Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 933: Faceless

Although Wu Huan no longer quarrels with Liu, his anger can't be dissipated. He turned to the Lin Dao people in the crowd and hated the curse: "It's useless! You have delayed my life!"

At this moment, Lin Daoran wished to find a ground seam to drill in and never come out again.

All the pride of the past disappeared.

Liu's anger turned to Long Xingchen and said coldly: "Dragon City Master, you better give me an explanation, otherwise my Wu family and you will be incompatible!"


How come even Long Xingchen is involved?

He traced a trace of panic, and drank angrily: "Shrew, shouting, what is your own business and Longmou doing?"

He quickly cleared his relationship, never wanting to have a little relationship with this shrew.

Who knows, Liu’s recklessness and cursing: “You are a blind thing, I will send you 10 billion cold coins to let you investigate Xia Qingchen, but the result? I have followed your blind advice Just hurt my daughter!"

Onlookers, again uproar!

There are such scandals?

Long Xingchen was anxious and angry, and regretted why he had to collect Liu's money. Help them to have a long eye to see how Xia Qingchen really was. He also helped them bridge the bridge and lift Xia Qingchen and Wu Huan's team.

Now it's alright, provoke a riot, and offend the Wu family.

The Wu family is deeply entrenched in southern Xinjiang, and the power is not small. He was born in southern Xinjiang again, and later returned to southern Xinjiang. I am afraid that he will be blamed by the Wu family.

"You nonsense! This matter has nothing to do with me, Hugh wants to insult the city master!" Long Xingchen scolded.

Liu said sharply and sternly: "Long surnamed Long, you wait for me, this matter will require you and your family to give us Wu family an explanation!"

The mother and daughter squandered each other, and they left with no face, and left in a hurry. The connected celebration feast didn't drink and left in vain.

Lin Daoran also flinched and shrank away.

At the same time, there was a boy with a negative sword.

Xia Qingchen's eyes were sharp, and he immediately locked him, saying lightly: "Who said he would challenge me before the game? Kill me under the sword?"

Many Tianjiao were cold in the bottom of their hearts, and they were somewhat lucky.

Fortunately, although they despised Xia Qingchen, they had never been hostile to it.

There is only one exception!

That is-Jian Jiu!

Jian Jiu's body was stiff, and he turned around with a hard face. Where is there any contempt in his eyes at the moment?

No, I dare not even be jealous!

Yes, just in awe!

People are narrow-minded and will only be jealous of others who are slightly higher than themselves.

Only those who are far above him and made him look up will be in awe and jealous.

Sword Nine stepped across and came next to the second son, pleading in a low voice: "Second son, save me!"

He didn't say to challenge Xia Qingchen at this moment, the courage to take the sword was lost.

Niseko frowned. He wanted talent, not waste that he didn't dare to fight in the first battle.

His expression is indifferent: "This son said that you can't accept you, depending on your performance, you are not my person now!"

In a short sentence, the sword nine is pushed out.

Knowing that Sword Nine must be a fool, how could Niseko smear his face?

Jian Jiu was in a terrible panic, and turned to his old princess Yanyu County Lord for help: "The Lord Lord, I am grateful for saving my life because of my hard work and hard work."


Ha ha, he dared to say so!

"Since you vote for it, don't look for me again." Yanyu County Master said indifferently, his eyes full of contempt.

Relying on his own strength, he is blind to everything, threatens this, and challenges that.

Today, he is weaker than anyone else.

Such a person, she was actually taken in at first, so blind!

Jianjiu has no way to find a way, and can only stab his scalp to Xia Qingchen. "Xia...Xia Gongzi, I am a heartless word. Please raise your hand high and let me go!"

If Xia Qingchen really failed to break through, would Jian Jiu let him go?

The answer is obvious.

"It's easy to let you go, provided that you give me a reason!" Xia Qingchen said lightly.

This person provoked time and time again, and Xuanji had already given a lesson when asked.

But he did not repent.

So it can be seen that the lesson that Xia Qingchen gave that day is actually too small, and he has never impressed him.

Jian Jiu said quickly: "I, I..."

Jian Jiu found that he really couldn't find a reason to let him go.

Switching to him is Xia Qingchen, and it would be unreasonable not to kill Jianjiu.

"Look, even you can't find a reason why I should let you go." Xia Qingchen pulled out his broken sword and said indifferently.

Xia Qingchen never used the broken sword in the whole fairy chess game, but now he took the initiative to draw the sword.

Feeling Xia Qingchen's murderous intent, Jian Jiu was thrilled and said: "Slow down! I... I will give you everything on my body, I only ask you to raise your hand high."

He immediately removed the space nirvana of the income and expenditure, poured out all the contents, and piled it on the ground.

However, Xia Qingchen didn't take a glance and said indifferently: "It's better not to take out that wealth."

Yuan Chongluang's general of the rank of small moon, the value of the property in his space nirvana is astronomical, and he has not given the entire Yunlan warfare in a clever way, not to mention Jianjiu?

In his eyes, those are just broken copper and iron!

Seeing that Xia Qingchen's killing intentions did not diminish, he didn't care about ordinary wealth at all. Jianjiu gritted his teeth and said, "I still have it!"

He took a purple pendant from his neck, with a delicate appearance, which was also a space nirvana.

However, the space is very small and only a few boxes are stored.

"All for you, just ask for your noble hands to be raised!" Jian Jiu offered with both hands, and did not fall to the ground, it seemed that the things inside were extraordinarily precious.

Xia Qingchen groaned slightly, sucked in from the air, and glanced at the palm.

Among the three boxes, one is a tens of billions of money cards, and the other is the mystery of the sword-raising body built by Jian Jiu.

Xia Qingchen dismissed the first two, and saw the third box, whose pupil shrank slightly.

After the box was opened, he found that there was a silver-white, shimmering dust lying inside.

"This is?" Xia Qingchen couldn't help being surprised. He took the box out of the nirvana, and then lightly touched the dust with his finger. As a result, the dust disappeared out of thin air!

When Xia Qingchen withdrew his finger, the dust reappeared.

"Void Dust?" Xia Qingchen was surprised!

Void Dust is the main material for refining Dayan Sword. Peerlessness is rare, and a piece of Void Dust is worth a city.

In the 100-year history of Liangjing, there has never been a record of void dust.

The last time, two hundred years ago, the news of Void Dust appeared in the cold territory at a glance, and then the sea sank.

For the Void Dust, Xia Qingchen didn't hold any hope at all, but unexpectedly, there was one grain in the humble Jian Jiu!

"Where did it come from?" Xia Qingchen stared at Jian Jiu and asked.

The Void Dust is the Void Dust left when a mortal becomes a **** and breaks the Void.

It is usually not just a grain, but a whole piece! !

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