Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 865: Disdain

   heard the words, Xia Qingchen couldn't help but laugh.

   It seems that the Lord of the Rainy Rain summoned him to go last time, in fact, he was slaying heart, preparing to take Skyfire, and then executed him.

   It was only because he was able to curb the female constitution of Han Youbing, that it made the master change his attention.

   "Last time I thought you were going to stay in the mansion as a fertilizer. I didn't expect to come out alive. You should thank the goddess of luck!" the maid exclaimed.

   Xia Qingchen smiled disapprovingly.

  The goddess of luck?

   Isn't that the girl who always wanted to be his concubine, but was repeatedly rejected by him?

  When did he need to rely on the little girl's light?

In a light laugh, Xia Qingchen followed her maid to the house.

  But when I saw the house, a group of people were talking in a low voice, and there was a little excitement in their expressions.

   "The governor really wants to reward me with a Kaiyuan Pill?"

   "It's true! The lord has made an announcement in the strange man's house."

   "Hahaha, that's a happy event for the arrogant son of God who continues to break through the big star position!"

   "Wake up! Kaiyuan Dan has only one, obviously for the disciples of the madman sword."

   "Hey! That's true! The disciples of Madman Sword are less than 20 years old, but have been staying in Jiuhua in the middle star for a full year. Who will this give him?"

   At the forefront of the crowd, the madman sword and a young teenager stood hand in hand.

  The madman's sword shook his head, the old **** was there, and the people around him were in awe of it.

   And there are nine scars on his face, and the ugly boy is the disciple he received, Jianjiu!

   It is said that he is proficient in a lost physiognomy, using the body as the sheath, and keeping invisible sword gas.

  He was a stern sword, strange and extraordinary.

   Few people can match it.

   "Master, who are we waiting for?" Jian Jiu frowned impatiently, and the slight movements touched the scars on his face, making the face a bit more vicious.

  The madman sword chuckled and said in a bad tone: "Who can it be? Of course it is Xia Qingchen, who has gained a lot of fame recently."

  The Lord of Yanyu County has already revealed the wind in advance. Xia Qingchen joined the Qiren Hall six months ago as one of their members.

   "The mediocre people who are in the military palace also accompanied me to wait for a special trip." Jian Jiu said contemptuously.

   When he said this, Xia Qingchen had stepped into the courtyard.

   Hearing this, he only smiled.

  The words of ants, do the gods need to listen to them?

   "Xia Qingchen is here!"

   "That is Xia Qingchen, as if rumored to be young."

   "He should be the youngest Wan Xiaoqi in the military palace, right?"

  Everyone whispered and listened, all looking at the big celebrity of Liangzhou.

  Jianjiu arms around his chest, his eyes usually go, knowing that Xia Qingchen is here, and he has not looked back.

   That disdain means nothing more intense.

   is actually a madman's sword. He turned his head and looked back, and his old eyes showed a strong disgust: "Oh? Are there many swordsmen who are buried in the sword pool?"

  The teasing meaning in his words couldn't be more obvious.

  Under his repeated requests, Xia Qingchen was expelled from the crowd, which was very popular.

  Xia Qingchen came back and forth, stepping on the ground with the cherry blossoms on the ground, and said lightly: "I heard that the swordsman at dusk defeated you, and it wasn't my Xiamou's turn to insult.

  Crazy Sword immediately showed a few madness, loudly rebuked: "Little Bunny, how to talk to seniors?"

   The fiasco of the Burial Sword Pond is the counter-scale of the madman's sword.

   said it would be crazy and arrogant, light curse, and serious hurt.

   Xia Qingchen shook his head: "In front of me, you can't afford the word senior."

  The madman sword that the madman sword is proud of is just a clown trick in front of it.

   "Hey, kid, don't ask me, what is the identity of the old man in the strange man's house?" Madman Jian sneered in his sneer.

  Qiren Hall belongs to the master of Yanyu County, but Qiren also has three, six, nine, etc.

   Such a great swordsman as a madman in a shocking environment is naturally a first-class venerable, and seven other venerable people, and is called eight strange people.

  Only the strength of the lunar realm, and possessing unparalleled thaumaturgic powers, is eligible to be called the Qiren Pavilion.

  Crazy Sword is one of the eight deities.

   If he used the madness to hurt people, Yanyu County Lord would only open one eye and close one eye, and would never reprimand.

   Xia Qingchen said lightly: "Then I also advise you to inquire, what is my identity."

  The madman's sword is at best only the master of Yanyu County, and Xia Qingchen is the master of the life of Yanyu County!

   "Oh, only the military palace junior, talk to the old man about his identity? It's ridiculous!" The madman sword grinned.

   Zhengyu continued to say that Jian Jiu didn't return, and said lightly: "Master, why do you succumb to an unnamed junior? Don't you lose your identity?"

  Crazy Sword smiled, turned his head too lazy to say more.

   Xia Qingchen murmured to herself: "Is the military palace just looked down upon?"

  In their words, it seems that the military palace is quite incompetent.

   "Don't talk to me, dirty ears." Jian Jiu said lightly with his eyes closed.

   Xia Qingchen glanced at his back and shook his head with a smile: "You think too much, I have no interest in dialogue with the ants."

  He was just talking to himself, but Jian Jiu mistakenly thought that Xia Qingchen was not convinced to argue with him.

   "Hehe." Jian Jiu responded with a scornful smile, not saying a word.

  After the two sides were silent for half a cup of tea, the fragrance in the house came, and several graceful young girls divided into two sides.

   walked slowly in the middle of a simple costume of smoke and rain master.

  Compared to the lightness and thinness of the day, she now has her hair bundled up and a well-trimmed white dress, the whole person looks fresh and refined, beautiful and round.

   It's just that, as always, her cheeks were covered by light gauze, and she could only see the upper half of her face.

   "See the master of the county." Jian Jiu suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes gleaming with deep greed, following the crowd on one knee.

   But his eyes did not mean to leave the Yanyu County Lord.

  Only Xia Qingchen, standing with her arms in place, did not mean to bow down at all, and seemed to stand tall and very dazzling.

   Yanyu County Lord saw Xia Qingchen at a glance, did not blame, just smiled and said: "Let's stay flat."

  She was sitting in front of a peony flower, her temperament was calm and atmospheric: "Tomorrow is the mystery asked, if you have the opportunity to attend, are you ready?"

  Jianjiu bowed and said, "I'm ready."

   Including him, a total of ten people answered.

   Xia Qingchen looked in his eyes, slightly surprised, only ten mysterious places in the Grand Army Palace asked.

  The master of Yanyu County has ten masters per person. The rich resources are really not comparable to the military palace.

   "Green Luan, Cidan."

   The Tsing Yi maid took several boxes, one end to the hands of nine participants.

   Open it, and all of them are precious secret medicines that are only available to the royal family.

  Nine people were delighted. Although they didn't get Kaiyuandan, the gains were quite good.

   "There is a Kaiyuan pill here in the main palace." The master of Yanyu County took out another wooden box, and when he opened it by hand, a round pearl like a pearl shimmered and appeared.

  She meaningfully said: "There is only one pill, who should this palace reward?"

(End of this chapter)

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