Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 965: Only one point

"You can stay and continue listening." Huang Zizhen said slowly.

Qiu Zifan was stunned and said, "But the teacher, he is obviously nonsense, how can such a person be qualified to listen to your teaching?"

"Yes! His presence is an insult to the teacher!"

"Please ask the teacher to drive him away, we don't want to be with him!"

Huang Zizhen raised her eyebrows and said lightly: "Shut up! He is right!"


Qiu Zifan and others were speechless and looked at Huang Zizhen without blinking.

The teacher said clearly that there are only three kinds of human body power. Who is right?

Huang Zizhen said solemnly: "In the human body, there is indeed a fourth force, faith! Only this force will be born when it reaches the limit of martial arts."

"It belongs to a force that you cannot understand. The people who know it are very rare. You will not touch this force for the rest of your life, so the teacher did not speak."

The implication is that this is beyond the scope of ordinary people's knowledge.

Qiu Zifan and others looked suspiciously at Xia Qingchen, how did he know?

"Okay, let's go to class." Huang Zizhen glanced at Xia Qingchen, then shook his head secretly, and said in his heart: "Probably it was some ancient book, just happened to see it."

Everyone was immediately quiet and continued to listen to the lecture of Huang Zizhen.

Nearly half an hour later, the maid in the bronze car came to remind: "Master, time is coming."

Huang Zizheng stopped the lecture and said, "Zi Fan, give the attendees a small quiz."

The test is not a temporary arrangement process by Huang Zizhen, but from the regulations of King Zhongyun.

After each lecturer finishes the lecture, he will publish an accompanying test to check whether the lecturer has listened carefully to the teacher.

If the test score is too low and fails, you will be refused to enter the mission valley in the future.

This method is very effective in rejecting those who are not advanced in order to prevent them from occupying good resources.

Qiu Zifan immediately took out a stack of quiz rolls prepared earlier and distributed them one by one.

Plagiarism is unavoidable. The content of the test on each reel is different. Some are simple and some are difficult.

Qiu Zifan sent the simplest one to the Blue Flower Fairy, who understood it and smiled gratefully.

When he came to Xia Qingchen, he held the last one and said, "Duke Wang, you are so lucky. The last scroll has only four questions because of time rush."

Of course he would not be so kind, and gave the easiest to Xia Qingchen.

This scroll is actually not a test, but a question of martial arts that Huang Zizhen talked with many mid-month peers.

The question is extremely profound and has not yet been fully answered.

Originally, Huang Zizhen wrote in the scroll, when he was going to visit the Lord of Longyuan Palace, he presented these to the other party and asked for answers.

But Qiu Zifan made his own claim and took it out to make Xia Qingchen difficult.

"The problem is very simple, you should cherish the opportunity." Qiu Zifan put down the scroll, his eyes full of playfulness.

Wait for Xia Qingchen to hand in the white scroll, and see what face he has to stay in front of the blue flower fairy!

However, what surprised Qiu Zifan was that Xia Qingchen unrolled the white paper and swept the question at random, and wrote it without thinking.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Qiu Zifan exclaimed.

"Isn't it a quiz? Of course it was the answer." Xia Qingchen asked back.

Qiu Zifan said anxiously: "Are you sure you are not writing indiscriminately?"

This reel is not a detection reel, he is the one who arbitrarily uses it to make Xia Qingchen difficult.

I thought Xia Qingchen couldn't answer any of the questions, and would hand in a blank volume, so he could put the reel back quietly without attracting the teacher's attention.

But who knows, Xia Qingchen actually filled in randomly on it.

In this way, it is difficult for the teacher not to know.

"You think it's simple, do I think it's difficult?" Xia Qingchen asked back, and continued to bury his answer.

Qiu Zifan blushed, and finally turned away his sleeve: "You wait for scolding!"

Although he will be criticized by the teacher, Xia Qingchen's random graffiti will only make the teacher more annoyed.

After a tea time passed, Huang Zizhen said: "Come on and the old man will read the paper on the spot."

Soon, a thick stack of scrolls lay ahead.

Huang Zizhen's speed of reading papers is very fast, with ten lines at a glance.

"Nanjiang swordsman, seventy." He read the score while reading it: "No need to come to the old man's class next time."

The student named Nanjiang Swordsman instantly turned pale.

Is the passing score sixty?

Huang Zizhen paused and said: "More than sixty points means that you can continue to come to Taoist Valley to listen to the class, but it does not mean that you can listen to the old man's class."

Afterwards, he approved the second copy and said, "Bu Lingyun, 80 points, will not be used next time."


The students present were in shock!

If it is said that the seventy points are almost unqualified, and if they are not qualified to listen to his lectures, then it is justified.

But at 80, it was already quite a good result, and Huang Zizhen was deprived of the qualification to listen to his class!

"Yun Zhongxia, eighty-nine points, no need to come next time."

More than eighty minutes, even eighty-nine points, Huang Zizhen was not satisfied!

Next, more than a dozen names in a row were all taken away from the next class.

"Blue Flower Fairy, ninety-three points, not bad." Finally, Huang Zizhen's brow stretched slightly, showing a smile: "Welcome to listen to the old man's class in the future."

It turned out that it must be more than ninety cents to meet the expectations of Huang Zizhen.

Blue Flower Fairy's nervous heart finally let go and secretly took a breath.

She cast a very grateful glance at Qiu Zifan. Today, Qiu Zifan's help to her is too great to know how to pay it back!

At the same time, she had to admit that there were no simple people who made friends with her brother.

Even if Qiu Zifan's family is declining, he still has unimaginable influence.

In contrast, Wang Kai, in the end, is a little different in origin, and the network resources cannot be compared.

"Qiu Zifan, one hundred points!" Huang Zizhen's smile on his face was more intense, but he still warned as a teacher: "Keep arrogance and restlessness, and continue to work hard."

"Yes, teacher!" Qiu Zifan smiled slightly.

The smile was full of self-confidence, making the blue flower fairy bright in front of her eyes.

She suddenly felt that Qiu Zifan was not that annoying.

After contact, he felt more and more reliable.

Subsequently, Huang Zizhen quickly reviewed the papers, during which very few reached 90 points, most of which were around 80 points.

"The last one, Wang Kai..." Huang Zizhen looked at the name first, then the title, and finally the answer.

But the question swept away, and I couldn't help but stunned. Wasn't this a martial question he communicated with several bigwigs?

"What's the matter?" Huang Zizhen looked up at Qiu Zifan.

The latter immediately apologized: "Teacher Hui, the student was careless and accidentally used that scroll as a test scroll."

"Humph!" Huang Zizhen grunted: "Rough branches and big leaves! Let's not take an example!"

Qiu Zifan secretly relieved his breath. Sure enough, the teacher did not punish him excessively for this.

Subsequently, Huang Zizhen looked at the answer.

In other words, the eyes are just swept away, not at all.

After all, how can a young man who is not deeply involved in the world answer the puzzles of the middle-aged strong men?

"Wang Kai, one point!" Huang Zizhen stretched his face, unpleasantly said: "Know what you know, don't know what you don't know! But when you encounter something that you don't understand, ask with humility, instead of guessing by imagination."

"It was originally intended to give you zero points, but read it for your courage and give you one point!"

It was heard that the audience caused a small whisper of laughter.

"one cent?"

"Huh, I haven't heard the lecturer test, and I got a point, it's really good!"

"Isn't he very bullish just now, pointing out that the teacher is wrong? Now why can't even answer the basic questions?"

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