Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 909: Opportunities are exhausted

In the entire Yunlan battle group, only the demon beast was breathing heavily there, occasionally swiping his hoof, and the whole battle group was dead.


A gust of wind blew past Xia Qingchen's censer on his knees. The last scarlet of that incense was blown out by the cold wind, leaving only bare wooden stems!

An incense stick is over.

Xia Qingchen slowly opened her eyes, and the white snow on her eyelashes flickered.

"Yixiang, here." Xia Qingchen whispered, and slowly stood up.

The monster under him seemed to perceive Xia Qingchen's intention and hissed with excitement.

As soon as it screamed, the remaining thousands of monsters roared upwards.

The uneven Hong Liang screamed, resembling the horn of war, resounding in the blizzard.

Xia Qingchen looked up at the mine road and looked at the ten levels of torches. His eyes were indifferent: "Since I refuse to come down, then I will go up!"

He jumped, jumped from the monster's back, and walked towards the mountain road.

Fang Cuihong shook his body, and the white snow fluttered all over his body.

The Yunlan clan had already forbidden the order, and immediately jumped off the monsters and headed neatly toward the mountain road.

The first level was composed of 5,000 heavy barracks and 5,000 cavalry battalions.

Seeing the Yunlan clan launching an impact, they could not help getting nervous, but they faced the legendary Yunlan clan!

Although they are ten times as many as each other, no one knows.

Yuan Chongluan stood on the top of the mountain, indifferently issued an order: "Cavalry strikes, heavy soldiers are behind!"

The powerful cavalry can immediately disperse the offensive of the Yunlan clan, while the heavy soldiers can effectively kill scattered enemies behind.

This is his effective way to deal with barbarians.

No matter how strong the combat ability of the individual soldiers of the Yunlan regiment is, they are not as good as a barbarian with a strong body?

Fang Cuihong stood on the back of a monster, issued orders, and said, "Explode arrow crossbow, prepare!"

When the cavalry reached the range, Fang Cuihong waved his arm: "Release!"

Swish swish—

Thousands of Yunlan battle groups are equipped with explosive arrows and crossbows. How spectacular is the scene?

Thousands of explosive arrows hit like violent storms, either piercing the cavalry or violently exploding after landing, causing huge waves of fire.

In an instant, the foot of the mountain turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the 5,000 cavalry who came from the impact were all submerged in it.

Only a few marginal cavalry escaped dangerously and collapsed toward both sides, no longer threatening.

The ensuing heavy soldiers were all terrified!

That's five thousand cavalry! !

Didn't a member of the Yunlan Group get killed before they were killed?

It's a pity that the military order is in their hands, and they can't resist them, so they can only step forward.

They are all wearing heavy armor, and even the explosive arrow crossbow, the damage to them is very limited, and they are completely free from fear of long-range attacks.

"Fairies beyond the sky, prepare!"

Fang Cuihong led the Thousand Warriors, and stepped forward neatly, just like a torrent of steel, passing through the raging flames and coming straight.


In an instant, a thousand people flew into the air, with ten people as a group, forming a hundred small square array, releasing a small beam of light from high altitude.

Every beam of light hit a heavy soldier without suspense.

They can not be afraid of explosive crossbows, but the power of the beam of combined strike is far superior to strong crossbows!

After more than one hundred beams of light descended, most of the heavy soldiers fell to the ground after a blast that was visible to the naked eye.

On the top of the mountain, Yuan Chongluan who saw this scene took a breath!

A full 10,000 troops, equivalent to the army of Wan Xiaoqi, was completely extinguished in one breath?

The casualties of the Yunlan clan are... zero!

This is exactly the same as the legend!

No, it is more terrible than the legend!


The Yunlan team quickly occupied the first level, and marched towards the second level.

Xia Qingchen walked forward with his hand down, his eyes were plain, and the female soldiers of the Yunlan clan passed through him, splashing snowflakes.

Every snowflake is three feet away from him, withering away into dust.

"Don't kill, don't kill." Xia Qingchen said, his voice was very light, but he had great weight and shook people's hearts.

The second round of the Heavenly Mission has been frightened, and he heard a lot of hesitation.

At this moment, Yuan Chongluan's order came from the top of the mountain: "Xia Qingchen's rebellion, shocking allies, and rewarding for killing!"

In this way, Wan Xiaoqi of the second level finally settled on God.

The military order is like a mountain, even if you know it is wrong, you must execute the order of the superior.

"Arrow!" This day regiment is equipped with a large number of strong crossbows and is good at long-range attacks.

But, who is less than the strong crossbow and Yunlan clan?

"Defense, let go of arrows." Fang Cuihong commanded.

The 100th Xiaoqi team was all covered with a silver soft cloak in front.

The strong crossbows fired by the enemy fired on their cloaks, all of them were bombed without exception, without causing any damage to the cloaks.

"What, this is a silver armor that can be configured by the military guards!" Yuan Chongluan recognized it and was taken aback.

Tianyin's silver guards are expensive and have few raw materials. Except for the guards of the military palace and the guards of the Liangwang Mansion, ordinary teams cannot be configured at all.

The Yunlan clan can even configure a hundred pieces!

But who let the leader of the Yunlan battle group also control the Ling Palace?

The Ling Palace is an organization dedicated to providing nirvana for the military palace. It is difficult to forge an additional 100 pieces for Yunlan Group.

The strong crossbow of the second level can not be effective, but the explosive arrow crossbow of the Yunlan group will not be so polite.

Thousands of explosive crossbows shot past, suddenly blooming everywhere, with heavy casualties.

Thousands of casualties were caused even if there were natural dangers as a basis.

However, what made them truly desperate was that the explosive leg crossbows that other legions wanted to configure but were unavailable, in the hands of the Yunlan clan, as if they didn't want money, after shooting waves after waves, there was no stopping at all.

The soldiers of the second level have been reduced sharply, but within ten rounds, most of the casualties are.

Seeing this, Wan Xiaoqi could only surrender with a white flag!

If they go on, they will all be wiped out!

The second level fell and was quickly occupied by the Yunlan clan. It was at this time that Xia Qingchen came repeatedly, without any stop in the middle.

Fang Cuihong stubbornly said, "Chong!"

Wan Xiaoqi of the third level, the soles of his feet were cold, and more than 20,000 troops, so the entire army was lightly underwritten!

This... this is ten times more terrible than rumors!

However, Yuan Chongluan supervised from the top, he dared not surrender, and could only gritt his teeth: "Lance, prepare!"

Hundreds of huge crossbow cars were pushed to the wall of the checkpoint, and huge and powerful crossbows with thick people were mounted on them, ready to be launched at any time.

In addition, there are more than nine thousand people, each armed with a spear, in a state of preparation.

This is a battle group with great damage from the Skyhawk, and the most damage to the barbarians!

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