Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 898: Good faith

And he cultivated, only three consciousness of the big star position!

The purple pupil demon girl was shocked, and the sword array was known as the strongest martial art in the world, and it really deserved its reputation!

There is no exaggeration about its legend.

"We want to thank, this person has no good swords available, otherwise, we all have to explain in the sword array." The old man of the moon looked at the broken sword and the remnant sword, and his scalp tingled for a while.

Fangcai Jianzhen only lasted for a short five breath.

However, in the second-hand ninja with eight handles, four handles were incomplete, two handles were broken, one was split into eight pieces, and one was broken, and was shattered by the scars in the sword array.

The old man of the Moon Realm picked up a remnant sword and said, "Everything has advantages and disadvantages. Because the sword array is too strong, it hurts the enemy as well as the sword itself. Without a superior sword, the sword array cannot last for too long. "

The purple pupil demon girl moved, and said: "What level of nirvana can bear the power of the sword array?"

The elder of the Moon Realm pondered: "Naturally, the higher the nirvana sword, the more it can withstand the power of the sword array."

"Theoretically, no matter how good the sword of nirvana will continue to wear out during the use of the sword array, there should be no sword that can be used forever." The old man speculated: "Just the more advanced ninja, the time that can be used The longer it is."

He weighed the second-order ninja in his hand: "If this person used a fourth-order ninja, I am afraid that he can break the old man's fifth-order ninja against the tortoise shell and kill me."

The purple pupil demon girl rubbed her chin and said to herself: "I remember that the Dark Moon headquarters ordered people to send a set of shadow-fighting swords and bring them to me."

Wen Yan said, the elder of the Moon Realt was startled. "Miss, do you mean, give him the shadow-fighting sword?"

"Do what I said." The purple pupil demon is not allowed to place her beak.

The elder of the Moon Realm grumbled: "Please forgive the old slaves, you can't agree! The shadow-fighting sword is a sword tailored by the dark moon headquarters for the young lady. How can it be easily given to others?"

The purple pupil demon girl practiced a prefecture-level martial art from Dark Moon, "Heng Bing Yin."

For this reason, it is necessary to use the special fourth-order half nirvana with nine handles to play the true strength of this martial art.

Now the purple pupil demon girl wants to give it away?

What about herself? Lack of matching ninja swords, "Heng Bing Yin" is less than half the power.

The cultivation in the future will also be difficult!

Did she take her future seriously?

"Are you talking to me?" The purple pupil demon girl's purple pupil stared coldly at the moon elder.

The latter lowered his head: "Old slaves dare not, just..."

"There is nothing more than that!" said the Zitong demon girl: "As long as he needs it, I will send it all over the world."

The elder of the moonland sighed silently, and did not understand why the purple pupil demon girl had to put herself in such a humble position.

She is the heir of the Dark Moon Lord.

One look can determine the life and death of hundreds of millions of people, but it can be mixed with joy and anger, but it is controlled by a humble man.

He is good, she is happy even in the haze.

He is not good, even in the bright sun, he is lonely and sad.

In desperation, he took out a red, burning stone from the space ninja.

There are eight short swords with different shapes inserted, and the sword body is faintly black.

"Solve the people above, don't stay alive." The purple pupil demon took away the stone and swept across the jungle.

The old man in the moonlight shook his head and had to step forward personally to resolve the nesting representatives on the mountain.

A look of sympathy flashed in his eyes, saying: "Don't blame the old man's heart, you can achieve the path of the lady and die wherever you want."

Afterwards, screams rang loudly on the mountain, and it was completely calm until dusk and sunset.

That night.

There was a message that was not trivial in the Liangwang Mansion.

The young masters of the Fei family are very prosperous, and they have killed many dark moons to divide their nests and gather together, frustrated the dark moon conspiracy, and made contributions.

Hereby Feng Feiran brought the sword to the Liang Wang Mansion as the chief of guards, touring the Liang Wang Mansion.

In the Northwest Military Barracks, Xia Qingchen, who got the news, saw a deep murder in his eyes.

Fei Ran became the chief of the Liangwang Mansion with a knife. Since then, he is in the Liangwang Mansion, and it is not easy to kill him.

"Adult, how did you get hurt?" Fan Yin asked in surprise, pulling out the arrow on his shoulder.

There shouldn't be many people in the world who know Xia Qingchen better than her.

It is not only powerful but also experienced.

What kind of danger was he unable to cope with, but could not get out in time?

It should be noted that his body style has reached 1,400 feet in one step, which is comparable to that of Xiaoyue Realm!

"Don't ask if you shouldn't." Xia Qingchen said lowly.

Fan Yin closed her mouth happily, put on plaster obediently, and shifted the topic: "Your arrow injury is a bit deep. Will it affect the fairy demon chess game?"

This arrow is a special crossbow arrow against Dark Moon, which is extremely powerful.

After piercing into a person's body, the arrow will explode in the person's body by itself, turning into countless small fragments and infiltrating into the human body.

Some of them will also pierce into the blood vessels, follow the blood flow gradually into the human heart, and accumulate in the heart.

When the amount of debris reaches a certain level, it may puncture the heart and cause death.

In a sense, it is very malicious.

As long as the arrow hits, even if it did not die at that time, it will not survive a few days.

If Xia Qingchen pulled out the arrow earlier, there might be no danger, but not only did he not pull out the first time, he also played against the National People's Congress.

Now he has been penetrated by arrow fragments.

Some of the fragments have entered the heart and are in danger of life at any time.

"You don't need to worry about me." Xia Qingchen calmly said: "I will solve it myself."

If someone is injured by this arrow, they can only wait to die.

But Xia Qingchen has a skyfire in his body, and he can find a way to burn the impurities that invade his body with the skyfire.

It's just a long process, it takes about half a month.

He is also not sure whether he can finish it before the fairy game.


Suddenly, the curtain was lifted, and Fang Cuihong hurriedly said: "Sir, no good. Just now someone broke into the barracks and was repelled by us."


Xia Qingchen couldn't help but be surprised, how could anyone dare to break into the barracks this year?

"Can you see who it is?" Xia Qingchen asked.

Fang Cuihong shook his head: "I don't know, but we seized the lost items that they were too late to take away."

Xia Qingchen said: "Bring it over and have a look."

Soon, several female soldiers carried a huge copper box to the camp.

The bottom of the box kept ticking and dropping drops of water, which seemed strange.

"Both let go." Xia Qingchen kept them away from the copper box, then flexed his fingers and opened the box.

I saw a huge mass of ice inside.

No, it's a piece of ice freezing with hot stones.

"What is this?" Fan Yin looked at it: "There seems to be eight swords on the stone."


Xia Qingchen was also surprised. The palm shattered the ice. Suddenly, the blazing waves of the hot stones came.

He condensed a layer of star power on his body and stared at the sword above. He couldn't help but be surprised: "Fourth order half nirvana sword, or a specially built set?"

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