Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 959: Night meeting

Flower trail.

Xia Qingchen walked side by side with the blue flower fairy, he asked, "Why keep me?"

He clearly decided to leave, but the blue flower fairy left it, and he should have a deep meaning.

"I'm sorry, Prince Gongzi, it's my thoughts that made you wronged." Fairy Lanhua bowed down and apologized.

Xia Qingchen said indifferently: "It's your father and brother who are looking at Qing Wangmou, what do you do with you?"

After hearing this, the Blue Flower Fairy apologized deeper. She bit her red lips and said, "In the past few days, you will stay in Zhoufu. I will find a way to let them see your advantages."

"Only in that way, God Liudong's recommendation opportunity will be given to you, and they will not have a second word."

Xia Qingchen heard the sound outside the string.

Because of the relatively weak position of the Blue Flower Fairy in Zhoufu, she really can't make a decision alone, unless she and her father's brother fall over at the same time.

"It embarrasses you," Xia Qingchen said.

Fairy Lanhua shook her head: "You can rest assured, Shenliudong recommends the quota, only belongs to you!"

The night is quiet.

A dark shadow rushed towards the sky, leaving no shadow at all, leaving only a residual wind, which caused a false alarm to the passing patrol guard.

Central city, first street.

A gorgeously decorated, striking loft is located here.

All the shops were closed, and the streets sank into the night.

Only the attic was brightly lit, driving out the darkness alone.

Here, it is the cloud branch of Tingxuelou.

Top floor.

In an office, in front of the fire, Jin Buchang shrank, saying, "The weather in Zhongyun is so cold!"

Zhongyunjing is located in the northern part of the cold environment, with cold winter all year round.

However, it is not just the body that Kim does not change cold, but also the difficult situation of listening to Xuelou.

Under his knees, Jin Lin scrupulously reviewed the report for the past month and said: "This month has a loss of hundreds of billions. If you go on like this, I don't know how to explain to the landlord."

Because of the price reduction by local alchemy forces, their panacea cannot be sold on a large scale in Zhongyunjing.

All kinds of expenses are getting bigger and bigger, which has been in a state of loss since entering the Zhongyun Realm.

Moreover, the amount of losses is getting higher and higher.

"Next month, it is estimated that the loss will exceed 200 billion yuan." Jin Lin is not worried.

Kim doesn't change lanes: "How many companies are willing to come to the banquet three days later?"

It is said that Jinlin is bitter and non-faced: "I have already sent invitations to the top ten secret medicine companies in Zhongyunjing, but so far, there has been no reply from a firm."

There are zero participants willing to come!

Jin Buchang didn't say anything. At this banquet, he was going to invite major businessmen to use their shops to sell the secret medicine of Tingxuelou.

Unfortunately, they are not interested in listening to Xuelou's secret medicine.

As long as the local medicine refining forces continue to sell their panacea at low prices, these firms have no interest in listening to Xuexuelou's secret medicine.

"It's hard to move in inches." Jin Buchang sighed softly.

Jin Linfei said: "Dad, persevere again! We are losing money. Those local refining medicine families have suffered even more losses. I don't believe they can persist for too long."

Although the effect of their secret medicine is almost the same as that of Tingxuelou, the material cost is particularly high because of the Danfang problem, which is several times that of Tingxuelou.

If Xuelou loses 100 billion yuan, their losses will be at least one trillion yuan.

Even if they are full of refining medicine family, they can not afford long-term huge losses.

Now, the two sides are fighting attrition, to see who can't support it first.

"The words say so, but don't you forget, the landlord's order to us?" Jin Buchang said calmly: "The landlord ordered us that within a year, there must be the power to subvert the cold."

"Now, half a year has passed, but we are stuck in the Zhongyun Realm, and the forces cannot continue to expand. In the future, what can we do to subvert the cold?"

After hearing this, Jin Linfei woke up in horror.

Yeah, they can't afford it either.

"Then it's really troublesome, we really have nothing to do and open up the situation in Zhongyun Realm." Jin Lin felt powerless.

The road to expansion is a hundred times more difficult than expected, and it is now almost at a standstill.

"So late, don't you rest?" A faint voice, mixed in the wind, drifted into their ears.


Jin Buchang and his son were shocked at the same time, bouncing from the chair like a conditioned reflex, wondering: "This voice..."

They are in the distant capital of the king of Zhongyun Realm, not the cold land.


Suddenly, the skylight on the top of the building was shattered, and a figure fell straight and light, without a trace of dust.

"Landlord!" The two were shocked and immediately approached.

Xia Qingchen sat in front of the fire and said, "Get up and talk."

The two were surprised and happy, but they never dreamed that Xia Qingchen appeared here.

"Lordlord, why are you here?" Jin Buchang asked.

Xia Qingchen looked at him and said, "If you don't come again, don't you want to be driven out by the local medicine refining family?"

Jin Buxian looked ashamed: "Subordinates are incompetent!"


Xia Qingchen said nothing, took out a jade bottle, and a written Danfang, placed on the table.

Jin Buchang glanced, and his heart jumped: "Is this?"

"Dragon tattoo language, the practice speed of the big star position has increased twice." Xia Qingchen calmly said.


Kim doesn't change awesomely: "Can the big star position be doubled?"

Previous mysteries have this effect, but the big star position has this magic effect, which is definitely a subversive existence.

It should be noted that the best on the market in Zhongyunjing has only increased by 20%.

Twice the secret medicine, once sold, is a devastating blow to those local medicine refining families!

Jin Buchang was short of breath, and his heart was full of ecstasy!

He could already see the spectacular scene after the advent of this thing.

"This Dan has certain refining difficulties, and also has very high restrictions on materials. The output is limited. You can make good use of it." Xia Qingchen said.

The main material of Longwen language, even in Zhongyun Realm, is quite scarce, destined to produce very little, and cannot be sold like the previous immortality.

Jin Buchang was very motivated and patted his chest, saying: "The landlord is at ease! With this kind of killer in hand, it can only produce 100 pieces a year, which is enough to kill the local gang of refining medicine families!"

Xia Qingchen nodded: "Well, you figure it out for yourself."

At this time, Jinlin couldn't help but wonder: "Lordlord, how can you appear in Zhongyun Realm?"

Xia Qingchen said: "It's hard to say a word! I want to ask you one thing, I want to participate in Shenliu Cave. In addition to the recommendation of others, is there any source of comparison?

Of course, the name of God Liudong, their father and son knew.

Jin Buxian thought briefly, and said: "There is another way to prove that I am strong."

"How to prove?"

Kim doesn't change lanes: "Zhongyunjing is just like our Liangjing. There is a youth strength ranking called Zhongyun Bang. Once you enter the top two hundred, you will automatically get an invitation letter."


Xia Qingchen's eyes lit up, which was his favorite way.

Don't ask for help, you can win by your own strength!

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