Heaven-relying Sword And Dragon-slaying Sabre

Chapter - 293 Countering Hardness with Softness (11)

Zhang Wuji saw his palm strokes were of the same origin as Ah San's. From his age he is probably Ah San's older martial brother. Though he was not as quick and agile as Ah San, he was steadier. Zhang Wuji used Taiji Fist's "stick", "divert" and "push" forms intending push Ah Er off balance. Unexpectedly, this person's inner strength was extremely powerful, he himself ended up stumbling. Zhang Wuji thought: "Let me see whether your Western Shaolin's inner power is greater or my Art of Nine Yang is greater." Seeing a palm coming towards him, he used brute force to meet that palm directly. Both palms met with a thunderous clash, both their bodies swayed. Zhang Sanfeng inwardly yelled: "Not good! When fighting with brute force, the more powerful one will win. It's completely opposite to the principle of Taiji Fist. This baldie's inner power is very powerful, rarely seen in the martial arts world. The kid will suffer severe injuries under his palm." At this moment, the combatant's palms came crashing together a second time. Ah Er's body wobbled and he retreated one step while Zhang Wuji stood firm and steady.

At the pinnacle of both arts, the Art of Nine Yang and Shaolin internal energy were equal. But the founder of the "Diamond School" was a kitchen worker monk who learnt martial arts on the sly without proper instruction. It is possible to learn external forms and weapons techniques by watching. However, inner power is practiced within the body. No matter how long a person watches, he will still be unable to see how energy is regulated and moved through the body. That i why it is possible to secretly learn external martial arts but impossible to learn internal arts. The Diamond School's external arts were extremely powerful, on par with orthodox Shaolin. However, their internal arts are very far behind. Ah Er was a unique member of the "Diamond School". Born with powerful strength, he took a different course from the rest and cultivated profound inner power. His achievements in this category have long surpassed that of his school's founder, the kitchen worker monk. Few people have managed to last more than three stances against him. Now while fighting hard against hard, he was forced a step backwards by Zhang Wuji. He was both shocked and angry. He took a deep breath and used both palms to attack Zhang Wuji. Zhang Wuji called out: "Sixth Uncle Yin, watch me help you vent your anger." It turned out that Yin Liting, Yang Buhui and Xiao Zhao have already arrived at Wudang Mountain.

Zhang Wuji yelled and brought his right fist out. With a thunderous crash, the bald Ah Er retreated three steps, his eyes bulged out and blood gurgled within his chest. Zhang Wuji called: "Sixth Uncle Yin, was this baldie among your attackers?" Yin Liting said: "Yes! This person was the leader." Only to hear cracking sounds coming from the bones in Ah Er's body as he gathered his energy. Yu Daiyan knew Ah Er's inner strenght was very powerful. By generating his energy like that, his palm force will be no trivial matter and extremely difficult to deal with. He yelled: "Attack while he is crossing the river!" His meaning was not to wait for Ah Er to finish gathering his strength but to attack first. Zhang Wuji replied: "Yes!" He took a step forward but did not strike. Ah Er raised his arms, and with earth-shattering force struck out. Zhang Wuji inhaled and circulated his internal chi, his right palm swept out, received the attack, and redirected the force back to him. These two forces combined to become one. Ah Er yelled, his body was flung backwards right through the wall as if thrown by a catapult. The shocked onlookers turned pale. A man carried Ah Er through the hole in the wall and laid him on the ground. This person was short and fat, as round as a drum. His appearance was very comical. Yet, his movements were very agile. He was the Ming Cult's Earth Banner Chief Yan Yuan. Ah Er's arms, ribs and shoulder joints had been broken by his own hard energy. After putting Ah Er down, Yan Yuan turned to Zhang Wuji and bowed. He then excited through the hole in the wall looking like a fat mouse.

When Zhao Min saw that this little novice priest defeated two of her to experts, she had become suspicious. After seeing Yan Yuan bow to him, recognition dawned onto her. He secretly scolded herself: "I deserve to die! I thought I had arrived ahead of him. I never expected that he'll go as far as to pretend to be an apprentice priest, causing trouble here and spoiling my great plans." She immediately said gently: "Sect Leader Zhang, why do you lower yourself by disguising as a little apprentice priest? You keep saying grandteacher this and grandteacher that, yet you're not embarrassed."

Zhang Wuji saw that she had recognized him. So he said clearly: "My late father Cuishan was Grandteacher's fifth disciple. If I don't call him 'Grandteacher', what can I call him? What's there to be embarrassed about?" He turned around, faced Zhang Sanfeng, knelt down and kowtowed saying: "Zhang Wuji pays his respects to Grandteacher and Third Martial Uncle. Because of the urgent situation, I didn't have time to report to you. Please forgive me for deceiving you." Zhang Sanfeng and Yu Daiyan were filled with joyous shock. Never in their wildest imagination did they think that this youngster was the same sickly child of many years ago. Zhang Sanfeng laughed loudly, stretched out his hand to help him up, saying: "Good boy, you didn't die. Cuishan has a descendant." The fact that Zhang Wuji's martial arts were so amazing was secondary. Believing that Zhang Wuji had died long ago, Zhang Sanfeng was happiest over the fact that he was still alive. His heart overflowed with joy. He turned to Yin Tianzheng and said: "Brother Yin, congratulations for having such a great grandson." Yin Tianzheng laughingly replied: "Master Zhang, congratulations on having such a wonderful grand-disciple."

Zhao Min cursed: "What wonderful grandson? What wonderful grand-disciple? Just two old men bringing up a cunning and sly little devil. Ah Da, go and try out his sword skills." The frown-faced Ah Da answered: "Yes!" With a brushing sound, he pulled out the Heaven Sword. Everyone stared at the gleaming sword radiating in power. Zhang Wuji said: "This sword belongs to E-Mei. How did it fall into your hands?" Zhao Min spat: "Little devil, what do you know? The old nun Mie Jue stole this sword from my family. The sword has simply been returned to its true owner. What has the Heaven Sword got to do with E-Mei Sect?" Zhang Wuji had no knowledge of the origins of the Heaven Sword. He was unable to answer her. So he immediately changed the subject: "Miss Zhao, please give me the 'Black Jade Fracture Healing Ointment'. Once my third and sixth martial uncles' broken limbs are healed, we can just let bygones be bygones" Zhao Min said: "Hrmph! Let bygones be bygones? Talk is cheap. Do you know where Shaolin's Kong Wen and Kong Zhi; Wudang's Song Yuanqiao, Yu Lianzhou and the rest are?" Zhang Wuji shook his head saying: "I don't know. Could you please tell me?"

Zhao Min laughed coldly: "Why should I tell you? Are you going to repeat your disgraceful conduct in the Green Williow Manor prison?" As she said this she blushed. Thinking about the incident made her furious and yet bashful at the same time. Zhang Wuji blushed when heard her say "disgraceful conduct". That day, in order to save the Ming Cult fighters he had had no choice but to resort to such tactics – he had tickled the base of her foot with his hand. Actually he had had no inappropriate thoughts however, there was a barrier between men and women. This incident had to be kept a secret from the crowd – it would be a disaster if they assumed that he had violated a young girl. Instead of offering an explanation he said: "Miss Zhao, are you going to give me the 'Black Jade Bone Fracture Healing Ointment'?" Zhao Min laughed coldly and said: "I can easily give you the 'Black Jade Bone Fracture Healing Ointment'. If you do three things for me, I'll offer it up to you with both hands." Zhang Wuji asked: "What three things?" Zhao Min replied: "I haven't thought of them yet. When I think of them I'll tell you what to do." Zhang Wuji said: "That won't do. What if you ask me to commit suicide or become a pig or dog?" Zhao Min laughed: "I won't ask you to commit suicide. I also won't ask you to become a pig or a dog. Hehe… even if you're willing to you lack the ability." Zhang Wuji said: "You'll have to tell me what you want first. As long as it's not anything dishonourable and within my abilities, there can be no harm obliging you."

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