Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 961: Side knock

Said Xia Qingchen, when he returned to Zhoufu, it was already dawn.

He was able to take off the hat, and a light knock on the door sounded outside the door: "Master, are you awake?"

Xia Qingchen opened the door casually and said, "So early?"

The comer is not someone else, but the blue flower fairy.

She was panting, holding a panacea in her hand, which was the most prestigious Yue Qinghui in Zhoufu, and had doubled the speed of cultivation of the middle star position.

"Hurry, eat quickly." Lanhua fairy smiled like a flower.

Xia Qingchen moved slightly. When a panacea had the best medicinal properties, it was naturally when it was first released, and the more the essence was lost in the future.

Fairy Lanhua prepared a freshly prepared panacea for him. Presumably, he got up early and prepared specially.

I have to say that Zhou's father and son are not good, but Zhou Jingxuan is worth paying.

"Thank you, I will also give you a panacea." Xia Qingchen took out a dragon tattoo and gave it to the blue flower fairy.

The latter smirked.

She is the gold of the two refining medicine families in Zhongyun Realm. What good medicine hasn't she seen?

Xia Qingchen can give her anything rare, but the panacea will not.

"It's really a careless person, no girl will coax." Lanhua Fairy smiled secretly.

However, she was still very happy to take the Elixir and stuff it into the space nirvana: "Take mine first, when the medicine works best."

Xia Qingchen was helpless.

For him, Yue Qinghui no longer has any effect, but eating it will become impurities in the body.

"Okay, I'll try it." Xia Qingchen swallowed with a mouthful of emotions.

But after the medicine entered the throat, it was immediately burned to ashes by a group of skyfire.

"How is it?" Lanhua Fairy asked, expecting that the panacea was made by herself, and it took a whole night.

Of course, there is no need to tell Xia Qingchen.

"It tastes good," Xia Qingchen praised.

From his point of view, this pill not only has insufficient purification of materials, but also has problems in integration during refining, and can only be regarded as defective.

However, the heart of the blue flower fairy in this Dan is more precious than the quasi elixir.

"Wait, I seem to be breaking through!" Xia Qingchen said suddenly.

While saying, the star power inside the body is still rolling out, and it is a way to break through.

"Isn't it? What a coincidence?" Fairy Lanhua didn't doubt too much.

On the flower boat, Xia Qingchen defeated many Xiujiao's Tianjiao higher than his own, and he can see that he may break through at any time.

The current breakthrough in the seventh star position is entirely reasonable.

"Protect me!" Xia Qingchen's makeup practiced in situ.

There is no way, only by moving up one level can the possibility of exposure be reduced.

After half an hour, Xia Qingchen opened his eyes and rejoiced: "Thank you for the secret medicine of the fairy of blue flower, the breakthrough was successful!"

Blue Flower Fairy feels incredible, and at the same time, she is in the heart of the beauty, the elixir personally refined, let Eun Gong break through, is there anything more satisfying than this?

"Very good, missionary valley, you need to go there even more."

Mission Valley?

Xia Qingchen was puzzled, but the surface was quiet, so as not to expose his feet.

Blue Flower Fairy said: "Xia Gongzi should have heard the Preaching Valley?"

Xia Qingchen nodded ambiguously: "Of course I have heard it!"

He was worried that if the blue flower fairy continued to ask, it would be exposed. A sound of saltiness and faintness floated: "Of course you have heard it, but if you say it, you should never be qualified to go?"

Speaking so straightforwardly and annoyingly, of course, only Zhou Xingyun.

He and Qiu Zifan came side by side with their hands on their backs, and there was a sense of superiority in their expressions: "Sorry, I have always spoken so straight, you bear more."

Xia Qingchen glanced at him lightly. The so-called straight talk, in other words, was not worth euphemism.

Just ask, does he dare to speak so directly to King Zhongyun?

Even to Qiu Zifan, dare you?

Dare not!

But it's just because of looking down on summer and light on dust.

"What's your elder brother doing?" Blue Flower Fairy said displeasedly.

Zhou Xingyun said: "Princess Wang is a guest, isn't Qiu Gongzi not? I have something to do, and you take care of him."

Its tone, where is in the discussion, it is clear that the blue flower fairy as a servant.

Qiu Zifan paid a courteous prayer to the blue flower fairy: "Unfortunately, it was my former mentor who taught the missionary today, and Qiu wanted to listen to his old man preaching again."

Where does the blue flower fairy want Qiu Zifan to follow?

That was my brother's friend, not hers.

"Sorry, I only meet with Prince Gongzi. If Prince Qiu wants to go, choose a day." Fairy Lanhua refused mercilessly.

Zhou Xingyun's eyelids sullen, and said in his own anger: "What should I say? Mr. Qiu is a distinguished guest of our Zhou Mansion! If you are arrogant, you will be deprived of your cultivation secrets this season."

The Blue Flower Fairy hesitated for a while, even though he was dissatisfied, he could only succumb to the oppression of his elder brother.

Zhou Xingyun, as the young master, has considerable power.

"What are you going to do?" Blue Flower Fairy asked dissatisfiedly. Her friend didn't accompany her, but asked her to accompany her.

Zhou Xingyun said: "Da Shizi has made an appointment with some of my talents to exchange martial arts, why, what else to ask?"

The blue flower fairy felt helpless.

There are some things that I really do not envy.

Zhou Xingyun met the most powerful eldest son of Zhongyun Realm, and Zhou Fu took the opportunity to become a party of the eldest son.

In this regard, his father Zhou Bingkun was extremely happy, repeatedly instructing Zhou Xingyun to make a very good life, and regard this matter as the family's top priority.

Anything related to the big world must be accommodated in Zhou Xingyun.

Even several opportunities that belonged to Zhou Jingxuan were handed over to Zhou Xingyun.

She bit her red lips and said, "Son, son, let's go, the missionary valley is about to begin."

Qiu Zifan stared at the blue flower fairy shadow, and followed with a slight smile, saying: "The missionary valley will certainly be very lively today, after all, it is my martial arts master who is teaching me. It may be full in the future."

Although the blue flower fairy ignored it, she had to admit that today's preaching valley will indeed be quite lively.

Mission Valley is the birthplace of martial arts exchange established by King Zhongyun himself.

Every day, a strong man will be sent to the missionary valley to teach the world's handsome men under the age of thirty and teach martial arts experience.

The weakest lecturer is also the Satsuki strong, and occasionally there will be super-strong at the mid-month level.

For example, one of the teachers in Zhongyun Realm is going to teach today, Huang Zizhen!

His cultivation practice has reached the level of the middle moon, flying omnipotently, but is a first-class figure in the fairy of Zhongyun Realm.

Powerful people of this level will not appear once every few months.

Therefore, this opportunity to attend classes is bound to break the situation of head grabs.

"However, Blue Flower Fairy can rest assured that it is not difficult for me to come forward and get a few seats." Qiu Zifan always wanted to show himself.

After all, the cancer tumor commander, once had the honour to invite Huang Zizhen to teach his son Qiu Zifan a few days, barely considered his student.

Asking for tickets is not too difficult.

Along the way, Xia Qingchen knocked on the side and finally figured out what the preaching valley was.

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