Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 910: No explanation

  Once the Yunlan team reached the range, with the powerful penetration of the spear, Tianyin Silver Guard could not resist.

  The huge powerful crossbows on the ten crossbow vehicles can destroy everything!

  Fang Cuihong's feet stepped on the back of the monster and said, "Large joint attack!"

  Thousands of people jumped to the sky collectively, and the seals under their feet were connected together to form an unprecedented huge formation.

   The previous combined attack technique is up to a hundred people together. It can be tempered for half a year, and has reached the point of a group of thousands of people, which can form a super large formation!

   The combination of a thousand people, what is that concept?

   The whole sky was filled with the radiant formation, making the gloomy sky with white snow seem extremely bright.

   And a huge beam of light covering a hundred square feet is rapidly condensing,

   Seeing this scene, Wan Xiaoqi in the third level has scalp numbness!

   And the soldiers, already scared and guilty, gave up the third level after throwing their helmets and armor, and ran towards the mountain.

  No matter how Wan Xiaoqi stopped drinking, the soldiers had completely lost their will and all screamed and ran away.

   Finally, even Wan Xiaoqi could not bear the fear in his heart, decisively gave up the third level, and fled quickly.

  Cankan withdrew at the third level, the light beam launched!

   A sky-high giant pillar descends from the sky!

  Everyone only felt a dazzling paleness between heaven and earth, and could not see anything.

   Even had to close his eyes to avoid being stabbed.

   When the light dissipated and looked at the third level, all of them gasped and looked at the ruined land below without blinking.

   There is no reflection of the third level in their eyes, only a sunken dark abyss!

   That's right!

   The third level, disappeared!

  The huge beam of light directly smeared from the map!

   So much, even the hard mines were penetrated by the pillar of light, and a huge abyss appeared!

   Yunlan battle group jumped over from the abyss and occupied the third level.

   "Continue!" Fang Cuihong was breathless and moved to the fourth level.

   "We surrender!" Before reaching the fourth level, a white flag was raised.

  The soldiers above were all trembling, as if looking at monsters, staring at the mighty Yunlan battle group.

   Such an army of monsters that can wipe them out at will, how can they stop and stop them?

   Fourth level, occupy!

   "Fifth level, surrender!"

   "We surrender!"



   Next, the Yunlan battle group drove all the way straight, and the checkpoints along the way, no one dared to have resistance.

  Even if Yuan Chongluan made them violently, no one would have the will to fight.

  Because they are not fighting an army at all, but fighting a group of non-human monsters!

  Finally, the Yunlan clan climbed to the top of the mountain and appeared in front of Yuan Chongluan.

  The soldiers were separated on both sides of the mountain road, with their heads hanging down, half bowed, and respectfully greeted the young military commander who stepped up.

   From the beginning to the end, Xia Qingchen stepped up the ladder step by step, without getting sick.

  The moment when it reached the top of the mountain, it was the time when the Yunlan battle group captured the mine.

   Not more than one minute, not less than one second.

   Fang Cuihong waited at the end of the mountain road, bowed and said, "Master Xia, the mine has already conquered."

   Afterwards, she let go of her body, showing Yuan Chongluan, who was tinged with blue behind her, and was deeply afraid.

   In his eyes, a young man with a jade face like a crown, ascended the stairs.

   Is that the Xia Qingchen, the legendary leader of the Yunlan battle group?

   is younger than expected and scarier than expected.

   The performance of the Yunlan clan just now is as terrible as the rumors say.

   is clearly terror!

   The legendary Yunlan battle group has taken advantage of the time and place to hit more than 100,000 enemy troops.

   But now, the Yunlan clan is in an absolute disadvantage, but it has lost 100,000 troops!

  Unimaginable, the other party is only a thousand people!

   If you give him ten thousand people, wouldn't it be like a legion of a million troops?

   "Xia... Master Xia." Yuan Chongluan looked at Xia Qingchen, who looked calm and calm, with an inexplicable chill in his heart.

   Xia Qingchen walked up to the top of the mountain without any trouble, standing beside him three feet, looking at him faintly: "I'm up."

When the four characters came out, Yuan Chongluan's heart jumped, and he had a bad hunch. He quickly explained: "Master Xia, please listen to me, in fact everything is a misunderstanding."

   "I didn't intend to hurt you, it was an inadvertent loss..."

   Yes, Xia Qingchen waved his hand and interrupted him.

   "I am waiting for you at the foot of the mountain, is the opportunity for you to explain." Xia Qingchen stepped on the ice on the foot of the mountain, said: "But I have already come up, I no longer need your explanation."

   The opportunity to explain has already been given.

  If he explained in good faith, and then broke his arm to show his regret, Xia Qingchen might expose it in one stroke.

   But he didn't.

  Like he openly coveted Cheng Yun's failure, he maliciously wounded him arrogantly, and had no regrets until just before he captured the mine.

  Now it's just because of the situation, just lower your posture.

   "Okay, Master Xia, this matter is wrong to me, how do you want to solve it?" Yuan Chongluan calculated.

  No matter what the price is, go through the level before you talk.

   Xia Qingchen didn't care: "No need to solve it, you're done with your life."

   An incense stick opportunity, he has completely missed.

   waiting for him, only to atone for death!

   "What!" Yuan Chongluan stepped back and said angrily: "Master Xia, are you kidding Yuan?"

  Just kicked his foot, would you like to thank your life?

  What is his identity?

  What is that female soldier's identity?

   actually let him die, is this not trample on his dignity?

   "Am I familiar with you? Why are you kidding me?" Xia Qingchen said.

   Fang Cuihong waved coldly, and a group of female soldiers set up explosive crossbows and aimed at Yuan Chongluan.

  Just pull the trigger, Yuan Chongluan will not die or be injured!

   Yuan Chongluan stepped back a few steps again and said with fright: "I am a general who was sealed by the military palace. He is in charge of a hundred thousand troops and guards southern Xinjiang. Why do you kill me?"

   Xia Qingchen said indifferently: "Just, my name is Xia Qingchen! There is no discussion to kill you!"

Who is he?

  The only appraiser of Liangwangfu Yimo Mine!

   King Power Dragon Sword Master!

  Any one can kill Yuan Chongluan ten thousand times without guilt.

   Fang Cui red eyes cold: "kill!"

   Many female soldiers made a decisive move, showing a semicircular trend, shooting an explosive arrow crossbow to Yuan Chongluan.

  Yuan Chongluan was extremely furious: "You are good at killing Liangjing Commander, I will go to the military palace to sue you!"

   said that he pulled out the dark black sword behind him and waved in front of him, blocking all the explosive crossbows.

  Although each one exploded, the explosion fire wave produced had very limited damage to the powerful moon.

   He swept away the explosive arrow crossbow and leaped towards the mountain.

  The female soldiers on the mountain road reacted and immediately stopped in front. Yuan Chongluan flashed with a fierce light and cut it with a knife.

  With his cultivation practice, he will inevitably kill the Yunlan clan along the way with heavy casualties.

   But, just as he was about to rush over, he suddenly remembered the bug's voice behind him.

   looked around, Xia Qingchen held a fat worm in his hand!

(End of this chapter)

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