Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 916: shocking

  She had great hopes for Xia Qingchen.

   However, his breakthrough in the big star position is really disappointing.

   "The way forward, you go by yourself." Yanyu County Lord sighed with regret.

   feeling, the fairy chess game changes.

   The positions of both sides are changing, and the last two positions merge into one big position.

   In this way, the teams of the two chess positions are in the same place, and they can compete with each other.

   This is the first stage of the fairy magic chess game-mutual attack.

  Each two groups are a small battlefield, comparing each other's strength.

  Finally, which side has the most winning groups, which side wins the first stage.

  When the first stage wins or loses, it is the second stage scuffle.

   In the final third stage, it is the king's duel. The strongest kings on both sides attack each other.

  According to the three stages, the wins and losses of each other, determine the overall win or loss of the Xianmo chess.

  The fairy chess game is at a height of 100 feet, and everyone can not see the specific situation above, only through the crystal plane of the deep pit to watch the game situation in 108 big chess positions.

   "The fairy chess game is about to start." Niseko's eyes were revealed, his eyes locked in the battlefield of several people under his command.

  At this time, on the chessboard of the fairy and the magic, the clouds of the fairy and the mist of the mist appeared on the two chessboards.

   The center of the game is the dividing line between the two, and they can't hold each other, which means that the two sides are evenly matched.

   "Fairy Devil Chess Opens, Let's Go! Xingxue Dian Road, Shinto Buto!"

   The vast, majestic and discreet voice suddenly resounded over the fairy demon chess board.

   The sound seemed to be on the top of the nine stars, and it seemed to be in the ear.

   The sound is full of strange charm, which makes listeners surrender and worship.

  Like the voice, from the gods of Nine Heavens!

   Even the dragon star who has hosted the fairy devil chess game many times, looked up at the sky with awe.

  Every time the fairy demon moves, there will be an ancient and vicissitude of sound.

The source of    is still unknown.

   said the sixteen-word discourse, only the first eight words they can understand, meaning that the heroes of the fairy chess game should inherit the will of the previous saints and create a new future.

   But the following eight words "Xingxue Dianlu, Shinto Buddhism" are completely incomprehensible.

  What is Star Snow?

  What is Shinto Buto?

   For thousands of years, Liangjing and Zhongyunjing have searched the classical literature and have never understood the meaning of the eight characters.

  Everyone listened to the voluminous sound, and lost for a long time.

  Until the Xianmo chess game creaked, it slowly turned up to announce the official start of the Xianmo chess game.

   In the crystal plane below, in some chess positions, teams have already met in pairs, and fierce battles have occurred.

   is different from the ordinary ring, the area of ​​the chess position is more and more square.

   The fight between each other is not restricted to one move, but is similar to the life and death duel in the wild environment.

   This is a test of the contestant's comprehensive strength than fighting.

At the beginning of the contest, everyone stared at the team they cared about.


   There was a low muffled sound, and the fairy devil chess in the air, a chess position made a low muffled sound, and then changed into dark red.

   It was a reminder of the team where the two were defeated.

   and dark red, from the fairy side!

   is a person from the cold environment, the first to lose a team.

   "The game only started for dozens of breaths!" Yan Yujun's heart tightened.

  Several breaths, not enough for both parties to prepare for battle?

  She was in the underground crystal plane, looking for the lost group.

   As a result, Hongying held his bow and arrow and hid his two arrows in the grass, resulting in two players from Wenyuan Palace.

The personnel on the cold side couldn't help but get anxious.

   "What a **** waste, it's not as good as our alternates!"

   "Lost at the beginning, it's really wicked!"


   But when they scolded, they heard another low sound.

   The chess position of the fairy side appeared dark red again.

   This time, two contestants from the Royal Palace fell into the trap and triggered the organ to die.

   One person in a cool environment, who has insufficient concentration, walks around irritably, and his mood is difficult to calm down.

   But the disadvantages have not been alleviated, and the dull sounds of one after another appeared one after another, and they were all defeated by the cold side.

  Without Hongxiang, ten groups of players defeated, and two of them fell into the trap and died on the spot.

   The rest are seriously injured and can't continue fighting!

   The Lord of Yanyu County is gradually becoming unable to breathe, losing 20 people in the cold environment, but Zhongyunjing has not lost yet!

  Long Xingchen frowned: "How can the overall strength be so poor this time on the sky and moon charts? At first glance, it has not experienced life and death."

   Looking at the mid-cloud environment, the martial arts environment in the country is extremely difficult and the grinding is very severe.

   If it is a competition in the ring, perhaps the contemporary arrogance of the cool environment can not be separated, but if it is put into the wild to kill and die, the difference will immediately appear!

   The cold side is not an opponent at all!

Tang Yaorong, a city owner on the side of Zhongyun Realm, looked at the poor performance of the cold environment and shook his head slightly: "I have reminded you many years ago that the atmosphere of Liangzhou City is necessary, and your cold environment has never paid attention to it."

  Xia Qingchen in the distance heard the words, his ears moved slightly.

  'S words won his heart.

   Soon after he first came to Liangzhou, he once said that the martial arts style of Liangzhou City was too bad.

   is full of comparisons and exaggeration, and few young people sink their minds to practice.

  On the atmosphere of martial arts competition, it is not even as good as Yun Gucheng from Xia Qingchen.

  In the solitary city of Yun, down to the little civilian girl, up to the disciples of Wuge, who is not training hard and pursuing martial arts?

   is actually Liangzhou City, where Tianjiao is everywhere, but Xia Qingchen rarely sees the comparison between you.

  At least he has never received any invitation for a competition.

   There is still little discussion, and their real fighting ability is conceivable!

   The battle between the two sides deteriorated sharply due to the defeat of the cold.

   The tragic degree is shocking.

   Even Niseko clasped the armrests, his face was somber.

  I don’t know, but by comparison, I know how bad the strength of the contemporary cold environment is! !

   It's a real loss that they usually shout five or six in Liangzhou City, there is no one in sight, but also the loss of Liangjing to spend resources to train them.

   As a result, I came to the fairy devil chess game, and all of them were defeated like funeral dogs!

   The side of the cold environment is surprisingly quiet at the moment.

   No one scolded and blamed again, because they only had incomparable shame in their hearts! !

   This is not a game at all, but the arrogance of the cold environment, hanged by the enemy as a wild dog! !

   They have no hope for the first stage at all, just looking forward to this unsightly end sooner than the test!

   But time is long, as if slowing down, it becomes extremely slow every minute and one second.

  After half an hour, a person in the cold environment felt as if they had spent a whole day, and their body and mind were suffering.

   The first stage of the game is over.

   looked up, almost above the entire fairy demon chess board, almost covered by the magic fog, leaving only a handful of fairy clouds still struggling to support.

  On the chess position, the vast majority of the chess positions on the immortal side are dark red, and only a few still exist.

  In addition to the victory of Jiuxing Santang, Jianjiu and Light Butterfly, and individual contestants, all the others were defeated.

   The number of victories was only thirteen, and it lost ninety-five!

   The huge gap made the hearts of Zhang Xiaofeng, Yu Gugong and others never shake.

   They never knew that it turned out that the gap between them and Zhongyun Realm Powerhouse was so huge!

   "Intermission, after a cup of tea, proceed to the second stage." There was a voice from the chess game.

   Everyone, all retransmitted by the light.

(End of this chapter)

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