Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 895: Dark Moon Party

After hearing this, Wu Xiong looked at him calmly and said, "What are you, and have you advised me?"

Lin Daoran said: "I don't mean this, but make Qianjin and my martial arts cooperate to exert more power. If you are to make Qianjin better, please..."

"Oh, Mo said it was just a fairy devil chess game. Even if I wanted to marry my daughter to Xia Gongzi, where did you get your turn to put your beak?" Wu Xiong sneered.

Wu Huan, who had just given a glimmer of hope, immediately collapsed, and secretly shook his head to Lin Daoran, do not go on.

She knew her father's temper best, and once it was his decision, the nine-headed cow couldn't pull it back.

Lin Daoran could only shut up indignantly and cast his eyes on Jun Yaolan for help.

Miss II frowned lightly and said, "Master Wu, I shouldn't have asked about your family, but I still ask you to think about Qian Qianjin."

Wu Xiong gave him a simple punch, but there was not too much awe in his face, saying: "Since Miss Two also knows that it is a family affair, please don't be embarrassed."

As a large family in southern Xinjiang, Wu Xiong does not have to fear Ms. Er, so there is no need to compromise with him.

Seeing him being so determined, both Misses touched their noses, and the old lady who had persuaded herself closed her mouth and said, "Fuck, tomorrow is the day of departure. All the participants of the Xianmo chess game will come, then It is time to match Lin Daoran with a suitable person."

The second lady was helpless and could only say this: "Next, the rest of them will form a team, in pairs."

The remaining elites on the field already had their favorite targets, so they quickly formed a team.

When everything was over, Missy said: "Tomorrow will gather in front of Liang Wangfu."

The crowd retreated one after another, Wu Xiong carrying the little girl clenched fist and said: "Xia Gongzi, please take care of the little girl tomorrow."

Xia Qingchen nodded: "Well, definitely."

Looking at Wu Xiong's face, it is not impossible to take care of Wu Huan.

The premise is that she doesn’t want to.

After their father and daughter left, San Gongzi finally had a smile on his face, saying: "Xia Gongzi, the opportunity is hard to come by, please cherish it."

Xia Qingchen's quota is really not easy.

Without Wu Xiong coming, Xia Qingchen could hardly even go to the fairy demon chess game.

"Well, you are willing to fight for my reason, Xia Mou remembered." Xia Qingchen said.

San Gongzi sighed: "I'm just telling the truth, okay, you go back first, I have to arrange a few other participants."

He recruited three participants in the fairy chess game, and all his hopes were placed on the three.

As for Xia Qingchen, he has no hope.

"Wait for my good news." Xia Qingchen clenched his fists.

Back at the barracks, Xia Qingchen saw the courier of the headquarters and held a transfer order in his hand, waiting here.

"Master Xia, I finally came back." The courier unfolded the order and said, "The commander has arranged a good job for you."

When Xia Qingchen saw it, the commander transferred him and Zizi Tiantuan to the fairy demon chess game to maintain the security of the chess game.

Didn’t the commander ever say that Wan Xiaoqi, who is applying to transfer him to the Huangzi Tiantuan?

How can he continue to lead the Zizi Tiantuan to carry out border missions?

Thinking carefully, Xia Qingchen understood that the reason was probably the factor of the breakthrough failure, which made the commander have to reconsider.

"It's a big misunderstanding." Xia Qingchen chuckled helplessly.

However, he did not lose anything.

His purpose is to become Wan Xiaoqi, as to which party is in charge, there is no requirement.

Instead, he went to the border to carry out public security tasks and was able to obtain 20,000 merits. This is what Xia Qingchen hoped most.

So far, 60,000 merits have been won.

There are another 20,000, or 80,000, and there is hope to qualify for the Blood Spring.

"Senior Xia, participating in the Xianmo chess game, and the public security presided over the Xianmo chess game." The messenger thought Xia Qingchen was very lost, comforted: "As long as the things within the points are done, the future still has a future."

Xia Qingchen chuckled a little: "By borrowing your good words, Fang Cuihong, take him to the reward."

"Thank you, Lord Xia." The messenger left with a smile.

Xia Qingchen stuffed the order into his arms. His fingers suddenly touched something in his arms. Looking down, it turned out to be a dark moon's token of abomination.

This token was obtained when the Dark Moon Branch was destroyed.

But what is important is not the token, but the token, with the date and abbreviated text carved by Xia Qingchen himself.

"After May, lock the heart cliff."

Xia Qingchen compared the day and took a light breath: "Is it finally this day?"

When the nest was destroyed, the letterhead written by the purple pupil demon girl was sent to the nest from the hateful fairy. It was requested that each branch must send a representative to the lock in May after the day. Xinya meets.

And the days are today.

"Yue Mingzhu, what on earth do you want to do?" Xia Qingchen frowned, and the figure disappeared into the darkness.

Shaoxingya is not far from here, only a thousand miles away.

For a large star position like Xia Qingchen, it can be reached soon.

After half an hour.

Xia Qingchen came to the foot of a cliff surrounded by the river on three sides.

He stepped on the river and walked on the waves.

Looking around at the surrounding terrain, Xia Qingchen didn't quite understand: "Moon Pearl is convening a dark moon meeting. Why did you choose such a place?"

If they are meeting on a cliff, and suddenly an enemy kills them, wouldn’t they escape?

Except for people like Xia Qingchen who have the ability to fly with swords, or who have flying ninjas, they can only wait to be killed.

However, Yue Mingzhu's behavior has always been extraordinary, so this arrangement should have a deep meaning.

He put on a hat and walked up the mountain. When he reached the mountainside, two obese masked people flashed beside a must-go road: "Who is coming?"

Xia Qingchen quietly took out a token of hatred for the world, and passed by.

Two people said: "It turned out to be Hengya Mountain's brother, go up, the brothers are almost there.

Under their release, Xia Qingchen was able to enter.

There are many dark moon nests, and for the sake of safety, the personnel structure of each nest, the rest of the nests are unaware, so it is very easy to get confused.

When reaching the top of the mountain, there were already twenty or thirty people present.

They each occupy a corner, each has a disguise, and only speaks, appearing extremely vigilant.

The arrival of Xia Qingchen made them very alert, but there was no action.

Xia Qingchen stood in a corner near the river and silently looked at the people around him. His heart was slightly surprised, and intuitively these people's cultivation practices were quite low.

The highest is not the mid-star position, and even the small star position.

"How do the delegates sent are all low-level characters?" Xia Qingchen felt faintly wrong.

With the identity and status of the purple pupil demon girl, she shook her arms, and the main presenters of the nest should come to visit.

How come only some small fish and shrimp?

Thinking about that day, the person who carried the letterhead was already intercepted in advance. The letterhead Xia Qingchen obtained was only part of it, and he couldn't help thinking.

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