Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 859: Can't go


   There was a slight bang, and the airflow around the figure was all dispersed, revealing Xia Qingchen's true capacity.

   He looked at the two people who bowed their heads and bowed, saying, "Get up."

   Cloud Buddha and others stood up in distress, waiting for the embarrassment.

  However, when they stood up and touched Xia Qingchen's real body, they all seemed to be struck by lightning and tremble.

   Their eyes kept widening, and their pupils contracted sharply.

  People with poor concentration are even stunned and staring at the people sitting in front of them.

   "Xia... Xia Qingchen?" Gongliang Patriarch exclaimed.

   is that the Buddha and the Buddha are all surprised.

  It's unbelievable, that the envoys above 10,000 people under one person turned out to be Xia Qingchen?

   How is this possible!

   "Several seniors, please also pay attention to the occasion and your identity." Xia Qingchen stood next to Bai Jing and reminded him.

   So, Gongliang's ancestor suddenly realized, quickly bowed down: "Caomin is rude, and hopes to send adults to atonement."

  How to say that Xia Qingchen is the servant of Xia Qingtian. He is Xia Qingchen's former predecessor.

   Cloud Buddha and others also bowed their waists.

   Xia Qingchen chuckled: "You don't have to be polite."

   Cloud Buddha folded his palms together, his face finally showed a warm smile: "Xia Qin is close, Lao Guan has lost his way!"

   Ancestor Gongliang and Baihua ancestors gave gifts one after another, and the latter raised their eyebrows and exhaled: "I just guessed that the mission may be Lord Xia, you don't believe it, do you believe it now?"

   Her old face was full of smiles, which was really funny.

   Before they all looked at Xia Qingchen, only Baihua Patriarch disagreed.

  Finally, Baihua Patriarch changed his mind and thought that Xia Qingchen might have been a mission, and they denied it one after another.

   Wen Yan, Yun Buddha and Gongliang Patriarch only had a wry smile, they still underestimated the terrible potential of Xia Qingchen.

  In just half a year, a young man who stepped out of Tianyueling became a superhero over Tianyueling!

  The Lord Nebula was so happy that he couldn't hold his mouth together, his face glowed with red light.

  The Xingyun Holy Land was founded in the past. So far, Xia Qingchen is one of the most prosperous. His achievements today do not know how many faces have grown for the Nebula Holy Land.

   The haze on Tianyueling’s face finally disappeared, with Xia Qingchen as a mission, and Tianyueling could be saved.

   But, what Xia Qingchen thought, would he just save Tianyueling?

   At this time, Gongliang's ancestors clenched his fist and said: "Please also ask the mission to make decisions for us."

   Xia Qingchen nodded his head, looking at the three ugly face owners: "How many people have arrived?"

  The three masters said in a low voice: "Returning to the mission, only half of them returned, and the rest are still on the road. Please allow a few days..."

   Xia Qingchen interrupted him with a blank expression: "The official said nothing! Since they were called to return within three days, they would be regarded as rebellious and ignoring the cool king, and they could all be regarded as treasoners!"

   He ordered: "Yunfo, if you pass the order, the people of Yinhui Lake who are still in Tianyueling will be regarded as treasoners, and they will immediately send soldiers to arrest them!"

   "If you revolt, kill on the spot, if you surrender, you will be demoted to Tianyueling slaves, distribute to all major forces, and take care!"

   Patriarch of the Hundred Flowers and Patriarch Gongliang are so savage!

   This is a disguised form of expanding strength for Tianyueling!

  Which one came to invade Tianyueling, which one is not the strong man of Yinhui Lake?

   If added as a slave to Tianyueling, the overall combat strength of Yueling will be doubled that day, which is comparable to Yinhui Lake!

  Looking at the three masters, the anger in the chest sky, the fists clenched unconsciously.

   It turned out that Xia Qingchen had a deadline of three days.

   It is not only he who understands the preciousness of the population, Xia Qingchen also understands, but Xia Qingchen is even more ruthless and more absolutely!

   "Old gentleman obeyed." Yun Fo smiled silently.

  The loss of Tianyueling seems to be able to recover part of it.

  Who knows, Xia Qingchen said again: "In addition, Yinhui Lake will bear all the losses suffered during the invasion of Tianyueling."


  Seize them so many masters, but also demand compensation?

   Xia Qingchen said lightly: "You must do statistical work, ranging from a chopstick to a bowl, to spiritual veins and mystery, all of which are good statistics."

  Baihua Patriarch's old face is open and happy: "Yes, let this matter be done by the old body!"

  After speaking, Xia Qingchen looked at the three masters and said, "Of course, you are responsible for the losses you caused. Can the three masters have objections?"

   How dare the three masters have it?

  The left palm he was cut off is the best proof.

   "No!" The three masters said that the matter had come to an end, he could only tolerate it first, and wait for the revenge afterwards: "Since the matter is settled, can I wait to retire?"

  Losing a large number of people and horses, we still have to compensate Tianyueling for the loss intact.

  In this war, Yinhui Lake suffered too much.

   can only withdraw troops as soon as possible to reduce losses.

   But, he wanted to withdraw his troops and asked Xia Qingchen?

   "No! You all stay in Hero City. When Tianyueling is satisfied, you can leave." Xia Qingchen shaved her nails and said leisurely.

   The three main subjects are breaking up, why, they can’t even go now?

  If it is the usual time, it is okay to stay for a while, but now there is a gangster in the Yinhui Lake that is raging.

  According to yesterday's information, five large areas have been captured and looted by them!

   has suffered heavy losses like never before!

  At this moment, a flying pigeon fell into the hero building, Bai Jing grabbed it and removed the bamboo tube under his feet.

   "Master Xia, please see." Bai Jing took a letterhead from the bamboo tube.

   Xia Qingchen unfolded it and threw it to the three owners: "Your."

   The three heads took a look, and their faces were green.

   That was the letterhead from Yinhui Lake's mash mansion. The letter stated that the bandits had broken through the ninth district.

   There is only the central area where the mash sits, still unharmed.

   But that was only for a while, the bandits were galloping towards the mansion, and the mansion sent out a distress signal, asking them to return to the rescue team.

   "Senior sent an order, there is a gangster in Yinhui Lake raging, has already endangered the land of my mage ancestors, also asked Qin sent a favor, let some people go back to support." The three parents pleaded.

   Xia Qingchen was unmoved and said, "Please rest assured that the three heads of the family will report to you. For the time being, you will stay in Hero City and wait for the mediation to be completed."

   The eyes of the three heads were lowered, and their eyes were split.

  After his revenge, the mash mansion was deeply surrounded and suffered heavy losses.

   Xia Qingchen, is a deliberate enemy to the mash! !

   The only thing I pray now is that the only one remaining in the town mansion is the moonlight strongman, who can block the attack of the bandits!

  Anxiously waiting, the mediation continued in an orderly manner.

  The party of Tianyueling, with the mission of the mission, made a large arrest of the personnel of Yinhui Lake in the territory, and if they did not kill on the spot.

   Therefore, most of the remaining people became captives except for a part of them who successfully escaped to Yinhui Lake.

  Half of the mountains and rivers were taken back one after another.

   The whole Tianyueling was rejoicing. On the contrary, Yinhui Lake was full of grief!

  Yinhui Lake Central District.

  In front of a mansion with thick smoke, a plaque with the word "mash" burning in the blazing fire.

In front of the mansion, thousands of masked monster robes lined up.

  They not only conceal their faces, but also cannot recognize their gender.

   And in front of them, a dying old man, full of anxious breath, could not conceal the power of the moonlight.

   led by the masked bandits, Yingzi Sashuang smiled and said: "Thanks to the hospitality of Yinhui Lake, we have taken away all these resources!"

   That voice is the voice of a middle-aged woman.

(End of this chapter)

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