Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 878: National fragrance

Only the ten palace masters could see what the second son did. Only the hundred gods who were in it were in it, and they were incited.

If this matter is reported to the Cool King, with his wisdom and wisdom, will he fail to see the intention of Niseko?

At that time, it was really hard for anyone to talk about it!

Niseko also looked slightly miserable, forcibly said calmly: "Yes, I am just saying something unintentionally. Since everyone is unhappy, I will stop here, no one will mention it, how?"

Yanyu County Lord chuckled: "The second brother said that, it would be better."

She looked around the crowd: "Xuan Ji asked that this is the end. Except for those who left the relics of Luoshen, the rest of them were dispersed and they were not allowed to stay."

The guards and the tenth palace lord, as well as the second son and his men left.

None of the remaining Tianjiao are willing to leave.

There are only 28 remnants of Luoshen's relics, how can they leave?

Once left, it means that it will take ten years to break through the big star position.

"Xia Gongzi, look at you and me for the military palace, give me one?" Lin Daoran's arrogance had long disappeared, helpless pleading.

Sai Tuo also rubbed his palms with a face of request.

Xia Qingchen expressionless: "Luo Shen's relics have been given to the master of Yanyu County, I can do nothing to say goodbye."

He showed his way and left the mine in one step.

After this matter, how many talents the Yanyu County Master can recruit, Xia Qingchen did not want to bother.

He now wants to break through the big star position as soon as possible.

When he was about to return to Liangzhou City, next to the official road, in front of a withered locust tree, he walked out of a middle-aged man with a cold face.

His gaze contained a little complexity, staring at Xia Qingchen.

Xia Qingchen stepped in and said, "Is the Lord Six Fans blocking my way? Is there any command?"

This person is not someone else, it is the six palace masters who have been seen at the Liangwang birthday banquet, and they are the masters of the six palaces seized by the world.

"Jiang Xuexin is okay?" The Six Fan Palace sighed complicatedly.

Others don't know why Xia Qingchen gave ten Luoshen relics in the Six Palaces alone, how could he not know?

Because Jiang Xuexin was already married to Xia Qingchen when he was in Tianyueling.

Xia Qingchen looked at Jiang Xuexin's face, and did so.

"Not good," Xia Qingchen said faithfully: "Worshiping you, it has sealed itself from the magic crystal."

The Six Fan Palaces felt ashamed: "She practiced the Magic of the Seven Heavens, not my request, but her willingness."

A woman full of justice, take the initiative to practice seven magic?

His lies are not clever.

"I know you don't believe it, but it's true." The Six Fans looked at Xia Qingchen deeply: "You don't actually know her."

Xia Qingchen did not deny this.

A person has past, present and future.

What Xia Qingchen saw was Jiang Xuexin now. She knew nothing about her past.

Because Jiang Xuexin never mentioned the past, or even mentioned it, she came from the Six Fan Palace.

"Well, sometimes, I don't know is better than knowing." He paused. "If you need to get the qualification of the Blood Spring, you need help, although looking for me, I will do my best to help."

Speaking, the gown shook and two things flew over.

Xia Qingchen grabbed it and found it was a candle and a token.

The candle is very strange, it is made of metal, even the wick is copper wire, how can this kind of candle burn?

The token is carved with a towering mysterious door, which is the symbol of the Six Palaces.

"With the token, you can come to the Six Fan Palace to see me." The main fan of the Six Fan Palace said: "The candle is the entry certificate of my Six Fan Palace cultivation holy place and Heart Purgatory. In the past, it was only for outsiders."

"But, you are not an outsider."

When he had finished speaking, he went away.

In a sense, Xia Qingchen should be regarded as the son-in-law of the Six Fan Palace.

This thing is considered to repay the gratitude of Xia Qingchen's ten Luoshen relics.

"Heart-refining prison?" Xia Qingchen heard about this name, but it was the largest prison in Liangjing, where the coldest criminals were held.

Their various strengths are amazing, some of them were even captured by the six fans.

The power is terrible and unimaginable.

It is said that one of them, a giant named Qingtian, raged in Liangzhou a hundred years ago and became a serious trouble.

The six fan palace masters and the top ten strong men in the palace surrounded this man.

In the end, the six fans were seriously injured, and the permanent sequelae fell, and the five strong men fell down violently before they were captured.

This man's fierceness can be imagined!

Tian Henchen and many criminals who were powerful enough to threaten the cold environment were detained in the Heart of Purgatory.

In this prison, there is a heart-eater that devours human cultivation all year round.

Biting the fire day and night devouring the behavior of the criminals in prison, destroying their realm.

The people in the Six Fan Palaces are eligible to enter the Heart Purgatory and learn the cultivation behavior swallowed from the heart-burning fire, so as to enhance their own realm.

Especially for first time users, the effect is better!

"It's a waste to use now." Xia Qingchen murmured.

The realm of the big star position, the more difficult it is to break through the back, now it is better to use it for later.

After collecting the two things, Xia Qingchen returned to the barracks.

Fan Yin is in the barracks, pointing Fang Cuihong and other ten Bai Xiaoqi to practice.

"Fan Yin, come in." Xia Qingchen entered the camp and said.

"Please tell my master." Fan Yin arched his hands.

Between her brows, there was a haze that could not be covered.

As she left Zhongyunjing for longer and longer, the situation became more and more unfavorable to her.

It has been reported that her hard-working site in Zhongyunjing is being disintegrated by several princes and county masters.

If she doesn't go back, she will struggle to win the position of King Zhongyun in the future.

"This thing is sent to Tingxuelou." Xia Qingchen gave her a space nirvana, which contained the remaining forty Luoshen beads.

"Yes!" Fan Yin absent-minded.

But Xia Qingchen said again: "In addition, you accept this scripture, practice quietly, and don't be discovered by anyone."

Fan Yin was stunned, and took a look at the scriptures, and couldn't help but be shocked: ""The country smells sweet"?"

She once saw from an ancient essay that "The National Beauty and the Incense" is the first magical skill in the world. If you practice to the highest state, you may even become a god!

"Is this fake?" Fan Yin realized that this scripture had been lost for thousands of years, and Xia Qingchen took it out with his hands. It was really strange.

Xia Qingchen said calmly: "You know it if you practice, go on."

Fan Yin was suspicious of his letter and silently retreated.

When he left, Xia Qingchen whispered: "This woman is still smart, she has been doing her best, she hasn't moved her brains, it's worth training one or two."

She was obviously worried, and she was restless, but she kept calm and did not urge Xia Qingchen to let her go.

It can be seen that she has a bright heart and a good heart.

Serious cultivation can be a big deal.

Of course, the Zixiao slave circle can no longer be unlocked.

Because only Xia Qingchen understands what kind of existence will be cultivated in "National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance".

Let her go freely, and the whole world may be destroyed by her.

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