Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 866: Do you agree

  Everyone is puzzled, shouldn’t the Kaiyuan Dan reward be given to the governor himself?

  Why is there such a question?

  The madman sword dangren refused to say: "The master of the county, the old disciple Jianjiu, has been cultivated for a long time, and he has asked the master to give Dan."

   said that while the rest of the light glanced coldly around him, he wanted to fight for this man of his own.

  He has always been overbearing, and he often pretends to be foolish and bully, no one wants to provoke him.

   Furthermore, Kaiyuandan still gave it to Jianjiu in nine out of ten, forcibly arguing would only provoke all the anger.

   Then, only the madman sword answered the whole game.

  Yu Guang, the master of Yanyu County, looked at Xia Qingchen. At this time, Xia Qingchen was enjoying the beauty of the garden as if nothing had happened.

   She narrowed her eyes.

   As the governor with the highest right in the cold, she doesn't like someone out of control.

   Xia Qingchen is indifferent to her Cidan, which is one of them, because that means Xia Qingchen has nothing to ask her.

   "Kaiyuan Dan is a special medicine when breaking through the big star position. Once taken, after breaking through the big star position, you may be able to raise an additional level to achieve the second star position."

   "This pill, can only be taken once in a lifetime, can you know?"

   Everyone was secretly surprised. Of course they had heard of Kaiyuandan's name, and they need to repeat it?

  Sister Yanyu, who is this for?

   "Do you have any other people?" Yanyu County Lord asked again.

  Yu Guang always paid attention to Xia Qingchen's expression, but unfortunately, he didn't move.

  Yanyu County's heart was a little sullen, this man, what on earth did he want to lower his head to submit to her feet?

   "Okay, this pill is given to Jian Jiu." The master of Yanyu County throws it away, but his eyes are not directly on Jian Jiu, but he is concerned about Xia Qingchen.

   Among the people present, the only one who could sharply catch the eyes of the Master of Yanyu County was probably only watching her Jian Jiu at all times.

   He grabbed Kaiyuan Dan without getting the joy of this Dan.

   Because the master of Yanyu County did not look at him at all.

   He turned his head and followed Yu Guang of the Master of Yanyu County, his eyes naturally falling on Xia Qingchen.

  Looking at the fame that was so famous and far more handsome than himself, Jian Jiu's eyes developed a bit of hostility.

   He looked down on Xia Qingchen in his heart.

  In his view, the military palace is just a place where ordinary people stand out, and the real arrogance is disdain to join the military palace.

   Like his sword nine.

  At the time, the military palace's invitation to Qian Xiaoqi was rejected by him decisively.

   There is an unwritten saying in Liangjing, but all young people with aspirations and abilities are outside the tenth house.

  Because all Tianjiao enters the Tenth House, they will be invited by the superpowers in the cold territory first. Most of them who stay in the Tenth House are undesirable goods.

  He Jianjiu was caught in the eyes of the Yanyu County master and became a member of his command.

   Xia Qingchen was mixed in the military palace again and again, and was not recognized by the pride of the contemporary heaven.

   "Inherited by the master of the county, he rewarded Kaiyuan Dan to me, but I think this method is not fair to most people." Jian Jiu suddenly said.

   The Lord Yanyu only looked at Jian Jiu, his eyes were plain and smooth: "What then?"

   Jianjiu fists: "Jianjiu begs, anyone who disobeys can challenge me. If I lose, I will give this Dan to someone for free, please ask the master for permission."

  Yu Guang, the master of Yanyu County, glanced at Xia Qingchen, who was outside, and his head was more elegant: "quasi-play."

  Jian Jiu stood straight, facing the other ten mysterious participants including Xia Qingchen. His eyes were sharp: "Who is dissatisfied?"

   He seemed to tell ten people, but his eyes were only on Xia Qingchen.

  The other nine people all knew Jian Jiu's power, and sighed bitterly, silently.

   Within the cool environment, there should be few people at the same level who can compete with Jian Jiuyi, they do not need to ask for bitter taste.

   As for Xia Qingchen, she was holding a freshly picked peony flower and bored a few petals.

  Jian Jiu's words, he was all regarded as the wind beside his ears, and he didn't listen to them at all.

   This unpretentious attitude made Jian Jiu narrow his eyes, strode forward, and scolded: "I am asking you!"

   The sound is like thunder, and the eardrum blew up.

  The peony flower in Xia Qingchen's palm shook slightly before he looked up at Jian Jiu, who had arrived at Sanzhang, and said plainly: "Speak to me?"

   Jianjiu's cold eyes stared at him: "I ask you, do not accept!"

  Looking at him, Xia Qingchen's expression was as quiet as water: "What do you serve?"

  Jian Jiuyang raised the Kaiyuan Pill in Yang's hands: "This pill is given to me by the master, can you not accept it?"

   Xia Qingchen glanced at the Elixir and said: "A poor quality Elixir, and asked me if I took it, somehow."

   The so-called Kaiyuan Pill should be a simplified version of an ancient secret recipe.

  Not only is the effect weak, but only one-tenth of the authentic product, of the ten users, probably only one person can break through one level.

   And there will be side effects-after the breakthrough, weak ten days and nights.

   For Xia Qingchen, who mastered the secret of authenticity, this kind of thing can only be used as garbage, and it is considered inferior to feed dogs.

   "Bad... inferior medicine?" Jian Jiu looked at Kaiyuandan in his hand and looked up and down Xia Qingchen: "Do you know what Kaiyuandan is?"

   In the world, some people regard Kaiyuan Dan, unique to Liangwang Mansion, as an inferior medicine!

   However, Jian Jiu soon understood and sneered, "It's really not a man!"

   "Don't dare to challenge me, he denigrates the panacea to be inferior, and says he disdains to fight." Jian Jiu contemptuously said: "You are not as good as a woman like you!"

   Several mysterious juniors asked, also making a sound.

   "Take is to take, and there is nothing to do with the ill-defying panacea."

   "That is, is it so difficult to say a service word?"

  As the crowd besieged, Yanyu County said: "All are quiet."

   If someone denigrates Kai Yuan Dan, she will only treat the other party as ignorant and fearless, and laugh at it.

   But Xia Qingchen's words, she has to consider one or two.

   "Xia Qingchen, why do you see that Kaiyuan Dan is an inferior medicine?" asked the master of Yanyu County.

   looked forward in her eyes and wanted to hear something refreshing from Xia Qingchen's mouth.

   is just like the mysterious mind martial art that contained the cold.

   "Because, I said." Xia Qingchen said briefly, and raised his palm, gently taking Kaiyuan Dan towards Jianjiu palm.

  How can Jian Jiu tolerate Xia Qingchen taking things from his palm?

   "Humph!" He hummed his nostrils, held it in his palm, and wrapped Kaiyuandan in it.

   But with this grip, Jian Jiu suddenly realized that his palm was empty.

   This grip is not Kaiyuandan, but a ball of air.

   and Xia Qingchen's **** sandwiched the Kaiyuan Pill.

   "No matter how good it is to imitate, after all it is to imitate. How can it be compared with the real one?" Xia Qingchen wrote lightly, completely ignoring a pair of dilated pupils.


(End of this chapter)

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