Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 867: Genuine secret medicine

   Now what they care about is no longer a question of Kaiyuandan's merits.

   Instead, Xia Qingchen could easily take Kai Yuandan away from Jianjiu!

   And, it is still the case that Jian Jiu is prepared and has his fists in time!

   "His! What can he do?"

   "Impossible, is he playing magic? I clearly saw Jian Jiu holding his fist in time."

   "Some kind of peculiar ninja was supposed to be used. I heard that he has an unusual relationship with the Ling Palace. It is not surprising that there is any ninja."

   There was a lot of discussion.

   The eyes of Yanyu County Master became extremely deep, and he said in a gaseous voice: "What's going on?"

   Behind her, a figure flashed like smoke, and whispered in her ear: "This body method can compete with Xiaoyueqiang."


   The pupil of Yanyu County shrank fiercely!

Although Xia Qingchen's reputation is great, it is only limited to his ability to command the army. No one cares about his personal strength at all.

   Because so far, Xia Qingchen does not seem to have shown his strength on any large occasions.

   The outside world speculates about its strength, staying in the late stage of the mid-star position.

   But now it seems that Xia Qingchen is simply hidden from the extreme!

   A little star position has never been revealed!

  Only the guardian of the Yanyu County Lord could see the whole process of Xia Qingchen's shot.

   The rest of them, including the madman's sword, were all dazed.

  Jian Jiu was startled, and then he was shy and anxious: "Give me back!"

   Xia Qingchen weighed Kaiyuan Dan, threw it to the latter, Jian Jiu hurriedly caught it, and immediately received it, lest he might lose it again.

   Xia Qingchen looked at it and said: "As you can see, a medicine that breaks the panacea, I want to take it at any time."

   He is not indisputable, but really disdain this Kaiyuan Pill!

  The whole juniors were stunned, staring at Xia Qingchen, his eyes full of fear.

  Xia Qingchen, as if nothing had happened, gave a clenched fist to the Lord of Yanyu County: "If nothing else, he will retreat!"

   paused, Xia Qingchen added: "Same thing, repeat it at the end of the next, don't call me anything boring, really, I am busy."

  In his opinion, today's summoning is simply boring, wasting its precious time!

   "Why! How to talk to the county master?" The big figures in the strange people's hall, such as Madman Sword, scolded.

  Jian Jiu was also full of hostility and scolded: "Stop! Just because of your disrespect for the county master, I will also teach you!"

   He did not believe that he would be worse than Xia Qingchen.

   Just now Xia Qingchen must have used some obscure means to take away Kaiyuan Dan.

   This face must be recovered immediately.

   And the best way is to challenge Xia Qingchen on the spot and defeat it severely.

   "Well, let him go." The master of Yanyu County rubbed his forehead with his fingers. There are not many people who dare to talk to him like this.

  But who made him really have the capital?

   is not only the master of her future destiny, but also the father's only appraiser of the Bimo mine.

   She grows a courage again, and dare not treat Xia Qingchen.

   Everyone is unbelievable, Xia Qingchen is so disrespectful, the Yanyu County Lord has no punishment at all?

  Everyone with a discerning eye tastes the unusual relationship between Xia Qingchen and Yanyu County Lord.

  Jianjiu's eyes flickered violently, and he couldn't help guessing, is Xia Qingchen the master of Yanyu County?

   Therefore, the Lord of Yanyu County always pays attention to Xia Qingchen, and Xia Qingchen dare to slap the Yanyu Lord on the spot. The latter dare not punish him?

   The more I want Jian Jiu Yue to drill the horns of his horns, the more angry he is in his heart. He is so excellent in Jian Jiu, what is Xia Qingchen?

   In addition to being handsome, it is useless. Why should it be favored by Yanyu County Lord?

   He bit his teeth and said, "The lord, the tomorrow mysterious machine asked, and his subordinates will certainly win glory for the lord."

   Mystery asked the participants, from various forces, whether the performance is good or not, is related to the face of the loyal person.

   By then he must be a blockbuster and become the only bright star in the eyes of Yanyu County.

   Talking about Xia Qingchen, went back to the barracks alone.

   Passing through the main hall of Liangzhou, but the ranking on the stone tablets outside the hall has changed greatly.

   ranked first, is named Yu Tingtong.

   "Yu?" Xia Qingchen's eyes flashed lightly.

  The surname Yu has such a high accomplishment, only people from the Yu line.

  Although the Yu family is annoying, it does have talent.

   The first place in the starry sky list, Emperor Guiyi was just removed from his name because of his arrival, and there was another person with the Yu line.

   He looked down and found that the tenth place had his name "Moon".

   "Oh?" Xia Qingchen was surprised. So many stars in the star list were removed this time because of their age?

  At this time, several martial artists who were watching around the stele were also discussing.

   "Finally changed the list!"

   "Star list has not cleared the names of people who have exceeded the age limit in three years."

   "Yeah, for Tianjiao in the past three years, it is too bad, and their ranking should have been greatly advanced."

   Xia Qingchen only realized it, so it turned out.

   Speaking, the master of Yanyu County has been over 20 years old, but its pseudonym has remained on the list, and it is believed that the shrine is neglected in management.

   "The first place is the Yu family again, hey, the benefits are taken up by them."

   "Who said no, the winner of the first place, but can get the opportunity to admire the miracles of God Ningshuang!"

   "It's not bad! I heard that after seeing the miracle, I could immediately realize many martial art mysteries."

   "But how did I hear that the miracle is a silver coffin?"


   Xia Qingchen listened in his ears, his eyes flashed lightly.

   Silver coffin?

   The temple is a holy and honorable place. Xia Qingchen has never heard of any **** who would allow his dark mortal objects to be stored in his mortal temple.

   What's more, the temple is still the God King Ningshuang, which is even more impossible.

   There must be something weird.

   He glanced at the main hall, and he went forward to challenge it, but tomorrow is an extremely important mystery and asked, he needs to make preparations.

   "It's not too late to break through the big star position and challenge again." Xia Qingchen said to herself.

  After returning to the barracks, Xia Qingchen immediately took out many secret medicine materials and began to refine the secret medicine.

  Looking at some of the rare materials outside the world, he could not help whispering: "Fortunately, there are these materials in the Yinhui Lake Mash Treasures, otherwise today we really have to consider trying the so-called Kaiyuan Dan."

  He is preparing to refining, it is derived from Kaiyuan Dan's authentic medicine, the ancient quasi-elixir-dragon pattern language.

   This medicine, taken in the big star position, can be used to increase the speed of cultivation.

  When the mid-star position is used to break through the big star position, it can additionally increase the repair after the break to one or two levels without sequelae.

  Compared with Kaiyuandan, Johnson is more than a hundred times?

  Counting the good materials, Xia Qingchen immediately began refining.

   (make up tomorrow)

(End of this chapter)

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