Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 932: The strongest koi

Three stars in big star position?

Remember, Bai Xiaozhu used to be only the nine stars of the middle star.

Crows become phoenixes, but is it?

I think Zhang Xiaofeng's talents, talents, and hard work have only been three stars for years of hard work!

"You, come here!" Zhang Xiaofeng shouted from afar.

She did not believe it and could not accept it. The once humble and unknown girl stepped on her head overnight.

Bai Xiaozhu's face collapsed immediately, hiding behind Xia Qingchen in fear, and said weakly: "Why... why should I come?"

Zhang Xiaofeng's eyebrows twisted, and he walked over like a wind, staring at Bai Xiaozhu: "Shoot!"

Bai Xiaozhu pulled the sleeve of La Xia Qingchen, her lips clenched tightly, seeming to ask Xia Qingchen for help.

"It's the shot," Xia Qingchen said indifferently.

People's prestige and status need to be established by themselves, rather than relying on others.

Bai Xiaozhu said weakly: "I dare not!"

That was Zhang Xiaofeng, the first strong man, and then only came down to the second place after he appeared.

The former arrogant king of the same generation, she did not have the qualifications in one session before, how to have the courage to deal with it.

"Go!" Xia Qingchen gently pushed the palm of her hand, and a soft force pushed Bai Xiaozhu out and flew to Zhang Xiaofeng.

The latter's eyes were indifferent, and he raised his palm towards the white beads.

Bai Xiaozhu was so scared that his heart jumped out, and quickly raised his arm to block him, shouting with closed eyes, "Ah! Don't want it!"

She only felt a moment of numbness in her arm, as if something had been hit and flew open her eyes carefully.

What caught the eye was Zhang Xiaofeng, who fell to a foot, staring at her with shocking eyes.

Based on the star power alone, Zhang Xiaofeng is not as good as Bai Xiaozhu!

"I'm not convinced!!" Zhang Xiaofeng clenched the dust on the ground with his palms and shouted sharply.

She couldn't accept the huge loss, and the carp jumped up and looked a little grim again, and used the ground-level martial arts.

Just as she was about to move out, Xia Qingchen said lightly: "Enough is enough, retreat."

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaofeng continued to gallop.

The palms of her hands have been successfully printed, and a rune surrounded by light flashes in her palms and is printed fiercely toward Bai Xiaozhu.

"Do not control yourself!"

Xia Qingchen raised his right index finger and calmly flicked towards Zhang Xiaofeng.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaofeng's abdomen was suddenly struck by a huge force in the air, and his body immediately bowed into shrimp, and was pushed back by the force repeatedly, until the iron-faced girl Yu Tingtong held it, and he was able to stop the pace.

Under the mask, Yu Tingtong's eyes were solemn.

Xia Qingchen was just a hit, and he defeated Zhang Xiaofeng, who exhibited martial arts skills?

She realized at this moment that Bai Xiaozhu could have such a huge breakthrough, how could Xia Qingchen get nothing?

He was a three-star big star before, and once again experienced the baptism of Shinto Buddhism. I am afraid that he has already reached the peak of his cultivation and jumped out of the category of the strong of the same generation.

Zhang Xiaofeng covered his abdomen, staring at Xia Qingchen, who was not tall, and felt that an imposing towering giant Yue stood in front of him.

The last time I felt this kind of high mountain retreat, I still faced the Night Demon Dome.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Xiaofeng asked unwillingly.

Xia Qingchen calmed out the dust and said, "Kill your practice in your fingertips."

Zhang Xiaofeng's body trembled, but only he felt the most clearly. Xia Qingchen's understated finger had actually been retained.

Otherwise, it is not a serious injury.

Xia Qingchen took Bai Xiaozhu in front of her and said, "At least for now, Bai Xiaozhu is still my teammate. Challenge her and ask me first."

He looked around at the arrogance of the scene, so that their proud heads were all under the pressure of the Yue, and they bowed their heads one after another.

The envy and jealous thoughts converged on Bai Xiaozhu.

What a favorite darling of the world!

How can He De help, Xia Qingchen can help, from the mediocre uninformed girl, instantly become the second generation of arrogance to defeat the second place of Jiuxing Shengtang?

Moreover, it also established a deep friendship with Xia Qingchen and blessed him.

Not only that, the girl’s family will also be favored by many forces, and her barren family will be offered to Qingyun!

In the crowd, Wu Huan couldn't help but regret, and shed tears of tears.

All the glory that Bai Xiaozhu got should belong to her!

Why is it like this now?

She and Lin Daoran's team did not win any game in the Xianmo chess game, so they could only get a third-order nirvana on the first floor, and a little cultivation environment with aura.

For three months, even one level has not been broken through, and it is still standing still.

The huge contrast severely tears Wu Huan's calm state of mind.

Behind her, Liu's mother patted her shoulder with a very complicated pat, and said softly, "Huaner, destined, don't care too much."

"You get off! It's not you who hurt you?" Wu Huan pushed her hand away, accusing her with resentment: "Are you well staying in Liangzhou City? You have to rush over thousands of miles to break up with us!" "

Originally, due to the majesty of his father, Wu Huan had no guts to change his teammates without authorization.

But after the Lius came, it was the strong decision that caused the current situation.

There are many people here, and Wu Huan's voice is sharp, and immediately attracted the attention of the audience. Liu Shi couldn't get off the stage and said with a stretched face: "Aren't you crying by yourself, please let me be the master?"

"In the end, I picked it up and picked up Lin Daoran's waste! Now I blame me!"

Wu Huan said sharply: "Yes! Lin Daoran's uselessness was my pick! But who asked you to come to Immortal City? If you don't come, nothing will happen!"

"Reverse! Reverse! You filial daughter!" Liu cried angrily.

The mother and daughter were arguing on the spot, and finally even started to tear each other, and the image was completely absent.

Originally, the party in Zhongyun Realm, even some people in cold environment, was completely unaware of this matter.

As a result, their mother and daughter shook them out on the spot, which caused another uproar!

"I depend! It turns out that Xia Qingchen's original teammate was Wu Huan, not Bai Xiaozhu?"

"God! What blind eyes on the mother and daughter, even abandoning the young emperor and choosing a ruined Lin Daoran?"

"It's a novel story, don't you dare to be so bloody?"

"That little white bead has accumulated a lot of luck for a lifetime to get the chance of today?"

"She is definitely the strongest koi of all things!"

Even Tang Yaorong couldn't help but widen his eyes, this...it's a bit incredible!

He looked at Bai Xiaozhu and couldn't help smiling. It was really a lucky girl who made him envious!

This time, Bai Xiaozhu's name, along with the name of Xia Qingchen, will spread throughout Zhongyun Realm.

She should be the girl with the best luck in the last ten years.

Maybe this year, will there be many children named "Little Beads"?

The two mothers and daughters all looked down and finally closed.

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