Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 964: Answer question


The old student gave way and said: "Those holding tickets can go up. There are seat labels on the tickets. Please be sure to check the seats. You must not occupy others' positions without authorization, otherwise you will be disqualified from attending the class."

Everyone went up one after another.

Xia Qingchen slowly followed behind the blue flower fairy.

When they went up, all one hundred seats were filled.

Blue Flower Fairy's seat is in the first row, next to Qiu Zifan.

Xia Qingchen, who got the tickets at the same time, had her seat in the last row.

Fairy Lanhua found the difference and said, "Can you arrange Prince Gong to the front?"

Generally speaking, those who ask questions in the front are more valued by the lecturer, and the ones that are farther behind are easily ignored by the lecturer.

Qiu Zifan shrugged helplessly: "The seat has been arranged and cannot be changed."

Is that so?

Blue Flower Fairy felt apologetic in her heart, but she was helpless.

Being able to get the tickets up already entrusted Qiu Zifan's blessing, and can no longer demand Qiu Zifan to risk annoying the teacher and replace the seat for Xia Qingchen.

"Blue Flower Fairy, note this note, don't show it to others." Suddenly, Qiu Zifan took out a note and quietly stuffed it into the Blue Flower Fairy.

The latter looked at it and found that there were three very profound martial art problems.

The last one, even the martial arts community in Zhongyunjing, has yet to answer the difficult questions.

"This is?" Fairy Lanhua puzzled.

What are the three questions for her?

Qiu Zifan whispered: "This is a question that the teacher just gave me when I was tutoring me alone. When the class is halfway through, I will randomly check people to answer these questions.

Blue Flower Fairy's heart tightened: "What happens if you can't answer?"

"I was invited out of class!"

so serious!

"But don't worry, the answers to the three questions are all from the teacher's explanation. As long as you listen to them, you should be able to answer them."

Fairy Lanhua immediately remembered the three questions in her heart, and secretly warned herself that she must be serious when she attends the class.

She turned her head to look at Xia Qingchen. Qiu Zifan seemed to know what she was about to do, and quickly said: "Hush! If the teacher finds out, we will all be kicked out."

Helpless, the blue flower fairy can only hide the note.

Soon, Huang Zizhen finally began to speak, saying: "Today I am going to talk about the control of power."

Hundreds of listeners on the seats, under the stone platform, countless days of arrogance gathered attentively to listen.

The control of power has always been a difficult problem for the warriors to grasp.

With good control, the martial arts can be freely released, and the attack strength is in place, which can fully exert the strength.

On the contrary, if the control is not good, the original strength will be greatly reduced.

Why do some people with equal skills and martial arts differ greatly in strength?

Because, they have different power control!

"If you want to control the power, you must first understand why it is power!" Huang Zizhen began to lecture incessantly.

Xia Qingchen first heard a few words. He did not speak very profoundly. For Xia Qingchen, of course, it tastes the same as chewing wax, meaningless.

But for many Tianjiao, the experience of a mid-month strong man is particularly valuable.

Everyone listened to God, and quickly took notes, writing down all the words that Huang Zizhen said.

After half an hour, many people heard dizziness.

Huang Zizhen's essay is too esoteric, making it difficult for many people who are not savvy to understand.

"Okay, now I have someone to answer a few questions." Huang Zizhen stopped teaching and suddenly said.

What, answer the question?

The crowd was immediately tense and nervous.

Many people bowed their heads, lest they should be noticed by Huang Zizhen.

"You, answer the old man's question." Huang Zizhen pointed to the second row, a woman.

The latter stood up nervously, flushed with red face: "Teacher, please."

Huang Zizhen said: "The first question, how many powers are there in the human body?"

Perhaps because of the tension, the woman’s brain is blank, and she can’t help looking at the notes on the table to find the problem that Huang Zizhen just said.

Huang Zizhen said with majesty: "You can't answer such a simple question, go on, you are not suitable to listen to the teacher!"

The woman was ecstatic, embarrassed and ashamed.

At the request of the white-haired old student, he hid his face and left.

The remaining students have ugly faces. Why can't they answer the questions?

"You, answer!" Huang Zizhen suddenly clicked on the blue flower fairy.

The latter stiffened his body, and his heart thumped up, saying, "Teacher, there are three kinds of strength."

"Well, which three?" Huang Zizhen continued to ask.

Fairy Lanhua took a deep breath and said, "Internal force, external force and original force respectively."

"What is the Force?" Huang Zizhen asked again.

The fairy of the blue flower gradually calmed down, and the answer was like a stream: "The so-called force is the natural power of the nine major veins when a person is thirteen years old."

"How about internal force and external force?" Huang Zizhen said.

Blue Flower Fairy secretly rejoiced, but fortunately Qiu Zifan reminded him in time that he kept these strange knowledge in his mind.

"Internal force refers to the power of the human body, which is owned by oneself, while external force refers to the Chenli, Xingli, Lunar and so on obtained from the outside through cultivation."

Huang Zizhen's old-fashioned face finally showed a smile: "What's your name?"

"Zhou Jingxuan!"

"Well, great! If you start classes next time, you can get a ticket for free!"

The Blue Flower Fairy was flattered, and repeatedly said: "Thank you teacher!"

After answering, after she sat down, Yu Guang looked at Qiu Zifan and cast a deep gratitude.

Thanks to Qiu Zifan!

Qiu Zifan's vanity was satisfied, and there was a smile on his face.

He looked back at Xia Qingchen and found that the latter was lowering his head, as if he was thinking about something.

see it?

This is the difference between them, one becomes the burden of the blue flower fairy, and one can help her.

"The next question, the last row, the person in the far right corner answers!" Huang Zizhen pointed to Xia Qingchen.

During his lectures, Xia Qingchen kept his head down and never took notes, Huang Zizhen looked at it.

Xia Qingchen raised his head, a little dazed: "Is it me?"

Huang Zizhen snorted softly, even yelling that he didn't know, enough to show that he was completely distracted and didn't take the class seriously.

"You, repeating the question just now, how many powers are there in the human body?" Huang Zizhen asked with his hands on his shoulders.

Xia Qingchen couldn't answer it, and immediately drove him away.

Xia Qingchen thought without hesitation: "Four kinds!"

It is said that no matter the seat or under the stone platform, all are in an uproar.

"Is he deaf? Fairy Blue Flower said so clearly just now!"

"Fool! Three kinds!"

"Hey! Hearing the opportunity to listen to the lectures of super-powerful people up close, he was actually used to be distracted, what a shame!"


Lan Hua Fairy twitched her heart and quickly turned her head to Xia Qingchen to make him change his answer.

However, if Xia Qingchen didn't notice it, he continued and said: "Internal force, external force, original force, and faith."

He didn't say it was okay, saying that the whole game was even more upset.

"What strength, faith?"

"My God! He really dare to compile! Actually created an unheard of faith!"

"This kind of person catches up early, it's really appetizing!"

Fairy Lanhua covered her face and finished!

Qiu Zifan looked down on his face, who?

In a situation of low status, low strength, and low background, I didn't take the time to study hard.

Being at the bottom is not terrible. What is terrible is that you are not self-motivated.

This Wang Kai, like this for life!

He waved his sleeves sternly and said, "Princess, please, don't let my teacher ask you to go down!"

Tianjiao on the seats frowned at Xia Qingchen.

But who knows, Huang Zizhen suddenly said: "Slow down!"

When everyone looked around, it was only when they discovered that Huang Zizhen's old-fashioned face was unknown when it was replaced by surprise.

He was staring at Xia Qingchen deeply, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes. (There will be an update tomorrow at 12 noon, how many are uncertain)

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