Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 896: Was originally a trap

  Thinking, time passed by bit by bit.

   Finally, someone could not bear it, and took the lead to say: "It's already noon, why haven't you seen the Purple Pussy Lady?"

  It's not just him who has this doubt.

   "Since it's an important gathering, Madame Zitong should be here one hour in advance!" said an old member who knew the rules of the dark moon.

   The two opened their mouths one by one, and the others were all suspicious.

A ghost Luohan, who was only a small star, was uneasy and said: "I don't hide it. I am the representative of the Beichuan station, but I am not reused in the station, but I can be sent to participate in the purple pupil demon girl. Lord’s party."

  'S eyes flickered, staring at the others.

   As a result, there was a strong resonance.

   "You are the same? To be honest, I don't understand why I am qualified to be the representative of this party!" A middle-aged ghost Luo Han said: "I'm not liked by the big boss in my stronghold."

   "Originally, I thought it was the big master who changed his mind and decided to cultivate me. Now it seems that this is not the case at all."

   "Me too! I'm just a little person in the base!"

   "What, you too?"


   Everyone got upset and learned from each other that they were all strongholds in their strongholds, or they were simply marginalized.

  When they were selected as representatives, they were still puzzled but had a chance of being appreciated.

  It is unusual for them to gather here.

   Xia Qingchen listened to her ears and felt more and more problematic.

   "It looks a bit like a trap." With Xia Qingchen's many years of experience, it can basically be concluded that this meeting is very problematic.

   He quietly retreated to the edge of the cliff, silently alert.

  After half an hour, more and more darkmoon powerhouses felt wrong.

   Some are ready to leave!

   "It's not good, the Fijians have come up!" Halfway up the mountain, the two fat senters, one of them ran up covered with blood, looked extraordinarily magnificent.

   "Longjing Fei Family in Liangzhou City?"

   "How can the Fei family know that there is a dark moon party here?"

   "Damn, we have traitors, betrayed us!"

  The Fiji family is a famous first-class family in Liangzhou City. It is famous not only because the family is long and long, but most importantly, the Fiji family is one of the few ancient families whose ancestry is to wipe out the dark moon.

  Hundreds of years, the dark moon strong who died in the hands of the Fei family are countless.

   Even the dark-moon powerhouse of the lunar level can't fall down dozens of people.

   First-class family, it is the vanguard of the annihilation of the dark moon, and it is also the family of the dark moon gritted its teeth.

   An old dark moon strong man with a heavy voice said, "Don't panic!"

   He asked the sentinel: "How many people have come, how strong are you? How did you find out?"

   The sentinel couldn't care about his injuries and gasped: "It's the adult Zitong demon girl who rushed to the foot of the mountain and was suddenly ambushed. Only then did she know that the Fei family had arrived."


   Purple pupil demon girl encountered ambush?

  Compared to other people, only concerned about his own safety, Xia Qingchen rushed forward, grabbing the fat sentry's neck: "How is she? Is there any injuries?"

  If the girl who kept her eyes closed and fell in the pool of blood, it would be a regret that he could not make up for his whole life.

   "I don't know, but he is already surrounded by the Fijian family, and the situation is not optimistic." The sentry said.

  Xia Qingchen listened, immediately dropped him, and hurried to the foot of the mountain.

   In the crisis, he could not conceal his strength, and a terrible step of 1,400 feet broke out, leaving a strong wind and smoke, and a pair of shocking eyes.

   "Shenyue of Xiaoyue Realm!"

   "His! Which station can have a representative of Xiaoyue Realm?"

   "Who is he?"

   Immediately, a huge movement of ping-pong and ping-pong came from the mountainside.

   "Brothers, you don't have to think about retreating, let's fight hard!" The veteran weighty nest representative shouted.

Behind    is the vast cliff, and only the way down the mountain can survive.

  More than twenty representatives, clenching their teeth, carrying a knife and killing fiercely towards the foot of the mountain, hoping to kill a **** path.

   At the moment, Xia Qingchen has arrived at the mountainside.

   A torrent of silver armor can be seen from afar, and the slain people are constantly rushing towards the top of the mountain. All the dark moon people along the way are swallowed in the torrent, and there is no power to struggle at all.

   "The descendants don't kill!" They saw Xia Qingchen, who was descending the mountain quickly, and mistakenly thought that he was the representative of the nest, and the big man of the dark moon, and immediately shouted.

  At the same time, armored soldiers raised their spears and crossbows, leaving Xia Qingchen nowhere to live.

   "Go away!" Xia Qingchen's castration continued, turning into a sprint.

   "Let the arrow!" Seeing this, armored soldiers can only attack.


  The dense arrows are overwhelming, and each one is a military crossbow with extraordinary power.

   Even Xiaoyue Realm faced such a battle, they can only retreat.

  Ke Xia Qingchen can't retreat anymore.

   After a short delay, the purple pupil demon girl is more dangerous.

   "Earth Canglong!" With his feet a little, the earth centered on him immediately split a two-person wide crack!

   The crack has spread to the foot of the mountain from its heel!

   Crowded into a torrent of silver armor soldiers, they were caught off guard, falling into the cracks in pieces, and the formation was chaotic for a while.

   Xia Qingchen took the opportunity to take the sword and turned into a residual image running through the torrent.

  Although he responded extremely quickly, he finally hit an arrow in his arm.

  A sharp arrow with white feathers was deeply inserted into his left shoulder. The colic caused by the cold arrow spread all over his body.

   However, Xia Qingchen was too late to clean the wound, and went away like a rainbow.

   Both sides of the silver warriors were too busy to block.

   When Xia Qingchen arrived at the foot of the mountain, there were only corpses and blood left, except for a few silver soldiers, the rest were all sentinels who stayed at the foot of the mountain.

   The battle is over!

   Xia Qingchen's gaze swept quickly, but there was no trace of a purple pupil demon girl.

   Has she already escaped, was she captured, or...the bones are gone?

   "Hey, actually ran down one." A beep came from a beast car and leaned out of it.

   It was a particularly young face, handsome and elegant, and should be less than twenty years old.

   Xia Qingchen suddenly felt familiar and recognized it with a simple thought. The profile of this person's facial features is very similar to that on the same day.

   Plus this time, all of them came from Fijian fighters, and their identity is self-evident!


   At this moment, Fei Ran was looking at Xia Qingchen with an unexpected look, as if he was surprised, how did the Tujia man escape from the thousands of troops and down the mountain in front of him.

   However, this is not important.

   It is important that everyone on the mountain dies.

   "Take it down." On the order of Fran, four monster monsters rushed out of the side of the monster, and a big star guard stood on their backs.

   Xia Qingchen was worried about the purple pupil demon girl.

   suddenly, his eyes flickered, but did not dodge, but rushed straight towards Fira.

   "Bold!" The four Fijian warriors immediately took out the ninja and blocked Xia Qingchen.

   "Go!" Xia Qingchen swept with one hand, and the intense star power sprayed out from the body.

   Where would they expect that in the dark moon that came, there would be a person who had three consciousnesses to reach the big star position?

   was unprepared for a while, and even the man and the monster were all turned upside down by the air waves set off by Star Force.

   Xia Qingchen stepped on the veterinary car in one step. The person was not yet here, and his finger was on the veterinary car.

(End of this chapter)

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