Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 889: Cheer up soon

"Another thing explained?" Xia Qingchen said.

Li Zicheng took out a map, spread it on the coffee table, and said, "Sir, please look over."

This map is a large map covering the three borders of Liangjing, Zhongyun and Loulan.

In the south of the building, a flame shape is marked.

"Adult, after our multi-party verification, we can confirm that there is a very high-grade sky fire in Lounan." Li Zicheng pointed to the flame-shaped place.

Xia Qingchen tasted the tea and said, "What grade?"

Li Zicheng's eyes glared and said: "According to reliable information, its grade has reached the middle and top grade."


Xia Qingchen raised his eyebrows suddenly: "Is the news reliable?"

Li Zicheng nodded deeply: "Absolutely reliable! As early as when Shi Jufeng was the master of the Ling Palace, he had continuously sent people to sneak into Lounan to inquire about the news of this fire."

"Recently, we have obtained the exact news from Nanjiang again, which can confirm that it is medium-quality!"

Skyfire Babies are so powerful, their grades are only medium and excellent.

Xia Qingchen couldn't help being tempted.

Skyfire baby is a group of human-shaped skyfire, with extremely high potential. If it continues to grow, it will definitely be able to break through the middle ranks and be promoted to the top-grade skyfire.

Ordinary people simply cannot imagine the power of a high-grade fire.

Because, rarely appear in the world.

At that level of skyfire, burning the strong men in the mid-level realm, it's all right!

"Is there a way to get it?" Xia Qingchen asked?

Li Zicheng's face was awkward, and he smiled bitterly: "I can't wait! This fire is the holy fire in Lounanjing, the fire of faith in the barbarians in Lounanjing."

"It is located in the middle of the Lounan border, where there is also the tribal royal family of barbarians. The barbarian king is there. We are not strong enough to step into it."

Barbarian King, it is a terrible existence that rivals Liang King and Zhongyun King.

What's more, he can summon an army of thousands of monsters and be able to calm down all powerful enemies.

Who can steal the torch from under his eyes?

Xia Qingchen's eyebrows were wrinkled. It was really not easy to get this fire.

"Is Lou Nanjing?" Xia Qingchen thought of the undead scepter just now, and said lightly: "Whether it is for the torch or the undead scepter, it is necessary to go to Lou Nanjie to find out."

Next, Xia Qingchen came to the largest training room in the Ling Palace, and immediately began to practice a new martial art-"Dayan Sword Formation"!

This martial art is of the prefecture-level middle class, and it is the top class in the middle class.

The most commendable thing is that he is a sword array!

There is an endless list of swordsmanship skills in the world, and there is no shortage of swordsmanship at the ground level.

However, the sword-level martial arts skills are rare.

That's because practicing sword formation requires a very special foundation-Royal Sword!

That's why Xia Qingchen chose "Zhenjian Zhenfa" as the reason for martial arts in the middle star position.

Only the sword can control the sword array to destroy the enemy.

And in the world, there are a few people who understand the sword, from Xia Qingchen every time the sword can fly can cause an uproar to snoop one or two-very few!

Sword guards are so rare, how many people will practice sword formation?

In this case, the most demanding is that, to practice the sword array, it is necessary to develop a special martial arts and store the power to control the sword array.

In the sword array, there are three swords and hundreds of swords.

Only use the power in the star spring, or the lunar power, can only control one at most.

When there are more swords, the power will be disordered. Not only can the sword array not be flexibly manipulated, but also it is easy to cause the body to run away, which is very dangerous.

As a result, even the strong mid-month-old who can fly with swords dispels the idea of ​​practicing sword formation.

In the world, only those who are born with different pulses can practice sword array martial arts.

But their number is negligible!

Xia Qingchen is different!

As early as the early days of cultivation, he practiced "Light and Dark Sky Heart", and opened up 90 small veins in his body.

Any small vein can operate independently. In theory, it can control ninety swords!

"In the beginning, I practiced "Heart of Light and Darkness", which was also prepared for this day." Xia Qingchen murmured.

A series of martial arts he practiced, from "Hui Yuan Gui Zong Qi" to "Earth Qi Canglong", to "Zhen Jian Zhen Fa", and today's "Da Yan Sword Formation"!

It's all about succession and succession, becoming a whole system.

He closed his eyes and began to practice this martial art silently, with ninety small veins as the foundation. This martial art practice is natural and has no difficulty.

After a few days.

The secret room is still quiet, but the outside world has set off huge waves.

"Have you heard? There is a ruthless man in Liangzhou who has swept the contemporary youth in Liangjing!"

"Son of the heart, right? Star list, Liangzhou list, double list first, who can not know?"

"I have been closed for half a month, but it's turned upside down!"

In a restaurant, several young people in their twenties are talking excitedly.

One of the older youths chuckled: "You only see that the streets are all talking about the son of the heart, probably don't know, Liang Wangfu has sent someone to check the details of the heart?"

"Do you know the Cool King?" the young man who had just left the gate surprised.

The elder youth mysteriously said: "You don't know how miserable the Nine-Star Son was at Gu Gong! The other side almost beat him to serious injury with one finger! Can this cool peer be taken seriously?"

"Also! Even the first-ranked Firan was defeated. Firan was the head of the Nine-Star Son!"

"It's really unimaginable. When I was born six months ago, I was so shocked. I was defeated by the world's masters, but I didn't expect to be defeated."

The elderly and young people also lamented: "There is a sky outside, there are people outside!"

The same scene was staged in the corners of Liangzhou City.

In the military camp, the commander is holding a meeting, several generals, and many Wan Xiaoqi are present.

He glanced at the absent Xia Qingchen seat, and Mei Yu did not show: "Has Xia Wanxiaoqi yet to return?"

Zhao Feiguo sighed: "Please give Xia Wanxiao some time, he may not be in a good mood now."

The rest of them understood the experience with their hearts, and some sighed and shook their heads.

The commander also said: "It's okay, let him loose his mind, even if he encounters such a huge gap, it really takes time to adapt."

Xia Qingchen broke through the big star position and only attracted the cloud, which has already spread.

He is so famous that many people pay attention to him.

Especially when Xuan Tian asked, Xia Qingchen alone defeated all the strongmen of the same generation, and became the young king who disrespected the heroes.

At that time, how excited was he?

But now, it is said that Jian Jiu, who was defeated by him, was very fortunate to pass Kaiyuan Dan to break through to the second star position.

Light Butterfly and others have also successively broken through the big star position, and reached a satisfactory level of consciousness, which is not far away from the breakthrough again.

In contrast, Xia Qingchen, after the breakthrough, the strength is standing still, it is far inferior to them after breakthrough.

Due to the huge gap in status, middle-aged people may not be able to bear it, not to mention Xia Qingchen is just a teenager.

He left the barracks and went out to relax. It was human nature and anyone could understand.

Zhao Fei Mo nodded: "Well, I hope he will cheer up soon."

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