Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 960: Lord of the Eyeless

"How about the strength of the 200th place?" Xia Qingchen asked.

Jin Linfei took the conversation and said, "The big star is a second consciousness. I have only challenged it not long ago, and this is definitely the cultivation base."

Xia Qingchen was surprised: "Why is it so high?"

The Liangzhou list of Liangjing ranks two hundred, probably only at the six-star level.

Jin Linfeidao said: "Our Liangzhou list only counts Tianjiao under the age of 20, but the Zhongyun List contains 23 underages, which is equivalent to two generations of Tianjiao."

No wonder!

"Okay, I'll challenge the Zhongyun List." Xia Qingchen got up and used the flying ninja.

"Congratulations to the landlord!"

Xia Qingchen was on tiptoe, and suddenly remembered something, and said again: "Give me a quiet place to stay."

He did not intend to live in Zhoufu for a long time.

"Yes!" Jin Buhuan said excitedly, and the rare landlord was willing to come in person, he would naturally entertain well!

The Zhongyun Ranking of Zhongyunjing was released by the temple of Zhongyunjing.

Their shrine, also set up a place to challenge the list, named Tianjiao Temple.

Xia Qingchen stepped into it and found that the challenge hall of Zhongyun Realm was completely different from that of Liangjing.

The cold environment is in the back room, fighting against the past projections.

However, Zhongyunjing kept its moves on a wall.

The walls will be scored very accurately according to the strength of the moves. This method is more advanced and accurate than the cold way.

Competing on the spot, we must consider the problem of play. If the play is abnormal, the ranking will be wrong.

Right now, it won't.

"Now it's time to challenge?" A shouted shrine officer opened his eyes openly.

Xia Qingchen said: "Sorry, bother."

The shrine staff waved their hands: "Come again tomorrow, and don't look at what time."

Is that so?

Xia Qingchen was about to hesitate, a feeble voice came from the back hall: "Let him challenge, the list is open all day, no obstruction."

The yawning shrine staff was immediately clever and sleepless, very dedicated: "Master, please!"

The speaker should be a high-ranking high-ranking person.

Xia Qingchen couldn't help but sigh. In contrast to the challenge hall in the cold environment, he closed every night and declined the challenge. Zhongyunjing didn't refuse the challenger in the middle of the night.

It can be seen from the details that Zhongyunjing attaches great importance to talents.

Under the guidance of the hall members, Xia Qingchen stood in front of an ancient wall.

There are dense residues on the surface, ranging from deep to shallow, with knife marks, sword marks, fist marks and palm marks, in short, there are all kinds of marks.

"The young man exerted his full strength to attack the wall. The deeper the traces left, the higher the strength can be initially determined." The court member said, and retreated from the stage, leaving Xia Qingchen with an opportunity to show his fists.

Xia Qingchen pondered that he only needed to reach the top two hundred, without exposing his strength too much.

So, after thinking about it, he didn't even take out his sword.

Never even used martial arts!

Just condensed a star power, ordinary palm shot on the wall.


With a muffled sound, a three-inch deep palm print appeared on the wall immediately.

The pupil of the hall shrank fiercely and lost his voice: "This palm print..."

No more than ten people on the wall exceed the depth of its traces.

However, this wall has not been replaced for hundreds of years.

In other words, he is one of the ten strongest people detected in a century!

The hall member continued to stare at the wall, but a line of figures slowly appeared near the palm print.

"Power, thirty-one!" The hall member was shocked.

Zhou Xingyun, the last son of Fengming's eight sons, was only 30,000!

Moreover, under the circumstances of the other party's use of martial arts, Xia Qingchen surpassed Zhou Xingyun with a palm of his hand?


With a soft sound, a line appeared next to the number: "Recommended ranking, fourth."

The first place in the Zhongyun list is Sai Tian, ​​the second place is Hao Tian, ​​the third place is Sanshizi, and the fourth place is Zhou Xingyun.

Today, Zhou Xingyun is replaced by Xia Qingchen.

Xia Qingchen is a little helpless, he has been restrained, but the ranking is still so high.

The night is long, and he said: "The first two hundred invitations to stay in the hole, right?"

The hall member was a little stunned. Don't the teenagers in front of him know what a huge sensation it was to be fourth in Zhongyun Realm?

Once spread, the nine princes and even King Zhongyun will be summoned personally and cultivated with the strength of the whole territory.

Compared to home, an invitation letter from Shenluodong is not worth mentioning.

"Yes, of course! Wait a minute, I will inform the lord!" The clerk hurriedly went to the back hall.

Soon after, he was holding a golden invitation letter and handed it to Xia Qingchen: "Dare you ask your son Gao's name?"

"Don't surname your king." Xia Qingchen took away the invitation letter and left without leaving for a moment.

"Eh, wait, it's not over yet!" The hall staff hurried out: "The golden invitation letter has privileges..."

Unfortunately, Xia Qingchen could not hear.

When he returned to the main hall, he saw a thin, thin old man with a disheveled hair, who was sticking his palm in the palm print left by Xia Qingchen.

He closed his eyes and said for a while: "The list is here."

"Yes, the hall master!" The hall staff immediately fetched a crystal list.

I saw that after the temple master unfolded it, he raised a special pen and stayed at the fourth place, Zhou Xingyun.

It seems that it is ready to replace Zhou Xingyun.

But who knows, the master of the palace turned around, and actually fell beside the match day, writing a word "king".

"Ah! Hall Lord, what does this mean?" the hall member surprised.

The ranking should be from top to bottom, how can there be a line?

"Tie first!"


The members of the hall shook their mouths in shock: "This prince, tied for the first place with the mythical Tianjiao?" However, the wall suggested that it was ranked fourth!"

The master withdrew the pen, and slowly opened his eyes. Who knows there were no eyes in that eye.

There are only two blue flames burning with shimmer!

"Tie tied for the first place, but for the sake of conservatism, in fact, he should be more terrible game days." The master said slowly.

The hall member took a breath!

Saidian was born in that year, and the shock aftermath of defeating Haotian by one move was still echoing.

Today, there is even a tie, no, is it possible to surpass the super arrogance of match day?

What's wrong with this world?

"Tomorrow, the old man will meet him!" said the lord hoarsely.

After words, people disappeared out of thin air!

The hall member blinked and then bit his tongue secretly: "I heard it right? I haven't stepped up to challenge the main hall of the hall for twenty years, but I decided to... go out?"

This is even more shocking than when he learned Xia Qingchen's ranking!

Since the Hell Gate opened twenty years ago, the Lord of the Temple participated in the First World War and never took the step of challenging the Hall.

Even if Zhongyun Wang personally invited him, he would never go out.

Hidden in the temple all day, the **** is mysterious.

Sometimes when the night is quiet, there will be a scream of panic.

As if, for twenty years, he has been avoiding something...

Now, for a day of arrogance, go out in shock?

Could it be that the master of the Super Tianjiao found something terrible?

(Two noon tomorrow)

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