Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 917: Worry about

   The cold side immediately dispatched a large number of horses and horses to help the injured and urgently heal the wounds, and gave each contestant the best quasi elixir to restore star power!

  Good, all are quasi elixir!

   For Xianmo chess, Liangjing came up with the best things, only hope they can win Xianmo chess.

   Yu Gugong received the quasi elixir and felt that the quasi elixir was too heavy to be swallowed.

   Liangjing has high hopes for them, but they leave a heavy shame on Liangjing!

   How can he swallow this quasi elixir?

  Cool participants, the morale is sluggish and decadent.

   The so-called mourning soldiers will lose!

   They are in such a mental state that even if the body recovers to its peak, the second stage will surely fail.

  Although the Yanyu County Master and Niseko tried to comfort them, they had little effect.

   Unprecedented defeat, completely destroyed their will.

   Tang Yaorong looked in his eyes, but shook his head helplessly.

   It seems that the Xianmo chess game has no meaning for comparison.

as predicted.

   The second stage, melee!

   The cold side is injured, and with the collapse of will, the fighting power is greatly reduced.

  Looking at the cloud side, the momentum is like a rainbow, and the fighting intention is high.

   The two sides are heading for a melee, and the situation can be imagined!

   The horses on the cold side, like dead branches, were tragically wounded by the wind on the side of the middle cloud.

   But half of the incense sticks, they were all beaten on the ground!

   The disastrous defeat is even more unsightly than the first stage!

   The main finger of Yanyu County's five fingers is pinched on the armrest faucet, and the five finger joint is extremely pale because of too much force.

  'S trembling body showed her inner anger and shame.

  If she has a king power dragon sword in her hand, she must kill all the cold realms above and kill all of them to make her angry!


   Niseko kicked the case in front of him, and Zhenguoling tea was scattered all over.

   He was furious, his eyes spitting out his irresistible anger: "A group of wine bags and lunch bags! Usually fighting for fame and profit, seeing good resources, one by one is positive! Now on the fairy devil chess game, but one by one!"

   He couldn't help but be angry. The staff under his staff, except for the light butterfly's performance, the rest were vulnerable.

  Thanks to his repeated pleading with the Yu family, he asked for several resources to break through the big star position.

   But what about results?

   Feed all pigs!

  No, feeding pigs can kill pigs and eat meat. Give them nothing.

   "Three wins and two wins, this time the magic chess game, the Rubik's cube wins."

  In three stages, Zhongyunjing has won two.

  Even if the last stage is the win of Liangjing, the score of Zhongyunjing and Liangjing is two to one, or Zhongyunjing won the overall victory.

   Therefore, in the third stage, the king did not have to make a decision.

   Cool environment, lost!

   loses completely, loses earth and earth, and loses like never before!

   After passing back to the cold environment, it is not difficult to imagine how the cold environment will make a sensation!

   Each of these contestants will be scolded by the people of Liangjing and will be reduced to the stain and shame of the cold.

   This is also a black spot in the life that the contestants can't erase all their lives!

  Today, it is destined to be a black day in the history of Liangjing.

  Tang Yaorong, as a representative of Zhongyunjing, came to Long Xingchen and said: "Xianmoqi chess game, our side wins, please be sure to fulfill the agreement. The newly discovered mine will be under the jurisdiction of Zhongyunjing."

  The dragon star face sank into the water. He really didn't expect that this year's soldiers have lost so much money!

  However, Long Xingchen did not dare to make the decision without permission. He asked the master of Yanyu County and the second son at the same time: "Dare to ask the two adults whether they will have a second duel."

  According to the previous rules, if the battle between the fairy and the devil's chess game cannot be decided once, an extra time can be held.

   The two parties transferred another 108 alternate members to resume the duel.

   "What's going on?" Niseko sullenly smashed the handrail.

   The huge failure of the fairy magic chess game will surely provoke the anger of the cool king!

  Maybe, there will be a **** family of inaction, and in a rage, improper protection will implicate him and affect his heir's throne.

   Long Xingchen bowed his head and retreated timidly, preparing to relay the opinions of Niseko and end the fairy demon game.

   "Slow down!" Lord Yanyu forced himself to calm down and remain calm: "Until the last minute, why not give up?"

  Seijima laughed at herself: "Sister Sister feels that our shame has not been stigmatized enough, do you have to do it again?"

   Many official contestants have lost so miserably, not to mention these alternate members who are not influential?

  The Lord of Yanyu County said majesticly: "My cold warrior can only die in the end and never give up halfway!"

   has come to this point, and Niseko's denial will only make people look down upon him.

   "Just do it!" He closed his eyes and leaned weakly on the seat, feeling very heavy.

  The Dragon Star met, and said to Tang Yaorong: "Have you heard? I swear to death in the cold realm! Immediately start the second round of the Immortal Devil's Game and decide the victory or defeat!"

   Tang Yaorong had no objection, and Long Xingchen came to the middle of the desert again, and inserted two more keys into the desert.

   The board, which is slowly landing, announcing the end of the fairy demon game, re-suspended hundreds of feet above the sky.

   The people above were all put down.

With the exception of a few casualties, most of the Zhongyunjing side was unharmed.

  The death and injury in Kejing is extremely heavy. At least 30% of the celestial tragic deaths are in a chaotic conflict, and more than 20% have serious injuries that are difficult to heal.

   The moment they were put down, they all lay limp on the ground, the blood flowing on their bodies quickly dyed the desert into a river of blood.

  Only Jiu Xing Sheng Zi, Jian Jiu and Light Butterfly are still intact.

   But, they can't be happy.

not at all.

   Even the pretentious sword nine, now humiliated clenched his fists.

   He lowered his head and came to the Lord of Yanyu County. He knelt down on one knee and said, "Jianjiu disappointed the Lord!"

   thought that the Master of Rainy Rain would comfort a few times, because his performance was actually quite good.

   But, the Yanyu County Lord did not look at him at all, but looked at the rest of the replacement members: "Come here!"

  Alternatives came to her one after another, listening to rebuke.

   The voice of the Master of Yanyu County is tragic and painful: "Cool Realm has reached the historical juncture of centuries of honor and disgrace. Warriors of the Cold Realm, are you willing to fight for the Cold Realm?"

   answered her with a low head and a suffocating silence.

  The strength of Zhongyunjing is too strong, and even the onlookers have destroyed their will.

   Official contestants are still so defeated, if they go up, it will only be worse.

   The main body of Yanyu County soft body trembles, his eyes are always calm, filled with a layer of sad mist.

  In front of the honor and disgrace, there is not a single person who is willing to stand up in a great cold place?

  Cool boys, are they all cowardly?

  The great sorrow, the wordless desolation touched her strong heartstring, making her helpless, angry and sad to cry.

   "I'm here, why worry about it?" In the silence, the words are not bright, but the words are clear, and the powerful voice penetrates the atrium of the Lord of Rain and Rain.

   She looked up, and in the crowd, a young man standing with arms crossed, as if he was aloof.

  Although he is in the crowd, he feels like standing out from the crowd.

   It was at this moment that a ray of sunlight penetrated the yellow sand and shone on Xia Qingchen.

   The thin, straight figure, like a dim light, holy and glorious, like a fairy in the dust!

   Yanyu County Lord saw dementia for a while, so he looked at it motionlessly, the young man who seemed to be a god.

  His heart, for the first time in life, throbbed...

   (Update at 8 o'clock tomorrow night!)

(End of this chapter)

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