Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 915: Below you eat

   He got up and opened the door. Bai Xiaozhu was holding a bowl of hot noodles, and added a few Lai Ling Cao.

   Lingcao, as the name implies, contains aura-like vegetation, similar to fine grass.

   "I'm about to enter the fairy demon chess game, I'll give you to eat below." Bai Xiaozhu was terrified, lest Xia Qingchen could not look down upon him.

   Xia Qingchen was stunned. The last time someone cooked for himself, or he and Ningshuang were mortal.

   "The noodles are added with a few soul killer grasses unique to southern Xinjiang, which can reduce people's nervousness." Bai Xiaozhu added weakly: "The taste of the noodles may not be very good, if you don't like it..."

  Who knows, her hands are empty, Xia Qingchen has already taken over the porcelain bowl, and eats it like a lot.

   A bowl of noodles, eat three times, five and two, and you will all eat it.

   "It tastes good." Xia Qingchen wiped her mouth, rarely showing a warm smile.

  Bai Xiaozhu's face also became bright and full of life as if the sun was rising. He said with joy: "That's good, that's good!"

   Looking at the tender and warm girl in front of her, Xia Qingchen couldn't help but feel a little favor, saying: "I never owe humanity, since I eat your noodles, it will naturally be repaid 100 times."

   It seems that the Immortal Chess Board doesn't want to be serious. At the very least, it should be worthy of Bai Xiaozhu's bowl of noodles.

  Bai Xiaozhu was flattered and waved her hand repeatedly: "It's just a bowl of noodles, how can it be so serious?"

   "If you like it, I'll give it to you below..." Maybe it's nervous, she is incoherent.

   The voice just fell, and he changed his mouth again: "No, I will eat you below... It's not right, I will give you back below... It's not right, it should be..."

   "OK, don't talk!" Xia Qingchen quickly stopped her.

  A black line on his forehead, isn't it just a bowl of noodles?

  How stupid was she stunned?

   "I'm so stupid!" Bai Xiaozhu covered her mouth dejectedly, hoping to find a ground seam to get in.

   clearly practiced many times, but the result is still unclear.

   Xia Qingchen coughed and left with him from the east gate of the city, and came to an endless desert.

   has been filled with people nearby, all waiting for the opening of the fairy magic chess game.

   Some impatient people, who are nowhere to vent, are talking with their peers, the scene is very lively.

  Here, Xia Qingchen saw the people in Jiuxing Santang, saw Jianjiu and Qingtai Butterfly, Lin Daoran and Wu Huan, Saihe Tuo, and others.

   also saw the devil's arrogance in the mid-cloud realm, including the girl's red tassel who was hostile to it.

  Noisy, a gong sounded, and two teams came from the city with mighty powers.

   One of them is the team of Dragon Star, and the other is Tang Yaorong, the master of Zhongyunjing!

   The two came to the center of the desert, and each took out a huge bronze key that was long and inserted under the desert.


   After listening only to the sound of the gears turning, the desert with a radius of three hundred miles shuddered.

   A grain of yellow sand was all flew into the air, causing a huge collapse in the middle of the desert.

   And in that collapse, it was an incomparable chess game.

   vertical and horizontal, close and vast, magnificent and magnificent.

   "Fairy Devil Chess!" Long Xingchen shouted.

   The huge chessboard buried under the yellow sand shuddered and floated, and soon left the ground, came to the ground, and was still floating upward.

  Finally, freeze at the height of Baizhang!

   "In the first batch, both sides formally contestants, take out the fairy magic token." The two shouted at the same time.

   The party in the cold environment represented by Zhang Xiaofeng, and the party in the middle cloud environment represented by red tassels, took out the fairy tokens that were available and raised them high above his head.

  On the fairy demon chess game, slowly project a beam of light, covering the token, and pulling the token to the chess game.

   Everyone grabbed the token and followed it to fly over the board.

   Soon, 108 people from each side flew up, standing in different positions and playing against each other.

  The rest of the ground is another 216 alternate contestants.

   What makes Xia Qingchen slightly strange is that he actually saw Lin Daoran and Wu Huan.

   These two were the first place in the sky and sky. Why didn't they go to participate in the first round, but were left behind?

   But looking again at the Tianjiao of Zhongyun Realm, a group of non-alternate contestants were also left behind.

   It turned out that both sides worried about the second round of the game, so they did not put all the masters into it, and there were some good people just in case.

With the players in place, Long Xingchen and Tang Yaorong returned to the edge of the desert, overlooking the deep pit left by the fairy demon chess game.

   I saw that there was a huge crystal plane with hundreds of pictures at the same time.

  Each picture clearly shows a group of teams.

  Fairy Magic chess game is about to start!

  In the city, people from the cold side such as Niseko and Yanyu County Lord came one after another. As for the Zhongyun side, no one came.

   "Have you all gone up?" Niseko whispered, quite a bit in the voice.

  Every time the attributes of the fairy chess are related to the prosperity and decline of the luck of Liangjing.

  It is very sad that in the battle of immortal and demon chess games, Liangjing rarely wins. Now this unprecedented huge mine, Liangwang attaches great importance.

   If he is the one who wins a crucial victory, it will have a decisive role in being crowned heir to the cool king.

   As a result, Yan Yujun no longer had any hope.

  Similarly, the master of Yanyu County also has great hopes for this fairy demon chess game.

   After the last monitoring of the temple, Liang Wang was disappointed with the second son. If she continued to make persistent efforts, her team would win a decisive victory. I believe Liang Wang will definitely reconsider the successor.

  Long Xingchen trotting over, with a flattering look: "The Grand Master, Niseko, please come to the table, and the subordinates have prepared snacks and good spirit tea. Please enjoy reading Dabi."

  Under his Zhang Luo, a viewing platform was set up in the desert, and all the VIPs in the cold environment were invited to watch.

  Long Xingchen stretched his hands while stretching.

   Glimpse at a group of alternate players standing there, and then commanded: "You all come over and wait for the second son and the great master!"

  Xia Qingchen happened to be among the group of people he selected.

  The rest of them came to the viewing platform to serve tea to the VIPs, but Xia Qingchen was indifferent.

   "You, can't you come?" Long Xingchen shouted far away.

   Xia Qingchen didn't look back and said, "I came to participate in the fairy demon chess game, not to serve as a slave!"

  Rejected in public in this way, naturally prevented Long Xingchen from stepping down.

   His face was cold and he yelled, "Speak again, come here!"

   In the fairy demon city, he is the master of this place. Whatever your identity, you must obey the command.

   Xia Qingchen was still indifferent. Long Xingchen smiled. Perhaps Xia Qingchen regarded his yesterday's politeness as unprecedented capital, right?

   thought he really had any respect for Xia Qingchen?

   is really a childish young man!

   He stepped forward and withdrew a whip from his backhand, ready to give Xia Qingchen a whip, and let him taste the bitterness.

   "Well, we don't need anyone to wait, let's go down." The Yanyu County Lord suddenly spoke, and waved all the candidates waiting for her to retreat.

  The Dragon Star hesitated for a few moments before unwillingly withdrawing the whip, and back to the viewing platform, and then the master and the second son personally.

   The Lord Yanyu looked at Xia Qingchen's lonely back and sighed in his heart: "Xia Qingchen, Xia Qingchen, when can I still take care of you?"

   He fell from the arrogant king to the mediocre, and similar humiliation will continue to reappear in the future.

   has her asylum today, but tomorrow, the day after tomorrow?

   Thinking of this, she felt a great loss in her heart.

   (More at night)

(End of this chapter)

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