Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 936: You eat noodles (one more)

Xia Qingchen vetoed the thought immediately.

At first, Evil God's broken finger just broke the seal, and had not escaped, it caused a great crisis.

If you really let it out, the cold, no, it's all chaos in the world.

Even he can't avoid a difficult situation.

"The missed ancient **** has passed on." Xia Qingchen sighed helplessly.

If you catch an evil **** in God Realm, you can start, but there is really no way in the world.

Boom Boom--

Its door was suddenly knocked lightly.

"Come in." Xia Qingchen converged divinely and stood up.


The door opened, and the smoky rain master masked by the gauze, such as the quiet beauty standing in Zhoutou, in the water village of Jiangnan.

His eyes fluttered in autumn waves and his style was graceful.

"Can you come in?" Yan Yujun's voice was soft, like the spring breeze in March, melting the heart.

With Xia Qingchen's permission, she walked in a lot of steps, wearing a closely-fitting long dress with a pear flower and golden swift pattern, which was swaying like water.

Invisible, it outlines the mature, graceful, and imaginative slim figure.

Xia Qingchen nodded secretly. In addition to being ignorant of his face, Yan Yujun's body and temperament were all outstanding.

Realizing that Xia Qingchen looked at her eyes, the Yanyu County master was inexplicably flustered, her incomprehensible shy bowed her head, and her voice sounded like a natural sound: "This fairy demon chess game, thanks to your glory for the cold environment."

Xia Qingchen nodded arbitrarily, waiting quietly for the master of Yanyu County.

She came to make a special trip, it was impossible just to thank.

Without Xia Qingchen's response, the Yanyu County Master was a little nervous, which was an emotion never seen before.

"Well... I have counted, you won 103 games, far exceeding the maximum deadline set by the Cool King." Yan Yujun said.

In the first stage of the group and group duel, they won three games.

Then in the second stage of the melee, defeating one person was considered a game, so it added up to 103 games.

Liang Wang said that if he wins fifty games, he can promise him a condition.

That condition can make any family fly to the top!

"Oh." Xia Qingchen's expression was faint, he intended to help the three sons to win the fairy devil chess game, but the cool king's reward was rather secondary.

Seeing that he reacted mediocrely, being able to speak like a lord of smoke and rain, I didn't know what to say for a while.

The atmosphere on both sides was strangely silent.

Xia Qingchen is a bit strange. The Lord of the Rainy Rain seems to have changed from before, but he can't tell how to change.

"If the governor has nothing else to do, Xia Mou begins to practice." Xia Qingchen had to break the strange quiet.

The Lord Yanyu subconsciously stood up and said, "Oh, good..."

Halfway through the talk, he was suddenly awakened by Xia Qingchen's word "cultivation": "In addition, there is one more thing, you have won so many wins. In the future, if the world's emperor tomb opens, you must have a seat. Please be sure to do well. ready."

Emperor mound on earth?

How could Xia Qingchen forget that the ancestors of Xiahou and Yuwen in Tianyueling were the first masters of the cold realm, and the ancient traces were brought into the earth tomb for further study?

There is the highest mystery of the cold realm, where one year of cultivation is worth ten years of the outside world.

It's just that it is controlled by mysterious forces, and even the Cool King can't make the decision.

"Where is the Emperor's Tomb?" Xia Qingchen asked.

The ancient books of Liangjing that he consulted before did not mention the emperor's mound in the world.

The Lord Yanyu hesitated for three breaths before slowly saying: "This is a secret, I hope you don't have an outside story."

She held out her finger and pointed to the sky.

in the sky?

Xia Qingchen was surprised, what the **** is that?

"When will it open?" Xia Qingchen asked.

The Master of Yanyu shook his head: "Maybe tomorrow, maybe ten years later."

Meaning, time is uncertain.

"Huh." Xia Qingchen said: "Thank you for reminding me."

After receiving a thankful response, she felt that she was finally in vain, and that her uneasy heart was finally a little more reliable.

"Then, the concubine said goodbye." Yanyu County said.

Xia Qingchen got up and took her to the door. The latter was about to say goodbye, and suddenly came from the corridor, and there was a cry: "Brother Xia, I'll send it to you below!"

Xia Qingchen's expression suddenly stiffened, and the Master of the Rainy Rain was also stunned. His half-foot raised was frozen in the air, and some doubted his ears.

But the voice came very clearly, positively and clearly.

"Brother Xia, I'll give you some food below!!"

Yan Yujun's face turned slightly red, and he turned his head to look at Xia Qingchen, his eyes became strangely strange.

He... he still has this hobby?

Until Bai Xiaozhu carried a bowl of warm noodles, he ran to the door: "Brother Xia, it's still hot, eat fast!"

In this way, the master of Yanyu County understood what the so-called following meant.

"Huh! Lord Yanyu?" Bai Xiaozhu was startled and immediately saluted on one knee.

The Master of Yanyu County yelled, staring at Bai Xiaozhu, and said, "This is your face?"

"Yes! Sovereign, do you want to try it?" Bai Xiaozhu didn't expect anything, and it was deeper into the middle of the night. The Sovereign of the Rainy Rain was in Xia Qingchen's room.

The Lord of Yanyu County said plainly: "The Lord of this County does not eat noodles! Well, after returning to Liangzhou, he still has to ask the father to play. In the future, the cold environment will not allow others to eat below!"

The blush on her face had not faded, and her eyes were a bit stunned.

Who is it, running deeper in the middle of the night to eat Xia Qingchen, it is so misleading!

The little girl now is really not checking at all!

"Ah? You are not allowed to give it to others?" Bai Xiaozhu opened his eyes wide: "After that, I can't give it to Brother Xia?"

The Lord Yanyu stretched his face and said solemnly: "Resolutely not allowed!"

After he finished speaking, he stepped away.

Leaving Bai Xiaozhu's face with a lost look: "Brother Xia, I can't give you the following article for you."

Xia Qingchen's forehead jumped with blue muscles without a good air: "Do you know it is the following article? Make it clear that the person under the cold environment will not be implicated by you!"

"Is there a difference between the following and the next article?" Bai Xiaozhu scratched his head ignorantly.

Xia Qingchen coughed dryly, and really had no face to discuss the 108 major differences between the following and the following with a little girl.

"I accepted the noodles, is there anything else?" Xia Qingchen said.

Bai Xiaozhu said embarrassedly: "I want to ask, what level did you break through?"

Xia Qingchen chuckled: "You are so stupid!"

Martial arts practitioners are most taboo on others to ask about their behavior.

Unless it is a very special relationship, such as his relationship with Yue Mingzhu and Jiang Xuexin, just ask.

But the usual relationship is usually avoided.

Due to his relationship with Yanyu County Lord, the latter did not rashly ask Xia Qingchen how to repair.

Bai Xiaozhu is not interested in martial arts and obviously does not ask. Someone asked her to ask.

Poor, this little girl, with no intention, actually came to ask.

If she is not reasonable enough, she will definitely feel bad about her.

"Did someone ask you?" Xia Qingchen said.

Bai Xiaozhu glanced away, but didn't lie. She twisted her fingers and said: "A lot of friends are pestering me. I'm just asking for your information. I can only ask."

Xia Qingchen touched her head and said, "You go back and tell them, you want to know, come and ask in person!"

"Oh." Bai Xiaozhu nodded his head obediently: "Then I will go back and tell them."

Seeing her leave, Xia Qingchen couldn't help but helplessly: "Stupid girl."

Looking at the noodles in his hands, he did not want to live up to his good intentions, and took a few tastings.

While eating a little bit of flavour, Suddenly, a beautiful shadow flashed in front of her door again, and she was not invited to come in.

"You are still eating...oh, are you eating noodles?" The visitor was actually the Lord of Smoke and Rain who had returned.

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