Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 935: Buddha skin evil bone

At that time.

In Xianmo City, Xia Qingchen is devoting himself to studying the map.

"No!" His left hand is Jian Jiu's secret realm map, and his right hand is a great cold landscape map.

However, the terrain of the Mystery Map is not as good as anywhere in the cold area.

Jian Jiu made it clear that Void Dust was discovered in a secret area in the cold environment.

"It seems that he has reservations and has not completely told the truth." Xia Qingchen thought, and took out a map of Zhongyunjing.

With the qualifications of Madman Sword just debuted, he will never travel too far.

Since it is not a cold place, it can only be the neighboring middle cloud.


In contrast, Xia Qingchen found an area on the map exactly the same as the secret terrain!

Looking closely, he couldn't help frowning gently: "Wangdu?"

That secret realm is the king capital of Zhongyun Realm!

To be exact, it is the suburb of Wangdu.

"A little trouble." Xia Qingchen murmured to herself.

In front of him, there was a war in the mine that hit the army of Zhongyun Realm. Afterwards, there was a fairy devil chess game that defeated the heroes of Zhongyun Realm.

Enmity and resentment are born, and he is so famous that it is easy to be recognized.

If you go deep into the middle cloud, once you are found, the situation is worrying.

However, if you don’t know that there is void dust, how can you miss it?

He packed the map and prepared to choose the opportunity to go there.

Subsequently, Xia Qingchen took out the most anticipated bone star.

"Ancient God Relic." Xia Qingchen's heart quivered slightly, and he could find a bone star in the world, which was beyond imagination.

How many gods and gods, all beings looking for the remains of ancient gods, want to get the inheritance of ancient gods is not available.

Unexpectedly, they disdain the world where there is a bone star.

It's just unknown what can be obtained from this bone star.

Xia Qingchen fumbled for Bone Star, and was not stupid enough to instill with Star Power.

Where is the source of strength of the ancient god's life, can the mortal star power shake?

The only thing that can resonate is divinity.

Xia Qingchen is now only in the soul, and still retains part of his divinity, but he can barely give it a try.

He closed his eyes, and an invisible ripple flowed out of the deepest part of his body, passing through the bone star.

But, to Xia Qingchen's disappointment, the bone star was still.

Afterwards, he tried many times, and even the last attempt to burn the sky was useless.

"Sure enough, I can't be too happy." Xia Qingchen sighed with regret, after all, it was the core power source of the former ruler of God Realm, even the gods may not be able to activate.

Given his current situation, there is no hope.

He held Bone Star and could only choose to wait and have a chance to speak in the future.

Suddenly, a scorching heat came from his palm.

When I opened my palm, the pale bone star turned fiery like magma.

Xia Qingchen understood that it was caused by the leakage of strength in the bone star.

Bone Star is still activated!

"The desolate **** wants to covet my ancient **** crown!" Bone Star suddenly made a hoarse and weak voice.

The blazing bone star suddenly erupted with a high flame, pushing Xia Qingchen back to three feet away.

Xia Qingchen calmed his gaze, his eyes reflected the three-footed silhouette of the flame gradually condensing.

The figure is clear, with wild and scattered red hair, a slender and straight body, fair skin, and handsome facial features.

Only the eyes are filled with the arrogance of the world, giving everyone a sense of emptiness!

What makes Xia Qingchen's eyes fluctuate is that there are two looming stars on the forehead of the figure, turning slowly!

"Two-star ancient god!" Xia Qingchen said slowly, staring at the figure in surprise.

Ancient gods are very different from imagination.

The ancient gods circulated in the **** realm are all savage figures with strong bodies and rumao drinking blood.

The ancient **** in front of him is totally different!

Not only are they of average figure and smooth skin, but they also give people a sense of nobility, just as they once ruled God Realm.

The figure stared directly at Xia Qingchen, his eyes were as if in substance, penetrating everything: "My ancient **** is the supreme deity, all blood is forbidden to touch."

Xia Qingchen also stared at the figure and said indifferently: "How can the courage to warn me of the remnant souls that are about to be wiped out?"

Although the figure is the soul of the ancient god, it is already very weak, far from Xia Qingchen.

It is not qualified to threaten Xia Qingchen!

The figure is extremely indifferent: "It can be seen that you were a king, but the ancient **** is already a taboo in the realm of the gods. You still should not touch it."

Xia Qingchen's eyes flickered lightly, and was even seen through the history.

For the first time after coming to the world.

"The ancient **** has been destroyed for thousands of years. You should be the only remaining soul in the world of the God Realm. Do you want to sit back and watch the ancient **** completely diminished?" Xia Qingchen asked.

The figure is silent.

Xia Qingchen said again: "Frankly speaking, to the extent that your soul is weak, it will be completely dissipated within five years at most. At that time, if you want to continue the vein of the ancient god, no one will entrust it."

"This place is a world. I should be the only **** you can meet, and the only one who has the ability to inherit the divine power of the ancient gods!"

The figure swayed, as if poked.

Although it hides in the bone star, it is not hurt by the outside world, but it can't escape time.

In the past, Wan Zai's soul has been weak to the end, and will disperse within five years.

"You told me to move me." The figure spoke for a long time, but said: "But, I can't promise you!"

When Xia Qingchen was disappointed, the figure raised his palm and a little starlight flew out of his palm and fell into Xia Qingchen's hands: "Unless, within three months, there may be a silver lining to learn this mortal martial art."

Starlight is the light of the soul, Xia Qingchen put it on his eyebrows, and the starlight merged into the soul.

A strange martial art memory immediately appeared in my mind.

""Buddha Evil Bone"!" Xia Qingchen glanced roughly, frowning.

This is a supreme refining tactics, the level reaches the prestige level, is the highest ceiling martial art Xia Qingchen can practice at present.

"This martial art is difficult for some mortal practitioners." Xia Qingchen looked at the silhouette.

Cultivating this martial art requires Buddha power and evil power. The two are diametrically opposed, mutually restraining forces, to temper the skin and bones, to achieve the state of steel inside and outside, extremely hard.

The power of Buddha and evil power mentioned here is not the power of Buddhism and evil power that mortals say, but the power of Buddha God and Evil God!

God Realm is easy to say, but in the world, two kinds of divine power are nowhere to be found!

Not to mention, how dangerous is the mortal body to bear two divine powers at the same time?

A little carelessness, it is the end of the dead body!

"This is the basis for the foreign spirits to cultivate the inheritance of ancient gods. If you can't do this, don't pretend to inherit the ancient gods." After the silhouette said, the flames dispersed.

Bone Star also gradually cools down and restores its ordinary color.

Only one sentence is left: "If you succeed in cultivation, it is not too late to call me again!"

Xia Qingchen frowned lightly. He knew that the figure did not make him difficult.

To inherit the inheritance of the ancient **** clan, ordinary people are indeed impossible. "Buddha Evil Bone" is just the foundation of the foundation. If this is not possible, even if the inheritance is in sight, it can't bear it.

"The power of gods and Buddhas is easy to say, but the power of evil gods is really a bit embarrassing." Xia Qingchen murmured.

In his hand there is a fragment of Buddha relic given by the Buddha God, which contains the power of the Buddha God.

The power of evil spirits alone is difficult to obtain.

Xia Qingchen couldn't help but think of the evil **** who suffered the seal on the Zhenmo Island.

"Are you going to tear open the seal again?" Xia Qingchen murmured.

(One change tonight and five noon tomorrow)

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