qingchen would be disturbed upstairs.

   An inexplicable sense of depression enveloped everyone's heart.

   The ancestors of Baihua and Gongliang exchanged a look, and they all saw the fear in each other's eyes-this majestic majesty.

   Such characters as the three heads of the family are breathless. Presumably a very difficult person to talk to?

   "You are here waiting, when you are sent to see you, you will summon yourself." The women who led the way left them downstairs and left.

   Yunfo and others had to wait silently and did not dare to speak loudly.

  Time passed, but the mission did not summon them at all, which caused them much pain.

  What does this mission mean?

   After an hour.

  The last trace of afterglow between heaven and earth disappeared, and a lone star reflected in the desolate night sky.

   The breeze flicked and the bonfire jumped.

  The quiet and cold night was interrupted by a misty voice: "Representative of Tianyueling, representative of Yinhui Lake, come up."

   Both sides of the horse tremble!

  For three days, the missionary finally spoke!

   The three masters squeezed a list in their hands, and they looked ugly.

   Three days later, he called only less than half of the people to come back, and the remaining half would be designated as treason by Xia Qingchen!

   After hearing the words of the emperor, the three masters went upstairs in a heavy mood.

   They are like this, even more so in Tianyueling, and they are even prepared for a desperate blow.

   The two people calmly climbed to the top of the building.

   greeted them with a figure wrapped around the star power.

   The other party seems to be practicing some kind of extremely deep mind, drawing all the nearby auras to the surroundings to form an air mass.

  Buddha looked in his eyes, and was secretly surprised: "A good and overbearing mental skill."

  Once this mentality is applied, it will not give others the opportunity to practice.

   Those who can practice this mentality are absolutely extraordinary.

   "See Master Chingcha!" Yunfo headed the Tianyueling party, and the Yinhui Lake party bowed down.

(End of this chapter)

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