Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 934: Windfall

Jian Jiu was delighted, but very cautious, his eyes flashed: "Can you promise me first, let me go?"

Xia Qingchen thought without hesitation: "Yes!"

Compared to Jian Jiu's rotten life that can be killed or not, it is certainly a hundred times more important than Void Dust.

"Except for that, you can't hurt me, and no one related to you can take the opportunity to persecute me." Jian Jiu cunningly said.

Xia Qingchen may not kill him, but may destroy his star fountain, more likely to hurt him and mutilate, even if he does not kill, his people will also start.

"Speaking of doing it." Xia Qingchen said: "As for the related people, I can only guarantee that the people present will not shoot you."

For Jian Jiu, it is enough.

As long as he can return to Liangzhou City and return to the lunatic sword, Xia Qingchen wants to kill him hardly.

"Okay, let me tell you!" Jian Jiudao said, "This thing was discovered by my master two hundred years ago when I was in a mysterious realm in the cold and cold environment, and I also found a blood snake stone."

Speaking of the latter, Jian Jiu looked deeply at Xia Qingchen.

The blood snake sword refined by the blood snake stone has fallen into Xia Qingchen's hands.

"This is the secret address." He took out a rather old map and placed it on the ground, then stepped back alertly.

Xia Qingchen grabbed the map and immediately accepted it.

People here have many eyes and are not suitable for exposure.

As for the authenticity of the map, judging from the ancient traces of the map, it is by no means a temporary counterfeit.

Moreover, Jian Jiu may not have the courage to deceive him.

"Go! Don't let me see you again!" Xia Qingchen said coldly.

Jianjiu turned and ran, and fled in a blink of an eye.

After many matters were dealt with, Tang Yaorong led one side of Zhongyunjing and stood collectively across from the cold.

He looked solemnly said: "Both sides win and lose a game, overall it is a draw, according to past rules, disputes that can't be resolved by Xianmo chess game, can only rely on their own skills!"

Everyone's expressions have changed, which means that the two sides are still unavoidable and must be resolved through war.

The cold side is especially calm.

Yu Gugong stood with his arms and said leisurely: "Then wait and see!"

The new mine is completely under the occupation of Zhongyun Realm. There are three military regions stationed on it. With the precipitous terrain, Zhongyun Realm is dispatching double the strength of the troops, and they all want to win the mine!

"Really? It's great to see you being so confident." Bai Buhan, who had recovered from his injury, showed a hint of unpredictable smile.

The rest of Fengming's members looked calm.

The Hao Liuguang stared at Xia Qingchen with a smirk of awe and revenge, and said, "Do you think it's great to win an immortal chess game? Within three days, you will find that reality is cruel !"

"Enough! Shut up!" Tang Yaorong frowned and hurriedly stopped them from speaking.

The Yanyu County Lord, Niseko and others have a bad hunch.

Did they ignore anything?

At this time, Tang Yaorong looked to Xia Qingchen and said, "Son, Xia, can you come to my Zhongyun Realm? With your potential, the Zhongyun Realm will be treated with the honor of a prince!"

Openly digging the wall?

The Lord Yanyu was the first to object, and the flowers were unpleasant: "Master Tang, is it too much?"

In front of Liangjing County Lord and Shizi, publicly enticing the talents of Liangjing, it is too much to take them into consideration.

Tang Yaorong smiled apologetically: "Sorry, I only love to be eager, and don't want him to be dusty in your cold environment."

He looked at Xia Qingchen and smiled kindly: "Xia Gongzi, what do you think?"

Everyone immediately looked at Xia Qingchen and felt nervous.

But this summer Qingchen is the peerless great emperor who is crushing the two worlds. If he joins the Zhongyun Realm, it will be an irreparable loss for the cold world.

The Master of Yanyu County is also a little nervous. Zhongyunjing is notorious for its attention to talents!

When Xia Qingchen joined Zhongyun Realm, he would definitely get a higher treatment than Liangjing.

"No!" Xia Qingchen said.

Tang Yaorong was somewhat disappointed and said, "We Zhongyunjing will treat Xia Qingchen's talents with the highest standard of treatment. I believe you will have a broader sky when you come to Zhongyunjing."

Xia Qingchen shook his head and said indifferently: "Your best treatment in the middle of the cloud has only cultivated a talent like Bai Buhan, who has the courage to cultivate me?"

The Yanyu County Lord brightened his eyes and said it well!

She moved her lotus step gently, her skirt swayed gently, and she said gracefully: "Is oranges born in Huainan oranges, and oranges born in Huaibei are oranges, Tangcheng masters, and you will pay more attention to talents in the middle of the cloud. Blessed one!"

Tang Yaorong saw that there was no hope of persuasion, and sighed deeply: "Everyone has their own ambitions, I will not force it! However, the door of Zhongyun Realm is always open to Xia Gongzi at any time. If one day, you are treated unfairly, you can come to my cold place at any time, we You are always welcome!"

After finishing his speech, he turned and said: "Go!

Xia Qingchen tasted Tang Yaorong's words and couldn't help but sigh: "Before leaving, don't forget to trouble me!"

His words seem to be no problem, but when he carefully understands them, he can feel the meaning of separation.

A sentence of Zhongyunjing always opens the door for Xia Qingchen. I would like to ask whether the senior leaders of Liangjing still fully trust Xia Qingchen without worrying about his sudden joining Zhongyun Jing?

Tang Yaorong couldn't get Xia Qingchen, but Liang Jing didn't dare to reuse him, always beware of his one-day betrayal.

Fortunately, Xia Qingchen never planned to reuse it in the cold.

His only purpose is to get divine blood.

Yan Yujun's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and there was a trace of unnoticeable worries between the eyebrows.

If this word is heard in the ear of the father, it is not a good thing.

Fortunately, Tang Yaorong spoke lightly. His words were not enough to represent the entire Zhongyun Realm. The problem was not big.

What's more, Xia Qingchen set up a wonderful work to reverse the world, this flaw will be diluted.

The two sides dispersed, and the party from Liangjing returned to Xianmo City, presided over by the host of Yanyu County. They counted their respective performances in the two rounds of Xianmo Town and returned to Liangzhou City to discuss the merits.

Xia Qingchen's stunning performance naturally requires no statistics, and everyone knows.

So he went back to his residence alone and immediately studied the bone stars and maps.

the other side.

The evening ended, and the world was gradually swallowed up by darkness.

On the vast ground, Jian Jiu stumbled and fled to Liangzhou City.

Soon, he lay exhausted under the tree beside the official road and gasped.

It is Kaiyuan Dan he swallowed. The disadvantages of this Dan will weaken the body and stay in bed or for several months.

Although he relied on his strong body and did not need to stay in bed, he was still very weak, so he ran out of physical strength and star power for a while.

Looking behind him, Jian Jiu couldn't be relieved: "You must go back as soon as possible!"

But he was weak and lacked mobility tools, making it difficult to go back in a short time.

At this moment, a businessman riding a monster beast passed by, saw Jian Jiu's appearance, and thought he was intercepted. The leader immediately stopped the team: "Give him some water and some food."

Out of vigilance, although the merchants sympathized with him, they did not approach, only to give a little water and food.

Jian Jiu didn't look at the food and the water at all, but stared at their monster beast with two eyes glowing, and stood up and said, "The monster beast left a horse!"

The opponent is just a small caravan, the strongest is only in the star position.

The team leader's face suddenly sank, and the bodyguard immediately came over and said: "Don't come over!"

Jian Jiu flashed fiercely and scolded: "I have enough sulky gas in the fairy demon city. Do you want to kick your nose to face?"

As soon as his nostrils hummed, he swiped his fingers, and the sword gas in his body flew out, killing the two front bodyguards instantly.

Then he jumped up and jumped on a monster, and swayed away.

The caravan leader was angry and angry.

The gift of food and water out of kindness ended in such a result!

Jian Jiuyang walked away, there was a landline much easier, and the mood was also relaxed.

But when the monster walked past an abandoned tea shed by the roadside, the monster suddenly stopped and no longer dared to move forward.


Jian Jiusi looked next, his eyes narrowed, and he saw an iron-faced girl standing on his arm above the tea shed.

"Yu Tingtong?" Jian Jiu surprised, and randomly showed a beam of joy: "Yu girl is looking for me?"

Xia Qingchen and Yu's grievances are well known. Yu Tingtong's catchup must be to discuss and deal with Xia Qingchen.

"Yes!" Yu Tingtong concisely said.

Jian Jiu turned and dismounted, showing a warm smile: "Girl Yu came to me to deal with Xia Qingchen, right?"

Yu Tingtong nodded: "Yes!"

Not waiting for Jian Jiu to be overjoyed, Yu Tingtong said again: "It was just before."

What do you mean?

Suddenly, a flower in front of Jian Jiu's eyes, Yu Tingtong's figure flashed away.

Then a piece of Jian Jiu's neck = hot, that's because the neck was cut by a sharp weapon with a huge opening.


Jian Jiu knelt down on the ground weakly, covering her throat, suffering and pained, and also bewildered and asked, "Why...?"

Shouldn’t they be on the same front?

Behind him, Yu Tingtong withdrew the **** dagger, holding the monster beast returned by Jian Jiu, sneering: "What is the difference between killing innocent you indiscriminately and the evil Xia Qingchen? I don’t need someone like you. Help."

She did come to cooperate with Jian Jiu, but witnessed what Jian Jiu did and changed her mind.

Speaking of words, Jian Jiu was surprised, revealing a trace of sarcasm: "You have a misunderstanding about evil...maybe on evil, I am not as good as your Yu family..."

Before the words fell, Yu Tingtong gave a **** and ended Jian Jiu's life with a stone.

She said in silence: "You must not defame the Yu Family!"

Jian Jiu reluctantly fell in the pool of blood, but there was an indelible ridicule on his face.

Yu Tingtong is in the Yu family, but does not know how the Yu family exists?

What a sad girl!

Yu Tingtong looked at the yellow sand of the sky, and his indifferent eyes were full of disappointment: "Why, the world is always misunderstood about my Yu family? The big brother Emperor Gui said that our Yu family is the last wall to protect the cold environment."

"He won't lie to me, he will only lie to the Yu family with malicious intentions!"

Innocence is like her. She only knows how to practice in her life, and she has nothing to do with the outside world. Emperor Yiyi is the most worthy brother in her mind.

In any case, she only believes that the Emperor is one!

After that, she found the caravan with the monster and returned the monster to them.

"Thank you chivalrous woman! Thank you!" The team leader was grateful.

Yu Tingtong waved her hand: "It's easy to raise your hand! But remember, it's the Yu family who helped you."

After this sentence, it disappeared into the dust, leaving only a group of caravan members with complicated eyes.

The leader was silent for a moment, and suddenly withdrew his knife, killing the monster's life as a result!

"We don't need the help of the Yu family!" the leader said lowly.

They were forced to come to the wild border and engage in caravans, thanks to the Bai Yu's family!

Many mines were punished when the mines in Dongjiang were lost, and they were one of them. They deprived them of military status and assigned borders, which led to the separation of their wives and their families.

Now, someone who calls himself the Yu family will help them?

Ha ha, it's ridiculous!

The caravans left the place, but they didn't know it. They were in the wind and dust, a pair of silent eyes, witnessing everything...

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