Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 911: Rewards and penalties

   The bug wriggled in Xia Qingchen's hands and made a squeaky noise in his mouth.

   was probably pinched by Xia Qingchen, and the insect screamed violently towards Yuan Chongluan.

   The sharp insects sounded directly into Yuan Chongluan's mind. Suddenly, he felt that deep inside his body, there was a sharp dagger twisting hard, breaking something apart!

In a splitting headache, Yuan Chongluan dropped the knife in his hand, shouted his head, and finally turned his eyes. He fell to the ground on the spot and could no longer get up.

   Xia Qingchen's insects were instantly weak and weak.

   A bit of spirit that the Soul Eater finally saved up was consumed by another mental attack.

   It is difficult to recover in a short time.

   took it back, Xia Qingchen came to Yuan Chongluan's body, and took the big knife on the ground to take it, and glanced at it and threw it to Fang Cuihong: "Give it to you."

   This knife is a third-order half nirvana with a sharp blade, suitable for battlefield use.

   "Thank you, Master!" Fang Cuihong took it by surprise. Although she could not identify the rank in the first time, how could a portable ninja used by a general be a mere rank?

  The rest of the Yunlan clan cast envious eyes, and Xia Qingchen glanced at the space nirvana on Yuan Chongluan's finger: "The things inside are rewarded according to merit."

   The space nirvana of the moon powerhouse is worth at least tens of billions.

   Go out, and no superior has the courage.

   Many female soldiers suddenly surprise again and again!

   Space nirvana is handed over to Fang Cuihong to count and distribute materials. Each person's income is a huge amount of wealth.

   Surprise, the female soldiers have a stronger sense of belonging to Yunlan.

  Even just being an ordinary soldier is better than being a Baixiaoqi in the rest of the day.

   There are penalties, merits and rewards, this is the long-term way to govern the army.

   is only majestic, and it is difficult to hold the army.

   "Master Xia." General Fire Dragon and General Bingfeng saw the situation eased, and then appeared from the dark.

   looked at Yuan Chongluan's body, and the two swallowed hard.

   Today is a complete insight into the horror of the Yunlan clan. Rumor has it that it is equivalent to the combat power of a military area.

   It seems that even if the three military regions are added together, it is not enough for Yunlan to fight!

   Xia Qingchen nodded his chin to the two, saying hello.

   Change to other Wan Xiaoqi, dare to face the general in this way, has long been severely punished.

   Instead of feeling neglected, the two generals were polite.

   "Master Xia, if we need to testify about this place, just send someone to notify us." General Fire Dragon said.

   General Bingfeng said with a fist: "Must go to the military palace to testify for Lord Xia."

  Anyway, Xia Qingchen led an army to attack the Tianying Military Region today, but it was a big event. If he didn't make it clear, it would be easy to be put on a rebellious hat by someone with a heart.

   Xia Qingchen waved his hand: "That's not necessary, I will tell the military palace myself."

   paused, Xia Qingchen looked sideways to the snow mountain not far away, pointed there, and said: "Yesterday, on the top of the snow mountain, you found the trace of the agent in the middle of the cloud. You must strengthen your patrol, don't give the enemy a chance to drill."

   Next, the two generals and Xia Qingchen briefly exchanged to know that Yuan Chongluan did not send soldiers to patrol the snow mountain zone.

   "This **** thing! Do you dare to neglect your duties in such military affairs?" General Fire Dragon said furiously.

   Fortunately, Xia Qingchen appeared in time and found two spies, otherwise they wouldn’t know if they were under long-term surveillance!

   "What's even more hateful is that Master Xia kindly sent someone to inform him, but the result? What if he didn't take things seriously, he actually got upset, and finally didn't get a shot to hurt someone!"

   "This kind of army scum, even if the adults don't kill, pass back to the South Xinjiang Army, Commander Bai Zhantian will destroy him!"

   South Xinjiang Army?

  I don’t know how they would view Xia Qingchen’s destruction of Yuan Chongluan. Will it cause some contradictions?

   However, if there are no special circumstances, he should not go to southern Xinjiang.

   "In the event of a close, there are two workers." Xia Qingchen said: "In addition, Yunlan clan listens!"

   Suddenly, the female soldiers quickly gathered in front of Xia Qingchen.

   Xia Qingchen said: "The Yunlan clan is stationed in the mine and assists the Fire Dragon and Bingfeng Military Region to guard the mine.

   "Yes!" Fang Cuihong et al.

   Xia Qingchen's move was due to the fact that the Tianying Military Region was defeated by him and had already affected the defense of the mine.

   So left Yunlan as a guard.

   heard that General Fire Dragon and General Ice Phoenix were overjoyed.

   Yunlan's combat strength is comparable to several military regions, they are stationed here, and they are safe from foolproof.

   "The news that the Yunlan clan will be stationed here must not be passed on!" General Fire Dragon turned his eyes and ordered.

   Fang Cui's red heart led the audience, and ordered the Yunlan clan: "Arrange on the spot! All the personnel stayed in the house, try not to show their heads."

   Yunlan's news here can be used as a secret.

  If there are unexpected guests, Yunlan clan will give them an unexpected killer!

   Arranged properly, Xia Qingchen stepped into the snow alone.

   one day later.

   The yellow sand was flying, the sky was dim, and there was a roaring wind in my ears.

   In front of his eyes, there was a piece of Huang Mengmeng, all over the sky.

   By the dry ancient river, a veiled boy walked against the wind.

   As he walked, a flash of flame flashed in his body, accompanied by a trace of impurities flying out of his pores.

   "There is even a desert at the junction of the cold areas?" Xia Qingchen murmured.

  According to the map, he finally rushed to the place where the fairy magic chess game is located, without roots and sand lake.

   This place is located at the end of the Mianxing Mountain Range, surrounded by snow-capped mountains all year round. The only depression in a thousand miles is a dry desert.

   It is cold and snowy near Mingming, and the water is quite abundant.

  Only this depression is actually a dry and hot desert with a very strange climate.

  The sand in the desert, I don't know where it came from, and when it appeared.

  Xia Qingchen stood beside the ancient river, gently relieved his breath, and the impurities in his body had been removed by 90%.

   Only a few of them remain in the heart, and one day they should be able to be completely eliminated from the body.

   He looked forward, in the misty yellow sand, the outline of an ancient city could be seen faintly.

   There is a city near Xianmo Chess, called Xianmocheng.

   is a city jointly built by Liangjing and Zhongyunjing for the competition of the fairy and magic chess game. It has a history of thousands of years.

   Usually only the patrol team guards and calms down like a ghost, only when the fairy devil chess game is open, it will be lively and extraordinary.

   Xia Qingchen made a leap and jumped across the ancient river, preparing to go to the fairy demon city.

  Who knows, his feet just landed, and Huang Shazhong shot an arrow head-on.

   Xia Qingchen grabbed with one hand, and the yellow sand around him suddenly condensed in front of him, turning into a quicksand shield.

  The arrow shot into the quicksand shield, and was slowly relieved of power by the moving quicksand, and finally landed silently.

   Xia Qingchen also stepped on the ground, looking sideways, a group of people galloping on the monster beast.

   When approaching, seeing their faces clearly, Xia Qingchen recognized, half of them were the pride of the heaven from the cold.

   Among them are Jian Jiu, Light Butterfly and others.

   And the other party is also a young man under 20 years old, but quite strange.

   However, their identity is not difficult to guess, and should be the arrogant of Zhongyun Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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