Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 879: Break through the shackles

Xia Qingchen concentrated his thoughts, but did not immediately start to break through.

Instead, take out an iron box with a line of characters clearly engraved on the bottom!

"The big star has a destiny, but it can be opened in the year of the Zizi, withering."

Seemingly feeling, Tianhuo baby got out of the furnace and rubbed the iron box intimately.

This thing was brought out of the fire pool by Xiao Tianhuo and given to Xia Qingchen.

"Kurong, who is that?" Xia Qingchen was slightly surprised, why should he seal an iron box in magma for thousands of years.

Moreover, there are traces of Master Ku Rong in many places in Tianyueling.

In the ancient temple of Mido, Master Ku Rong sealed the Tian Tian Tuo Master thousands of years ago!

In Shenxu, Master Ku Rong created an ancient formation with his own hands, and Xia Qingchen escaped by this, and at the other end of the escaped place, Master Ku Rong left a divine star.

It is said that Liangzhou also has an heir to Master Ku Rong.

This master Ku Rong really doesn't know what character it is, and it is extremely mysterious.

Xia Qingchen has been curious for this iron box for a long time. What is inside?

"Big star position, those who are destined to open." Xia Qingchen put down the iron box and immediately set about preparing to break through.

He first took out a jade bottle with four golden beans in it, exactly the dragon pattern he had worked hard to refine.

"Unfortunately, the other half of the material, the material of the dragon's language is not easy to find." Xia Qingchen is not without regret.

When refining that day, it failed for no reason and destroyed half of the material.

That failure, Xia Qingchen was still holding a grudge. There were no problems in the refining process, but the result was unexpected.

"There are four remaining, which need to be used with caution." Xia Qingchen carefully took one out and contained it in her mouth.

Under normal circumstances, the dragon tattoos will crack, and a beautiful dragon chant will appear from it.

Under the effect of Long Yin, the effect of Luoshen Relic will be infinitely magnified, and it is expected to break through one or two levels.

However, this one was just in his mouth and could not be bitten.

Xia Qingchen bite hard, and his teeth were sore before they finally broke, and there was a brisk dragon Yin.

"What's going on?" Xia Qingchen touched the sour cheek gang, and he was stunned.

Isn't the dragon pattern he refined correct?

Why are there problems one after another?

However, once Long Yin appeared, he had no time to think about it, and while Long Yin was still there, he immediately swallowed Luo Shen's relics and began to break through.

At that time.

Outside the city of Liangzhou, Luo Narcissus was full of bags, and wearily walked on crutches.

She was in a state of embarrassment, especially embarrassed, a bright and bright dress, broken and damaged, dirty and dirty, no fairy image.

"Master, where are you? Come and pick me up!" On the back of Luo Narcissus, a dizzy ten-year-old girl was lying on her back.

As soon as he had finished speaking, he suddenly dropped a knife from the sky and inserted it straight in front of Luoshuixian's heel, terrifying Luoshuixian's soft body.

Her mouth was bitter, and she said, "Little master, don't talk, say we're unlucky once."

Luo Shuixian still insisted on being a maid to Ye Linglong and went to Liangzhou with her to find the master in her mouth, that is, the master and master of Luo Shuixian.

But after following Ye Linglong, Luo Narcissus knew how painful it was to follow her.

The girl seemed to be possessed, and she was unlucky wherever she went.

They had met at an inn outside the city, but at the end of the night Linglong had just arrived at the forefoot, and the hind foot inn was on fire.

Well, if they don’t live, they can only hurry up overnight.

But just a few steps, hail came up and down!

Finally, find a cave, where there is a monster nest.

Let's flee hard, they accidentally get lost in the forest.

After many twists and turns, escape and encounter the flash flood and wash them away.

Climb ashore in nine lives, the earthquake is coming...

Until just now, it was raining weapons on their heads. It seemed that a group of people were fighting on the birds.

That bitterness in Luo Shuixian's heart!

However, as long as she can improve her cultivation and let her surpass Xia Qingchen, everything is worth it!

Listening to Ye Linglong said that her master had a supernatural power, and even the elders in her family said that her master was probably an alien **** that Yejia would have to look up to.

And what Yeye means, Luo Narcissus has been known from Ye Linglong's mouth.

That's the almost taboo existence in the cold environment!

They still treat God as a man, and it is not difficult to imagine its terrible.

"Master, I miss you..." Ye Linglong confused.

Xia Qingchen, who was far away from the barracks, was breaking through, suddenly shuddering and suddenly awakened.

His face was deeply surprised: "What the **** is going on? There are inexplicable problems one after another?"

After waiting for a while, Xia Qingchen continued to practice.

Two days later.

Jun Zhengshuo hurried to the camp and asked, "What about Xia Qingchen?"

Fang Cuihong immediately bowed and said: "Returning to the three sons, Master Xia is retreating and breaking through."

"He hasn't broken through yet?" Jun Zhengshuo couldn't help but be surprised.

It has been two days since the rest of the participants who took Luoshen's relics have already broken through one after another. Why hasn't Xia Qingchen yet?

Don’t you see any problems in the cultivation process?

Fang Cuihong also frowned slightly, showing a trace of worry.

She has seen the breakthrough of the big star position. Generally speaking, it can be completed within half a day in a few hours.

But Xia Qingchen's practice is two full days, and it has to be worrying.

"Then I'll wait." Jun Zhengshuo carried his hands behind his back and walked around in front of the camp. He was worried.

Immortal chess is about to start, he came to discuss the detailed itinerary with Xia Qingchen.

Xia Qingchen, don't make any breakthroughs in the eyes of the knuckles, what moths come up.

Two hours later, another man came, it was the Qingyi maid in the Yanyu County, A Qing.

Looking at the scene outside the camp, she stunned slightly: "Still breaking through?"

San Gongzi worried: "It is."

He glanced at the red invitation card held in A Qing's hand and said, "Xia Gongzi will go well, don't worry."

"I won't worry." A Qing said coldly: "But the master will worry."

She also felt very surprised. Actually, she hadn't made a breakthrough in two days. The 28 new recruits recruited by the lord had succeeded a day ago.

He Duxia Qingchen is still making breakthroughs?

If Xia Qingchen failed to break through, this invitation could not be sent out.

Suddenly, the three sons suddenly looked up at the sky dome and said, "Aura is fluctuating."

His eyes were sharp for a moment, with a hint of joy: "It's time to break through the big star position."

A Qing also felt the movement of Reiki, but Xiu Mei wrinkled tightly: "Just Yun Qi?"

When the big star breaks through, the gathered aura will produce different visions.

The higher the level of breakthrough, the stronger the vision will be.

There are some talents with different talents, when they break through, they will directly lead to a white cloud formed by the condensed spirit, called Yunxiang.

Right now, Xia Qingchen made a breakthrough, even the cloud was not formed, only the airflow.

It can be seen that the level of its breakthrough will not be high. At most, the initial stage of the big star position is quite weak.

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