Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 877: None of your business

Physical skills, martial arts, star power, and combat experience are all messed up.

I still think that I am the best in the world. If you want this suit, that suit has no self-knowledge!

"Your peak is really short!" Xia Qingchen looked at Jian Jiu, his eyes always calm.

Just like the first look at Jian Jiu Shi-all the ants!

In his eyes, it was just a joke!

The audience was silent, only Xia Qingchen's words echoed gently in the air.

Sword disciple of the madman, the famous descendant of the sword-fighting swordsman, was so badly defeated!

With all his effort, he was beaten up by the opponent.

And people with clear eyes can see that the other party doesn't use their full strength at all, and they all do whatever they want.

The gap between the two can be described as one heaven and one underground!

Slightly ridiculous is that Jian Jiu was extremely proud before, no one in sight, and disparaged the other side to nothing.

Who knows, the other party is so powerful!

In the silence, Xia Qingchen raised his eyes and fell towards the light butterfly, said lightly: "Just now you also said that you would meet me as a super product?"

The light butterfly shuddered!

She glanced at Jian Jiu, who was half dead on the ground, her eyes filled with fear, and she quickly waved her hand: "No, no, it's enough, don't need to meet again."

His fighting intentions were defeated and vanished, and he dared not try at all.

Xia Qingchen's eyes shifted to look at the others, and the light butterfly's crumpled heart was relaxed, but he was still a little panicked.

Fortunately, there is Jian Jiu in front, otherwise she will challenge Xia Qingchen without knowing it, and the consequences will be unimaginable!

"What about you?" Xia Qingchen looked at the others: "You just said that I cheated, right? Some people even asserted that they would rather bet on their own heads."

"Now, please ask this bet brother to come out and verify whether I cheated."

Nearly one hundred contemporary contemporary arrogance is silent and silent.

They are the arrogants of heaven and the sun, moon, and stars shining through time and space in a century.

However, in front of Xia Qingchen, they were all eclipsed, all hidden in the silent years.

Only Xia Qingchen, like the king, hung the sky, overlooking the vast land.

"Who else?" Xia Qingchen waited for a moment and finally asked quietly.

Around, it was quiet.

This quietness is an unforgettable shame for many arrogants of heaven.

They never thought that one day, there will be a strong man of the same generation who is so strong that they collectively lose their fighting spirit, even without the courage to fight.

Today is destined to be an unforgettable day for them.

Xia Qingchen's name will also be the peak of their beings.

Until applause came, breaking the shameful silence.

"Xia Gongzi's strength has already explained everything." The master of Yanyu County patted his hand, and there was an unspeakable surprise in his eyes.

She is one of the few people who knows that Xia Qingchen's body is powerful, but she never knows that her strength is terrible.

Raise your hand to suppress all arrogance in the contemporary era!

What a graceful and unbelievable lingering voice in the world?

She walked beside Xia Qingchen and stood side by side, smiling quietly: "How are you going to deal with Luo Shen's relics?"

According to the regulations, Luoshen's relics are controlled by the recipient, but can only be controlled by the participants, and cannot be given to outsiders.

"Apart from Lin Daoran, except for the match and drag, the military palace is one per person."

The Lord of the Palace Palace cast a gratifying glance and gave Xia Qingchen this amount for nothing.

The master of Yanyu County recruited the half-old woman and ordered her to write it down.

"Since there are six in the Wonder House, only four will be given."

The Lord Yanyu smiled slightly.

"Six fan palaces, ten." Xia Qingchen said.


Everyone was a little surprised, why can the Six Palaces give ten?

What is the connection between Xia Qingchen and the Six Fan Palaces?

"Seal the palace..." Xia Qingchen said slowly: "Zero."

This made the master of the imperial palace, who wanted to smile and clenched his fists, his face stiffened, and his face was a little sullen.

Did Xia Qingchen deliberately embarrass the royal palace?

"The rest will be assigned by the Yanyu County Master, no need to consult me ​​again." Xia Qingchen said.

The Lord Yanyu smiled more friendly, and the remaining 28 Luoshen beads, how many talents could she recruit?

His eyes couldn't help but glance at the second son, if he said deeply: "Second brother, borrow your good words, Xia Qingchen did not disappoint me."

At this moment, the second son, although calm on the surface, has set off countless waves in his heart.

Xia Qingchen turned out to be super-qualified?

At that time, the emperors were unified, and there was no such level.

Is Xia Qingchen a rookie who surpasses the emperor's unity?

But thinking about it carefully, Niseko shook his head secretly, and the Emperor Yi Yi detected a product, which was three years ago.

There is a three-year distance between the two, and Xia Qingchen cannot catch up for life.

"Well, Xia Qingchen is indeed excellent, but compared with the four princes, it's still far behind." Nishiko smiled and smiled.

He turned his face to Xia Qingchen and said, "Xia Qingchen, you need to stop arrogance and restlessness, and continue to work hard, don't think you are so great..."

After Yu Yin didn't fall, Xia Qingchen interrupted politely: "What do I want, what's your business? Shut up!"

Niseko's face was stiff, and he dared to scold him openly.

He is the second son of the cool king, the future cool king!

"You are bold!" The master of the palace of Feng Feng struck like a wind, and slammed the slap in the air.

Jun Qiye's fierce face flashed with anger and came across the air, punching him on his slap, both of them flew back with a touch.

"Master Feng Palace, in front of the old man, who beat the old man, who gave you the courage?" Jun Qiye stood behind Xia Qingchen, hard airway.

The Master of the Royal Palace sneered at Xia Qingchen: "He is rude to his second son!"

Jun Qiye sneered: "That's also the matter of the monitoring palace of our military palace! What kind of thing do you qualify for?"

No matter how serious the faults of the people in the military palace are handled by the internal monitoring hall, outsiders have no right to interfere, unless it is Liang Wang who personally intervenes.

The Master of the Royal Palace narrowed his eyes: "Xia Qingchen offended the Second Son. This is a serious sin. I will report to the Cool King and see him care about the rebels in your military palace!"

Jun Qiye's eyes flashed lightly, and he was worried.

Xia Qingchen blatantly reprimanded the second son, it is indeed very inappropriate, after all, the identity of the two is too different.

If the Cool King is angry, regardless of Xia Qingchen's previous contributions, he will be severely punished.

However, Xia Qingchen didn't care about his face: "When Niseko shouldn't talk, he should talk a lot, and when he should talk, he should be dumb. Teach him what to say?"

When instigating, self-initiated incitement, and incitement immediately pretended to be deaf and dumb.

Such a person, let him shut up is light!

"You wanton!" the master of Feng Palace scolded.

The Master of Yanyu County took a step forward and said indifferently: "I feel that Son Xia is right, I just want to see my father and let him comment on it. The second brother incites contemporary arrogance, what is the reason to be angry with the royal family? ."

As soon as this remark came out, the king of the palace was in the heart.

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