Heaven-relying Sword And Dragon-slaying Sabre

Chapter - 294 Countering Hardness with Softness (12)

Zhao Min was just about to reply when she caught sight of an pearl ornament in Xiao Zhao's hair. It was none other than the hair ornament that she had given to Zhang Wuji. She couldn't help but become furious. She saw that Xiao Zhao was a beautiful girl with a sweet smile. Though she was still young , she was like a lotus flower in the glow of dawn, raising feelings of tender affection in people's hearts. Her heart was filled with even greater hatred. Gritting her teeth she said to Ah Da: "Go and cut off both his arms!" Ah Da replied: "Yes!" He raised the Heaven Sword, took a step forward and said: "Sect Leader Zhang, my lady orders me to cut off both your arms."

Zhou Dian had been controlling himself for a long time. But now he was unable to bear it anymore. He cursed: "Your mother's farting crap! Why don't you cut your own arm off?" Ah Da's expression was one of worry and anxiety. He bitterly said: "You do have a point there." Zhou Dian was delighted. He said loudly: "Cut it off then." Ah Da said: "There's no need to rush." Zhang Wuji was quietly fretting. The Heaven Sword was extremely sharp, any weapon that collides with it will break. The only thing to do was to use Qian Jun Da Nuo Yi to snatch the sword from him. However, it was extremely risky to use his bare hands to do so. If his opponent's sword technique was unusual and he was unable to anticipate the moves he would be in trouble. No matter which part of his arm comes into contact with the sword edge, it will immediately be chopped off. He had no idea what to do.Suddenly Zhang Sanfeng said: "Wuji, you've already learned Taiji Fist, I also have a Taiji Sword skill. There's no harm in teaching it to you so you can use it to match swords with this benefactor." Zhang Wuji said joyfully: "Thank you Grandteacher." He turned to Ah Da and said: "Elder, I'm not familiar with swordsmanship. I'll have to ask my grand-teacher for some pointers before crossing swords with you."

Ah Da was actually secretly afraid of Zhang Wuji. Despite the advantage of having the Heaven Sword, he could not be sure of victory. He was delighted to hear that Zhang Wuji was just about to learn swordsmanship. In his heart he felt that however wonderful the sword techniques were, Zhang Wuji would definately be unfamiliar with it. Sword techniques required careful and diligent study. It would take at least ten to tewnty years of dedicated practice before a person could proficiently use it in a fight. He nodded his head and said: "Go and learn. I'll wait here for you. Is four hours enough?" Zhang Sanfeng said: "There's no need to go elsewhere. I'll teach him here, that way everything will be fresh in his mind. It'll take less than an hour." At these words, with the exception of Zhang Wuji, everyone was stunned. They could not believe their ears and thought: "No matter how profound and mysterious Wudang Sect's Taiji Sword Art is, an enemy watching him teach would be able to pick up and understand its intricacies. The skill will no longer be a secret." Ah Da said: "That's fine. I'll go outside and wait." He did not want to gain an advantage this way. Despite his position as a servant, he conducted himself as an eminent master of the martial arts world.Zhang Sanfeng said: "That won't be necessary. This is the first time this new sword skill of mine sees action. I've no idea whether it will be any use at all. You're a famous swordsman – I invite you to point out the flaws of this sword art." At this time Yang Xiao suddenly realized something. He said clearly: "So you're the 'Eight Arm Divine Swordsman' Fang Dongbai. You were once an elder of the Beggar Sect – how did you become a lowly servant?" The Ming Cult members listened with shock. Zhou Dian said: "Aren't you supposed to be dead? This…this…how is this possible?"

Ah Da sighed, lowered his head and said: "The old beggar is almost dead. Why bring up the past? I am no longer a Beggar Sect Elder." Those of the older generation know that Eight Arm Divine Swordsman Fang Dongbai was the head of the four elders of the Beggar Sect. He was famous throughout the martial arts world for his swordsmanship. He was so unusually fast with the sword that it seemed like he had seven or eight arms, this earned him his nickname. He was said to have died of a serious illness over ten years ago. At that time everyone thought it was a great pity. It was quite a shock to see that he was still among the living. Zhang Sanfeng said: "It is an immeasurable honour for the Eight-Armed Divine Swordsman to give a few pointers. Wuji, do you have a sword?" Xiao Zhao stepped forward and presented the wooden Heaven Sword Zhang Wuji had taken from Zhao Min to him. Zhang Sanfeng pick it up and laughed: "A wooden sword?Isn't this used for drawing talismans and expelling demons?" He stood up with the sword in his left hand and his right hand forming sword forms. Both hands made a loop and he slowly raised them. This opening form was followed by "Encase the Moon with Three Rings","Biggest Star in the Big Dipper", "Swallow Skims the Water", "Left Block", "Right Block"…each form smoothly following the other. At the fifty-third stance "The Compass" his hands simultaneously drew a circle followed by the fifty-fourth form "Grasping the Sword and Returning to the Begining". Zhang Wuji did not try to remember each stance and form. Instead, he focused on the spirit of the unbroken, flowing sword. At the end of Zhang Sanfeng's demonstration, not a single person applauded. Everyone was thinking: "How can such a slow and gentle sword art be used to fight an enemy?" Then they thought: "Master Zhang must have deliberately slowed down for Zhang Wuji to learn."

Only to hear Zhang Sanfeng say: "Have you seen everything clearly" Zhang Wuji answered: "Yes." Zhang Sanfeng asked: "Do you remember everything?" Zhang Wuji answered: "I've already forgotten a small portion." Zhang Sanfeng said: "Good. Think about it for a while." Zhang Wuji lowered his head in contemplation. After a while, Zhang Sanfeng asked:"What about now?" Zhang Wuji replied:"I've forgotten a large portion."

Zhou Dian yelled out:"Damm!He's forgetting more and more as time passes. Master Zhang,this sword art of yours is too profound. How can anyone remember it all after seeing it only once? Please demonstrate it once more for our sect leader." Zhang Sanfeng smiled and said: "Alright, I'll demonstrate it once more." He picked up the sword and went through the moves again. After watching a few stances, the spectators were surprised. The stances in the second performance were completely different from the stances in the first. Zhou Dian yelled: "Damm, damm!This will make him even more confused." Zhang Sanfeng drew a full circle, then he asked:"Child, what about now?" Zhang Wuji replied: "I still haven't forgotten three stances." Zhang Sanfeng nodded his head, put down the sword and returned to his seat. Zhang Wuji paced slowly in a circle. He contemplated a while, then slowly turned a half-circle. He then lifted his head up and with a joyous expression, said: "I've completely forgotten it all, not a trace is left." Zhang Sanfeng said:"Not bad, not bad!You forgot it very quickly. You can now ask the Eight Armed Divine Swordsman to give you some pointers!" After saying this he gave the wooden sword to him. Zhang Wuji accepted it with a bow. He turned to Fang Dongbai and said: "Elder Fang please." Zhou Dian scratched his head, his heart heavy with worry. Fang Dongbai stepped forward and said:"Sorry for offending you!" His gleaming sword stabbed forward with a 'chi' sound. His internal strenght was not inferior to Ah Er's. The onlookers were shocked, thinking that even wihout the Heaven Sword, an ordinary sword weilded with such powerful inner strenght would be extremely destructive. The "Divine Swordsman" was really not an empty name.

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