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Hao Xueyao and Xu Ning both said that it was right that Qin Yu did not use Sword Intent with this sword, otherwise, these Spirit-Devouring Insects would only be destroyed.

Moreover, Qin Yu’s Sword Intent is now close to the 90% strength of Third Realm Sword Intent, and it will inevitably be shocking when one sword goes down.

Under this sword, 2/3 of the Spirit-Devouring Insect died here, and the remaining Spirit-Devouring Insect, instinctively rushed away, escaped, disappear without a trace.

It can be seen that the dark green cloud above Qin Yu’s head shattered and cracked in an instant, and suddenly the entire sky became brighter.

After dispelling the Spirit-Devouring Insect, Qin Yu stepped up and came to the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

This object is the main material for refining Avatar. It is extremely valuable. Those Old Monsters are also very greedy for this object, and the value is almost unimaginable.

At this time, on the distant mountain peak, there were a middle-aged warrior and an old man. When the two people saw the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit, their eyes suddenly shrank.

These two people are the Patrol Envoy on the battlefield of the 100 races, and the middle-aged warrior is also the host of the auction in the Baiyang Valley.

The middle age person is named Fang Jun, and the old man is named Song She.

“It turned out to be Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit. We actually ignored it before.” On Song She’s old face, a terrified look flashed, his eyes were extremely greedy.

Fang Jun’s face was the same shock. Although he was not as knowledgeable as Song She, he had heard a lot about Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit before and naturally knew its preciousness.

“We have indeed heard about Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit before, but this treasure is too rare. Both of us thought it was fake, but didn’t expect that these 2 races actually existed on the battlefield. Looks like this thing will fall into Qin Yu’s hands.” Fang Jun whispered.

The value of this thing is enough to make anyone jealous, and the two of them are naturally no exception.

“Hehe, fall into Qin Yu’s hands?”

Song She’s face was dry, with a twitching smile and a dry smile: “As long as it falls into Qin Yu’s hands, let’s go down and snatch it, or give Qin Yu some benefits, so we can exchange it.”

Hearing Song She actually hit the attention of Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit again, Fang Jun’s face changed suddenly and he hurriedly persuaded: “Old Ghost Song, no, have you forgotten our Patrol Envoy rules?”

As the Patrol Envoy on the battlefield of the 100 races, it must not interfere in any competition between disciplines, must not attack any discipline, and must not snatch the treasure of any discipline.

These rules are the same rules as iron and blood, and no one can violate them. Even if it is Sect Old Ancestor, Emperor Dynasty, it is also impossible, otherwise it will die without a burial site.

Moreover, this incident also had lessons learned, so Fang Jun saw Song She actually thought about it, and suddenly the soul flew away and scattered.

“Regulate my natural way, but Brother Old Feng, you are too timid, I can leave the things on the three girls, but since I saw this Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit, how could I easily let it go? , Besides, I am not snatching, but exchanging.”

Song She said with a smile disapprovingly, and immediately ignoring Fang Jun’s obstruction, directly moved towards the place where the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit was and rushed over.

At this moment, Qin Yu is looking at the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit in front of him. It is also very greedy. This thing allows Qin Yu to refine an Avatar.

The meaning of Avatar lies in incarnation, when the time comes Qin Yu’s body dies, this Avatar can also represent Qin Yu’s survival, equivalent to one more life.

Moreover, Qin Yu’s Ghost Race secret technique, until now, has no way to cultivation, and now it happens to use Avatar cultivation to enhance his strength.

After Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit felt Qin Yu approaching, the entire tree trembles violently instinctively. The floating branches, like a sharp blade, hung in the air, like an enemy.

Seeing this scene, Qin Yu was taken aback for a while, and was surprised: “This guy really, as Cang Ao said, gave birth to some spiritual wisdom. He even knows to take the initiative to defend, but unfortunately, it still falls in my hands.”

Qin Yu put the long sword away, took a step forward, and the blue light turned on his arm, and the Azure Dragon claws spurred up, and suddenly grabbed it ahead of time.

Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit felt as if it had received some kind of irritation. More than a dozen branches, like sharp blades, wrapped the dark-green Spiritual Qi, and fell suddenly.

That kind of power, I am afraid that it is the expert of the 5th Layer Peak of the Earth Spring, which can not be alone.

However, this fierce offensive fell into Qin Yu’s hands and could not hurt Qin Yu at all. Qin Yu instantly blasted out more than a dozen azure claw winds, cutting off all these branches.

Without these branches, this Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit directly lost its minions, and people rely on Qin Yu to kill.

Qin Yu stepped forward and grabbed the tree body of the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit. With a slight movement of his arms, a gentle force followed the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit and sank into the ground, causing the ground to split one after another pattern.

Oh la la !

The entire Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit was dragged by Qin Yu fiercely, pulled up by the roots, then thrown into the storage bag, and immediately returned to the crowd.

“Hehe, congratulations to Young Master Qin.”

Seeing Qin Yu returning with Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit, Cang Ao hurriedly stepped forward to congratulate him, this treasure, but even this Old Guy is extremely greedy.

However, before Qin Yu could answer, the expressions of Cang Ao and Qin Yu suddenly changed. They looked towards the rear and saw Song She and Fang Jun, one after the other.

“Patrol Envoy!”

Seeing these two people, Qin Yu and Cang Ao narrowed their eyes slightly, and their expressions became a little cold.

2 Everyone knows that there are many Patrol Envoys on the battlefield of these 100 races.

These Patrol Envoy cultivation base profound, I am afraid that even the experts of the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking Ranked 1st cannot beat them, and they are rarely seen on weekdays.

Now, Qin Yu has just got the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit, these two people are here, and its purpose, self-evident, is for the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit of Qin Yu.

“Old man Song She is the Patrol Envoy on the battlefield of the 100 races. After Song She came, he glanced at the crowd and said his identity lightly.

“Patrol Envoy, it turned out to be Sir Patrol Envoy, fast, fast, meet Sir Patrol Envoy.”

Everyone was hearing this, their faces were shocked, and they hurriedly moved towards Song She and paid respectful respect.

Qin Yu and Cang Ao were also slightly respectful, cup one fist in the other hand, moved towards Song She and Fang Jun, and worshipped.

“You don’t have to be polite, the old man is just passing here, there is no malice, so don’t worry.”

Seeing the respect of everyone, a smug expression appeared on Song She’s face, waved his hand indifferently, and immediately set his eyes on Qin Yu.

“Your name is Qin Yu. The old man is very familiar with you. You have risen from the 10000 blood grave all the way. If a Person blocks, then kill the Person, if the Buddhas block, then kill the Buddhas, is one of the 100 clan battlefields in the Northern Domain. In the middle, the strongest dark horse, if it can go like this, it may be able to go to the top 100 in the Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking of the 100.” Song She faintly smiled and said

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