Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 890: Chess game near

The commander said: "The immortal chess game started immediately, and the moat decided to appoint a Wan Xiaoqi to maintain security."

Wan Xiaoqi, who was present, all straightened his chest, hoping to get the commander's attention.

It is very difficult for the moat to make achievements and strive for merits, because Liangzhou City is too peaceful and there is no chance to make achievements.

The maintenance of the security of the fairy chess game is an errand that is both relaxing and rewarding. Who doesn’t want to get it?

"Bai Shuai thinks about it and decides to arrange the Purple Word Sky Mission to go." Commander said.

It is said that many Wan Xiaoqi could not help being disappointed.

Several generals frowned, saying: "Commander, can you give Xia Qingchen all the chances? The rest of Wan Xiaoqi also needs the opportunity to sharpen."

"Indeed, although Xia Qingchen is Wan Xiaoqi, but from the current breakthrough situation, in fact, it should be the lowest strength of many Wan Xiaoqi. Arranging him is worse than arranging others."

"Please also commander think twice, Xia Qingchen, let him settle for a few more years, the current strength is indeed too low."

Looking at several opposing generals, the commander felt helpless.

Xia Qingchen's breakthrough was disappointing and his status fell off the cliff.

Who dare to question Xia Qingchen's ability in the past?

Now it's better to arrange a training task, and they are all questioned and asked to change people.

Even the commander who wanted to help Xia Qingchen was caught in a dilemma.

However, no matter how disappointing Xia Qingchen was, he used to turn the tide and fight against the "own person" of the Yu family.

"The coach's decision has been decided! Don't misunderstand!"

Digital generals can only calm down, but one can imagine how dissatisfied they are.

When the meeting is gone.

General Zhengbei and several generals returned to the camp side by side.

"The commander is too partial to Xia Qingchen!" a general sighed heavily.

"However, in the past, partial favor, Xia Qingchen at that time did have extraordinary potential, but now it seems that the future martial arts achievements are very limited, but the commander would rather waste a great opportunity for him, not to the rest of Wan Xiaoqi."

"Is Xia Qingchen the person under his command, isn't the rest? Isn't he afraid of the chills of the rest of Wan Xiaoqi?"

"Xia Qingchen is also really surprising. When Xuanji asked, he thought he was a son of a natural arrogance. Now it seems that he should have used some method of overdraft potential, so he was in the mid-star position. Higher than peers."

"Now breaking through the big star position, finally showing the prototype with insufficient potential."

Several generals were indignant about this.

General Zhengbei looked calm and said, "You don't have to be too angry, no matter how Xia Qingchen has fallen, you have saved the commander's life, and you are favored once or twice."

When they heard that, they could only sigh.

When the commander decided to deal with the Yu family, only Zhao Feiguo and Xia Qingchen stood firm on his side.

Several of their generals chose neutrality.

Nowadays, the commander-in-chief is treated differently, no wonder others.

"However, it can't be repeated." General Zhengbei said: "This time it's cheap to let Xia Qingchen take advantage, but next time, the commander can't be so wantonly biased."

"Otherwise, it is difficult for us to agree!" General Zhengbei grumbled softly.

I believe that the commander does not dare to overly bully several of their generals, otherwise, they choose to stay close to the Yu family, which is the last thing the commander wants to see.

In the commander's gold account.

Only Zhao Feiguo stayed, she sighed silently and said, "Embarrass the commander."

She secretly sighed in her heart. Once upon a time, Xia Qingchen was a proud person who constantly brought surprises to them.

Now it has become a drag on the commander-in-chief, causing him to contradict his generals.

The commander smiled bitterly: "Xia Qingchen has helped me a lot. How can the coach give up?"

"The thing about Wan Xiaoqi, the yellow character group..." Zhao Fei Mo cast his eyes and asked.

Originally, the commander-in-chief has written a name application to the military palace, and is ready to recommend Xia Qingchen as Wan Xiaoqi of the Huangzitian regiment, and is in charge of the 30,000 army.

Unexpectedly, Xia Qingchen's big star broke through so smoothly.

If he went to take over the Huangzitian Tuan at this moment, he was afraid that no one could serve!

Who wants a mediocre big star who feels at the beginning to dominate them?

The commander reluctantly said: "I have withdrawn my application. Xia Qingchen will continue to be in charge of the Zizi Tiantuan first."

According to his current situation, it is indeed not suitable to control the Huangzi Tiantuan.

"Hey, it's a pity." Zhao Feiguo regretted that with many years of experience, the big star breaks through such a failure, the future achievements will be extremely limited.

Its future is probably fixed.

Yu Family.

In a secret room, the emperor sat on one knee, and the **** meridians on his chest had become much darker, no longer the grimness of his past.

He opened his eyes slowly and opened his mouth with a red turbid breath.

"Congratulations, elder brother, the ancient scriptures are going to the next level." Behind him, a young girl with a black iron mask supported him with an umbrella.

Emperor Guiyi said lightly: "It's just a breakthrough, it's not enough!"

After a pause, he said: "It's you, the first person in the star list is squeezed down, don't you feel lost?"

The iron-faced girl's voice is very hoarse, and it looks unpleasant: "What was the difficulty of the ranking two years ago? If I want to go back, I can do it anytime."

She held the umbrella's small hand and suddenly released the power of the four consciousness of the big star position!

On Xiu Wei, it is even more powerful than Xia Qingchen.

And two years later, her prefecture-level martial arts will certainly not be as jerky as it used to be.

Its comprehensive strength is terribly tough!

"So confident? That person named Fei Ran, his strength is not bad." Emperor Guiyi seemed to laugh.

The iron-faced girl lacks interest in the list: "He, so-so! My opponent is not the ordinary goods in Liangzhou City, but people from those three places."

His vision has long left Liangzhou City, looking farther away.

"What if I tell you that Fei Ran was defeated?" Emperor Guiyi said: "It's an unidentified person, I guess, maybe from those three places."

The girl asked, "How many moves decide the outcome?"

"Twenty strokes."

The girl disagreed, saying: "In general, if it is me, it can be solved within ten strokes."

Emperor Guiyi smiled slightly: "He, he has never used martial arts."

Under the iron mask, the girl's eyes suddenly flashed, and her fierce fighting intentions appeared: "Who is he?"

The Emperor came together: "I guess it should be from those three places."

The iron-faced girl clenched her fists: "It seems that the door to **** is open, and the people in those three places are finally unable to sit still and are ready to come out!"

"I've been waiting for them for a long time!" The iron-faced girl was wary.

The emperor smiled without a word.

This girl is not someone else, it is one of Yu's family-Yu Tingtong.

A talented man, not inferior to the emperor's unity, no, is a clan more powerful than his talents.

Now nineteen years old, Cultivation has reached the four-star position!

Ten years later, it is not impossible to surpass emperor unity.

"You can take part in the fairy chess game with peace of mind first." The Emperor returned.

The iron-faced girl nodded: "Well, I listen to my brother!"

Emperor Guiyi slowly stood up and said, "It is indeed surprising that the people in those three places came out, but Xia Qingchen's breakthrough failed as expected."

His eyes showed contempt: "A small character from Tianyueling, where could it be that high potential to beat my substitute Yu Qingyang?"

"Now it seems that some secret method of overdraft potential should be used, now it is revealed!"

The iron-faced girl blinked: "Brother, this person has been maliciously hostile to our Yu family. Would you like me to solve him along the way."

The emperor thought for a while and said, "Well, he will also participate in the fairy devil chess game, so you can deal with it."

If it was Xia Qingchen, Emperor Yiyi probably still had some hands-on interest.

But now, it is no longer necessary.

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