Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 899: God Bone Key

The strongest spiritualist in the cold realm is the chief spiritualist in the royal palace, which has four and a half stars!

The best ninja he can refine is only fourth and a half.

Even more incredible is that the sword is now set!

The requirements are higher, and only the five-star spirit master can be completed.

"Hey, there is a gap here, and the ninth sword should have been inserted." Fan Yin looked at an open gap.

Xia Qingchen knew what was happening on his chest. A sword that was supposed to be a nine-handed sword was taken away by someone. The remaining eight were just left in his barracks.

It is coincidence that no one can believe.

The only explanation is that this eight-handed sword was given to him specially.

However, what Xia Qingchen didn't quite understand was that his sword array and the eight-handed swords needed by the sword array were not known to outsiders at all.

Except that it has been used against Fei Ran, it has never been used again.

Who would know, and gave him such a precious set of swords?

The value of this set of swords is probably no less than half a month of Tianyueling.

Xia Qingchen can't remember that in Liangzhou City, he had made such a generous friend who showed up.

No, there may have been one before, but now, she is dead.

Thinking of the death of the purple pupil demon girl, if there is a cold knife in Xia Qingchen's heart, the inexplicable sorrow spread in the heart.

He clenched his fists silently: "Sooner or later, I will take down the brilliant head and pay homage to you."

Coming back to the world, the purple pupil demon girl should be the most intense girl in his life.

Her passing left Xia Qingchen deeply fluctuated.

"I accept the things, people, you find out who it is as soon as possible." Xia Qingchen said.

This gift is too heavy and must be repaid.

After everyone withdrew, Xia Qingchen began to heal and remove the arrow fragments in his body.

The fire veins in its body run, and a trace of skyfire begins to circulate, burning away the impurities that invade the body.

Although this process is painful, it is fast and effective.


The metal particles falling around Xia Qingchen were all the size of sesame seeds, but all had sharp edges and corners, which was quite hurtful.

Some metal particles still have blood stains on them.

Looking at Xia Qingchen's body surface, there are also many dried scabs left.

These metal particles are all fragments burned by the sky fire, turned into molten iron and forced out of the body, and then re-condensed into metal when cold.

"Remove about one-tenth." Xia Qingchen estimated.

He tried to run Star Force, and as a result, there were tingling pains in Wumai, Xingquan and the heart.

"Even strength can't be easily used." Xia Qingchen said to herself.

With a little force, the debris in the body accelerates and hurts the body.

Seemingly aware of Xia Qingchen's pain, Xiao Tianhuo poked his head out of the furnace in his arms.

It tweeted, as if to comfort Xia Qingchen.

Xia Qingchen smiled slightly, looked at Xiao Tianhuo, and suddenly he remembered something.

"Almost forgot." He took out an iron box from the space ninja, which was what Master Rong placed in the fire pond for thousands of years.

Big stars can be opened if they are destined.

"Am I a fate?" Xia Qingchen touched the words with his fingers.

As a result, it feels very cold at ordinary times, and it is hot at the moment!

Xia Qingchen immediately removed his finger, and the line of words began to glow red, exuding intense heat.

The temperature is stronger than Xiaotianhuo.


The camp prepared by animal skins could not bear such high temperature, and it burned on the spot!

The camp also turned into a sea of ​​fire!

Supported by Xing Qingchen, Xia Qingchen placed the iron box on the ground, staring closely at the increasingly hot line of words.

In the end, the line was red to the extreme and began to melt into molten iron, and the entire iron box began to melt into water vapor.

The iron box is actually self-destructive!

After ten breaths, the entire iron box self-destructed into molten iron and gradually cooled.

After the destruction of the iron box, the contents inside are revealed-two special metal boxes of one gold and one silver.

Under the hot high temperature, the two metal boxes were not damaged.

"Geng Jin, Geng Yin?" Xia Qingchen recognized the material and couldn't help but be surprised.

Gengjin and Gengyin are rare hard things in the world, and the nirvana made from them is indestructible.

It is the supreme material for ninjas such as gloves and sticks.

Its value is no lower than that of Void Dust. A piece of Geng Jin and Geng Silver is also comparable to a whole domain!

But in front of them, not one or two, but a box made of gold and silver.

How much Gengjin and Gengyin they cost is simply unimaginable.

"Who is that Master Ku Rong?" Xia Qingchen became more and more curious.

But what is more curious is that Master Ku Rong did not hesitate to make a box made of Geng Jin Geng Yin, and then sunk into the fire pool for thousands of years. What is contained in it?

He picked up two boxes. They were no longer closed like the former iron box, but had locks.

Xia Qingchen opened the Gengjin box, and a group of extremely familiar things came into view.

It turned out to be a translucent, with golden brilliance, and fragments of thick Buddha light.

Shrouded in its brilliance, Xia Qingchen was in a calm mood and a calm expression: "It turned out to be the last part of Buddha relics."

Thousands of years ago, the Nine Heavens and Gods divided a Buddha relic into three, and gave them to Jingyuan Buddhist Temple, Fengyin Temple and Mita Ancient Temple respectively.

They were asked to restore the three pieces of Buddha relics in thousands of years, in order to find the heavenly punishment sword.

The Buddhist relics of Jingyuan Temple and Fengyin Temple and Yunfo have been handed over to Xia Qingchen.

Only the fragments of Buddha relics from the ancient temple of Mita are left, disappearing with the demise of the ancient temple of Mita.

Unexpectedly, it was originally sealed in the Gengjin box by Master Ku Rong.

"I should have thought about it." Xia Qingchen murmured, then Master Kurong destroyed the ancient temple of Mito, which had been reduced to an evil temple, and sealed the Master Tiantuo.

The fragment of Buddha relics naturally fell into the hands of Master Ku Rong.

Today, it appears in the iron box, not surprisingly.

The three Buddha relics have been gathered together, as long as they meet, they can indicate the whereabouts of the Heavenly Punishment Sword.

However, it is not the right time.

Before saving Jiang Xuexin, he had no time and energy to find the God of Sword.

He carefully collected the third Buddha relic fragment and looked at Geng Yinhe.

The Gengjin box preserves the gods and goddesses. What would be simple in the Gengsil box?

Xia Qingchen opened it, and it was actually a small black sword.

The black sword is black and shiny, like a piece of black jade.

The sword is carved with marks, which is very complicated.

"The key made from the **** bone?" Xia Qingchen murmured, his heart filled with waves.

What kind of door needs to be opened with a key made from the skeleton of a god?

The jewelry that looks like a small sword in front of him is the key made from the leg bones of a god.

Xia Qingchen carefully searched in the Geng silver box, but there was no other clue.

Who made the key and who used it to unlock the secret lock? There was no explanation.

"Master Rong Rong, you really gave me a problem." Xia Qingchen said to herself.

He is very curious, what a secret place to open the key of the **** bone!

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