Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 897: Big misunderstanding

   The powerful star power breaks through the sky and instantly breaks the beast car.

  However, she sat down in the beast car without any injuries.

   The fragments of the beast car were all suspended three feet away from him, and no trace of it fell on him.

He slowly raised his head and looked at Xia Qingchen with deep eyes: "One thousand and four hundred feet in one step, the three stars to four consciousness of the big star position, let me guess, you, it is the prince. ?"

   Xia Qingchen's **** turned into swords, pointing to Firan, and he sneered: "What about the purple pupil demon? Is it alive or dead?"

  He didn't want to kill Fei Ran because Xia Qingchen praised and even admired the Fei family's eradication of the dark moon.

   It's just that the purple pupil is different.

   She can't die.

   Fiorent eyes showed a little surprise: "What is your relationship with the purple pupil demon girl?"

  It is pitiful to see, in fact, he is a magnificent disguised as a purple pupil demon girl.

Does    care about his life?

   The purple pupil demon girl was unexpected, staring at the heart with a puzzled look.

   "I'll ask you one last time, is she alive or dead?" Xia Qingchen's eyes approached the cold and the chance was good.

   There is a hint of playfulness in the mouth of the purple pupil, standing up and facing Xia Qingchen with her hand: "If I told you, was she killed by me?"

   She is really curious why she cares so much about her life.

   is because of interests, or for something else.

   Xia Qingchen's eyes flickered a little, and he was instantly lost.

   Purple pupil demon...Moon Pearl, dead?

   The girl who pretended to be blind but had a pair of purple eyes was dead?

   From now on, who else will fight to get the best secret room for him?

  Who would endure his sadness and pretend to be happy to match another woman for him?

  Who else, always watching yourself silently from behind?

   Already, no more!

   "Oh, by the way, she died very miserably." The purple pupil demon girl said with a playful gaze: "Before dying, it has been begging me to forgive her, it is really pitiful."

   rustle ——

   Suddenly, a strange voice came from the ear of the purple pupil.

   She looked down and her pupils shrank slightly.

  But seeing the ground, the gravel kept beating, and many stones rolled quickly.

   The nearby monsters were keenly aware of a certain danger, and moved their hooves anxiously, trying to escape.

  Auras in all directions, even crazy riots, gathered towards her place.

   The scene seems to be a breakthrough.

   "You, **** it." Xia Qingchen had already regained his mind, leaving only the icy cold in his eyes.

  Even if it was across the hats, the purple pupil demon felt cold and whispered, "Is it a bit overdone?"

   "I didn't want to kill you, but you killed the people who should not be killed!" Xia Qingchen's words were ruthless and full of extreme cold killing opportunities.


  He raised his palm, and a ninja sword appeared slowly in the space ninja.

   At this moment, Xia Qingchen just wanted to kill Fei Ran!

   Finally, the look of the purple pupil demon was serious, and said, "Alright, I will see you as a heart boy!"

   She was worried that she couldn't find her heart, but she didn't expect it to be sent to her door.

   can just take the opportunity to test his strength and see if it is worth recruiting.


   She took out an embroidery knife from the space ninja and said, "If you want to kill me, then you have to be careful. Projection is not my full strength."

   That was her challenge record half a year ago, not to mention, she didn’t use her full strength at that time.

   should be more than enough to deal with the heart.


  However, Xia Qingchen didn't take out only one sword, one sword after another flew out of his space nirvana and wrapped around him.

   Xia Qingchen's hands are engraved on her hands, and a faint sign of light is attached to the sword body.

   Seeing this scene, the serious face of the purple pupil demon girl was replaced by a trace of consternation: "This is... sword array?"

   Sword formation, almost only exists in the legendary martial arts.

   There are few people in the world who can practice. Only those legendary supernatural characters can master one or two.

  The record of Dark Moon, the strongest sword formation, has only six swords at most.

   And the supernatural figure of the six-sword sword array, as early as thousands of years ago, has broken the void and become a real **** in the sky.

   She looked at the sword array that was gradually lined up in disbelief, a huge crisis jumped in her heart.

   "Escort!" When she recovered, she immediately withdrew and retreated, without any positive contend.

   There are too many legends about sword formations.

   In different legends, the sword array has different legendary deeds.

   But, the same thing is, in every legend, the power of the sword array is terrible!

  So before the war, she realized the great danger.

  With her strength, she must never resist the sword formation!


   As his figure retreated sharply, an old man in a green robe also rushed from the dark, grabbed the arm of the purple pupil demon girl, and quickly retreated.

   The old man is the strongest of Xiaoyue Realm, but looking at the sword array, the old eyes are also shocking.

   Probably, he never thought that if he lived an old age, he could actually see someone exhibiting the legendary sword array!

   At this time, Xia Qingchen Sword Array was completed.

   His eyes are cold as ice, his index finger is a bit: "Dayan sword formation! Exterminate!"

   whizzing ——

   But listening to the dense sound of breaking the sky, the sword of the eight-handed second-order ninja was immediately activated.

   They all flew over to the top of the purple pupil demon girl and the elder of the moon realm, no matter how fast they hurried, the sword array kept up.

   And the eight-handed swords flew back and forth to each other at a specific angle, turning into a residual line.

  Many stray lines are interlaced, making the space blurry.

   "Be careful!" The elder of the Moon Realm thrilled and took out a tortoiseshell without hesitation, and put the two in it, just like a tortoise.

   It was at this time that the blurred space came vertically.

  Only listening to the continuous muffled sound of clang, the dense traces immediately appeared on the tortoiseshell.

   In just a short breath, he suffered hundreds of attacks, leaving more than a hundred scars.


   Suddenly, a sword broke in response.

   is that the ninja long sword can't bear the power of the sword array and starts to destroy itself.

   Immediately, the second handle, the third handle...

   But the tortoiseshell finally cracked, and it was about to be broken.

   But at this critical moment, the Fijian army finally calmed down, the army killed fiercely, and fired a powerful arrow crossbow from afar.

   Xia Qingchen could only stop, he stared at Fira, and the killing was unstoppable: "I'm pre-ordered on your entry!"

  Speaking, seeing the strong crossbow unavoidable, he took out the broken sword and simply left the sword.

  In the turtle shell, seeing this scene of the purple pupil demon girl, quickly said: "Broken sword? Light dust brother?"

  The broken sword that Xia Qingchen wears with her, does the purple pupil demon girl have no reason to know?

   She climbed out of the turtle shell and looked at Xia Qingchen, who was nowhere to be seen, and she could not help crying: "This misunderstanding is really big!"

   No wonder this heart cares so much about the purple pupil demon girl. It turns out that he is Xia Qingchen.

   For a time, the purple pupil demon was delighted.

   Fortunately, Xia Qingchen did not break through as rumored, but succeeded in breaking through and crushing the same generation.

   Pleasantly, Xia Qingchen still cared about her so much, learning that she died, she was so angry.

   The only bad thing is probably that I don’t know how to close it in the future...

   "Miss, do you know that you have been teasing and almost killed yourself?" There was a solemn voice from the elder of the Moon Realm behind you.

  The purple pupil demon turned around and looked at, the elder of the Moon Realm was carrying the tortoise shell ninja.

  The pupil of the purple pupil is shrunk, the tortoise shell has been broken, and a broken sword has been inserted into the tortoise shell.

  Looking at the elders of the Moon Realm, behind him, Yin Hong is a piece.

  The tip of the sword is deeper, which will endanger the life of the old man.

   "This...is the prestige of the sword array?" The purple pupil demon girl took a breath.

   Xia Qingchen was almost killed, but a small moon realm!

(End of this chapter)

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